Spread this info around

Spread this info around.

"Gang stalking" as you all have been hearing so much about is actually a known FBI tactic called "bumper locking". It's used to let someone know there being followed to put as much pressure on them them as possible. It was well documented to have been used on the suspected anthrax killer and people involved in the Boston bombings.

So all you people saying take your meds schizo need to rethink things.

Here is information on them doing it to someone involved in the Boston bombing.

This is a quote from Maximum harm: The FBI, and the Road to the marathon bombing, stating how someone involved was put under "Bumper lock surveillance" .

"The FBI would not only interview him more than a dozen times, but they would overtly track him using what Special Agent Tim McElroy would describe as " bumper lock surveillance, " explaining that the surveillance was meant to be noticed and the FBI wanted Manatav to be "certainly aware of people following him, cars following him, things of that nature. It was not covert in any manner."
It goes on to say this happened till he was arrested for lying.

Here is some court documents further detailing everything:

Here is an article by Fox saying the anthrax killer was being "bumper locked".

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Other urls found in this thread:


Virtually everywhere Hatfill went, the FBI went too, often right behind him—a deliberately harassing tactic called “bumper locking.” Hatfill believes that local authorities joined in tormenting him at the behest of the Justice Department.

Link: google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/story/fbi-used-aggressive-tactics-in-anthrax-killer-investigation.amp

There have been many more cases some involving suspected spies, but you get the point.

There have been several mass shooters claiming to have had "gang stalking" happening to them.

Gang stalking isn't exactly "Bumper locking" but very similar in nature, and it proves the FBI does use overt surveillance as imtimadation.

Myron may case:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnQcDF6nCh6ultuBreyYXMacvTKS_DgLa Aaron Alexis:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnQcDF6nCh6tw1ZRmNsXoqttTfIaKT8Hs Gavin long: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnQcDF6nCh6teC_d6Idksc_iBFo2E9Iso


Vice piece on gangstalking:

People calling in droves complaining of gang stalking:

ABC niggers if you want to talk you don't have to be so awkward about it.

It is STASI techniques.


This is a good read to debunk
>le schizo posters

Commies systematically drove people "crazy" (dissidents) and got them put into mental wards.

take your meds

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Please stalk me FBI-kun. Better yet, hire me and pay me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Story of my life..

Can you foia your own fbi file and see if you're being surveilled? is that even possible?
All I see is that if your going to foia investigation reports for a specific individual you have to have their consent, so do you sign consent for yourself to get the records or would you have to say, have a relative request your records with your approval?
where the foia anons at

Oh, yeah. Hey FBI, am I under investigation? Them- Oh, yeah shit you got us. They won't tell you..

>bumper locking

If you come bumper locking, my 10mm gonna come knocking.

Just move near fuckloads of mexicans. You'll never be completely sure if it's gangstalking or drug dealers. It'll render the gangstalker's work useless.

There is more to this story:


Gang stalking is used quite generously by Luciferian pedophile gangs. Ask me how I know, lol.

This guy killed people with Anthrax, why the fuck are you special enough to warrant an entire FBI team to follow you around?

Yes, you can. But they do not disclose any ongoing investigations

Holy shit idk.. It's crossed my mind. They most likely use it on much less important people we just don't know about it because it's not publicized. They can hide a lot in court.

Please hire me CSIS. I'm hungry and can translate memes to government bureaucracy.

You could do this in Canada many years ago. They'd send you a parcel full of all the data they have on you, but they tightened the freedom of information laws and expanded the surveillance ones. They don't need a warrant to know the name attached to your IP address or to have access to the information you're sending and receiving. ISPs are also required to archive all data transmitted.

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How do you know?.

I'll scope it.

So what's stopping you from provoking the FBI into attacking you, then shooting them? It's like you guys have never played a fucking mmorpg

Did you mean (((jewciferians)))?

awesome, I never leave my house. have fun bump locking my car. Can you guys fill it up for me while your at it. and also get me some taco bell.
mild sauce please.

