Redpill me on this show anons

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Staffed by pedos. Made a recreation of frazzledrip in one of their episodes. Adult swim is a massive pedo haven.

go be a brazilian rick and morty fan somewhere else please.

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ITT: anons to dumb too understand R&M humour

Absolubly degenerate. No kidding there is an entire episode on why being a cuck is not bad. Besides that , its anti-marriage , belittles white culture constantly and there is not a single redpill in the show. 100% bluepilled. That being said , it has decent comedic value and the action scenes are enjoyable. 6/10 will watch again. Just filter out the liberal propaganda and you will enjoy it. Just download it illegaly , dont let the jew make money from it

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It sucks dick.

Low IQ types think it's bad but if you're relatively smart you will probably enjoy watching it immensely.

Well done my brother Leaf

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Written by and for iduots with god complexes

fucking based!

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Nihilistic idiots with god complexes

futurama is better

Edgy high school nihilism posing as intellectualism.

Low iq nihilism and overpayed non-controversial centrist takes nobody cares about. Season 1 was funny at least, writers thought they were changing the world s2+, and comedy became literal trash ie: exxdee pickle rick

Enjoyed it at times, but the fanbase is cringy as fuck so I avoid discussing the show.

I hate the fans and the creators but the show is ok.


Is it summer time already?

Simultaneously far better than all the hate it gets should merit; while also being massively overrated. Both the spergy fans and the massive hate-ons who constantly bitch about it are annoying as fuck. S2 was the best, downhill from there.
^^^ And this shit is seriously some pearl clutching granny bullshit because Harmon made a skit where he fucked an obviously fake dollar store baby doll & fuckers were desperate right after the Gunn bullshit to nail someone else they despised.

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I enjoy Rick and Morty. I would feel bad for you if your consciousness resonates low enough to not be able to laugh or enjoy anything anymore.

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Pretty much this, I find it entertaining but its weird how people act like it's so nuanced and sophisticated it's an adult swim show with alright animation

60 year old fags with columbian wives love that

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oh the irony

nihilistic bluepilled

Low iqs will find it funny
Average iqs will find it pointless and boring
Above higher iq will hate it and find it arrogant and entitled
Genius level iqs will just enjoy the nihilistic redpilled view of the universe and find it funny just like the lower iq people but in a different way

Carefully crafted garbage.

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