I always thought gang stalking was bullshit but one night I'm in a mall an hour or so away from home, drinking at a bar while the wife and kids shopped. A hispanic man I've never seen before sitting with a white blond woman who I had also never seen before started talking to me. Dude says "you from (hometown)"? I must have looked at him quizzically and then he says he knew me from the local mexican restaurant which I frequent. Now maybe that's true but I highly doubt it because like I said, I'm a regular at this restaurant and have seen pretty much all the employees and I had never seen this dude before in my life.
It was downright bizarre

More if you are interested:










So that’s whose been following me walking to Wendy’s and the 7/11 ?


Sup cousin

anyways forgot to add that I made sure I was looking to see this guy the next several times I went back to the restaurant. I have never seen that dude again.

They might use gs on unimportant people to practice, test, or fine tune different methods to gauge effectiveness. Psychologically we are all not the same; ie, introverts vs extroverts would require different approaches. Also what is the specific goal for the target? To make him commit suicide? Become a mass shooter? Cause him to make a mistake? All these things need to be fine tuned into a military manual for them.

To put as much pressure on them as possible for any number of reasons.

Doesn't sound to weird really. Don't psyche yourself out. Unless your fearing for your life its not happening.

USAF does that. Other cases are whistleblowers being supressed, or any (potential) enemy of the jews or other asshole, people being pushed to do stupid shit...

Yeah them too. But dont forget about the masons.

1st hand of course

drive to a border, ask for asylum.

Scott Ritter got pedobusted after calling bullshit on all the WMD talk from the Bush admin
Gary Webb suicided and Michael Rupert suicided too , although he said that he wasn't worth the bother for the feds


is this the same as "gangstalking" I keep hearing about? what is the difference between this bumper locking and gs?

As I have found out online. They take people saying things like this pretty serious. Even online and possibly joking. Don't say shit like this unless you want a knock on your door..

I read the transcript of when Papadopoulos was interviewed. He was convinced he was being followed around when he was in London, but he couldn't prove it.

That site is total shit..

follow me into the woods faggot

Yeah, your a real genius..

Sup. Give me a bump will you? No pun intended.

They never close their investigation therefore you can never access it

Yeah, I wouldn't worry.. If people start making noises at you then I would worry. They will conduct noise campaigns on you. Power tools, horns, loud noises, tapping, coughing everywhere you go.

It's used on people making insurance claims also. They get the predicate for it by claiming fraud.

The waffle house shooter I think it was, also thought this was happening. He thought Taylor swift was following him and they were hacking his phone. There may be more to his story if he was experiencing noise campaigns. The articles didn't say much other than he though people were trying to get him to do something illegal.

Who the fuck is populapulus?

Where you going?

No insurance claims. Not even really sure what you mean by this.

weapons of mass destruction

Lawyers for insurance companies initiate fraud casesand that's FBI territory. They then act on behalf of the insurance companies. Dont doubt for a second the insurance industry isn't top 2 most powerful in the US

>imagine the FBI sneaking into Taylors house
>stealing hair from her brush, swiping her dirty underwear, scraping sample off her toilet
>producing armies of quick grow swift clones for the purpose of gangstalking


See, that sounds crazy to me
There's always going to be noise going on, part of living around other people.

John Lang also thought this was happening to him. He killed himself and tried to make it seem like it was the police to bring attention to things. Sounds like it was happening to him. He got pictures of someone in a van messing with him. Pic related. I guess he exposed some illegal ticket scam the cops were doing on people then it started.


It will happen at certain times. For a while everytime I opened my car sirens would go off. Happened for days. No other signs than that during that time.

drove me to being muslim
thanks feds

put me in prison let me radicalise more people

Then choose another one, fellow concerned goy visitor:


Alex Jones on gang stalking.



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and only to you, no other sirens heard when you didn't go to your car?

I went to my car like 15 times in a couple days and sirens went of as soon as my key went in the door. No other sirens at all, all day. Trust me I was listening... I also worked outside.

How come every single gangstalking video I've ever seen has been nobodies on youtube rambling in a paranoid way about random people on the street as they record from their phone.

Damn, that's fucking weird as hell

> program to beta test how to make people crazy using nobodies
> they get crazy
Whoa, this is unexpected. UNBELIEVABLE!


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Yeah, no kidding..

Bookmark this link and post it in future gang stalking and conspiracy threads.


I'm not doing lines of coke all day..

>people following you around
Whoop-dee-fucking-doo, what's the big deal exactly? They can watch me jerk off too for all I care. They can watch me shit huge logs every morning. If these people harass you in public, all you have to do is make a scene, get people on your side. Go into stores and cause a ruckus. I don't see how this isn't the simplest thing in the world to circumvent.

glowing african american detected

You have to do a lot more than shitpost on Jow Forums and copy and paste schizopost on pol to be gangstalked. Less than 0.1% of people on here who claim to be gangstalked are even monitored by the fed and especially aren't gangstalked

Well, if it's the FBI, that doesn't work.

I still bet 99% of the people claiming they are being "gang stalked" are just schizos.

What is with the dirty google links? You are nigged out and fedpilled.

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I'd just keep talking to them and buying them coffee and shit. Just act like we were friends. Make up names to address them by; Agent Richards and Agent Peters, I guess. What are they going to do? Charge me with obstruction?

Had a buddy who did this to some drug cops that were watching him. Went out and offered them beers and was just as friendly as he could be. Never did get raided.

I find it interesting that most bookstores I go to don't stock anything on the STASI or their corrosion tactics...

How are they dirty?

Yeah, kinda weird. Do they have books on other similar things?

Facilitates tracking and such, but you know this

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I have found its best to confront the people you think are "them" ask them how their day is going, if their local, what they do, ask for a card, if you get their card, look up the business later see how long its been in business, and who it is and who owns it, if its legit.
I have done this to a "real estate photographer"
lamest cover ive ever seen them try, it was too obvious.

They always have loads of books on Nazis and the holocaust.

It's kind of hard to research it with most articles in another language. Weird no US books or docs on Youtube talking about it. Idk if it even happened other than a wiki article...

How so?

I'd rather ignore everyone... Mind my own biz.


Cant be gangstalked if you never go outside.
Check and mate Glowniggers.

and 9/10 of ten they are suprised when you engage them because they expect a different reaction
be polite, and start friendly interrogating them masking as small talk, watch them get uncomfortable and you know your right,
usually that's enough for me to stop caring.
If im busy the least ill do is wave. Start engaging them and they start to leave you alone more ive noticed.


what do you mean no?
Great reply shill wonderful contribution.

Of course you will be surveilled if you're involved in an internationally famous terrorist incident. No shit.

It's the morons who have no involvement in crime who like to claim they're being gangstalked for no coherent reason whatsoever. That shit is expensive; why the fuck would the FBI do that to an average joe for fun?

this is a normal occurrence. a person saw you and recognized you later. holy shit how stupid are you to think that's a sign of a stalking conspiracy

You're not that important. You just wish you were.

Whatever man
I had never seen this person before in my life or after when I was actively looking for him. Go fuck yourself.

Why would I indulge things if it's happening or a fantasy? I just need to focus on myself and keep outside stimulus out.

Well I'm not a terrorist or anything. I knew a guy who owned a weed clinic though and was probably involved in some other shady shit.

Maybe he quit or got fired after he said hi.
The likely hood that anyone would spend time and money to follow you around is so much more unlikely than just a guy that you dont recognize because he isnt wearing his waiter...or busboy outfit. People that I dont know have waved/honked at me more times than I can count. Most likely I just dont remember them, or maybe they thought I was someone else.
Sorry sport, but you just arent that important.

Why the hell would would I want to stalked by the FBI.... I used to want someone notable now I just want things to be normal...

Kind of have to agree. If weird things like this keep happening talk to a doctor.

>Why the hell would I want a mental disorder I dont WANT a mental disorder, therefore it cant possibly be some sort of delusion

user I....