Fuck this gay earth I’m so done with these clowns
Fuck this gay earth I’m so done with these clowns
It's not done with you mother fucker
Iron man kills thanos.
Fuck cape shit
>Fans are debating if Avengers: Endgmae did enough for LGBTQ representation
Now they're fucking not. This is clickbait of the highest degree.
Truly disturbing. Saved.
they need representation
Imagine letting capeshit be your breaking point. Normies need to be gassed
Tony Stark was a homopedo
god i wish that was me
>casts a beautiful transwoman in lead role
>cap and bucky are gay for each other
>still not enough
some are never satisfied
Naw but pic related did
the fact that this is even being discussed is pretty shit
like a tomato
in a can
If that's real, I'm impressed. Good for him. Too bad the reign of our AI overlords is nigh.
oh no those poor kids! If only they had far right parents that would teach them how evil they were and that humanity was inherently evil and jesus was real they would be so much better off!
>that scene at the end where the WAKANDANS and every other minority magically show up to defeat the villain
>the POWERFUL WOMEN team up to kick his ass
And it's still not enough.
I wish Thanos killed everyone
brie is hot as hell
the movie was shit anyway
Are they not happy with the #WAHMEN teaming up near the end of the movie?
I'm just glad captain marvel didn't get the killing blow on Thanos
you are a total fag there are no curves that is some sorry saggy wasted fuckmeat i wouldnt shit on it
got anymore webms like that? cause that one was good.
saw this film with m8s [no interest myself]
the amount of pc pandering was a shock
the only reason they keep making this shit is because of faggots like you
Christ, you guys don't know what thicc even MEANS.
Fuck off Jew, we all saw her deformed fungus infested feet.
Nice strawman
We should name Avengers and Brie fanboys 'mushroom foragers'.
That looks like some skinny-fat ass of a dude. There are 50 traps on this bhutanese soap carving forum that have a more feminine ass than that, bumpy dumpy.
It's a simple question. Did they or not? The movie is making all this money. The least it can do it donate to get the LGTBBQ all the medicine and therapy they need to stop being freaks. Maybe get Frank Thomas to spare some free testosterone for those pansies.
>consuming mainstream media
die in a fire
They're clearly fucking disturbed... fucking degenerates have lost your minds and it's time to throw your asses back into the closets where you belong
Correction: The world would be better off.
>"m-muh cummies!!!!!!!"
you're stupid
that is the most average looking ass I've ever seen
i'd still fuck her just so I could tell people she marveled my penis
they are free people, unlike you faggots that claim to worship freedom but are actually more aligned with ISIS.
Said the guy defending puppy play
How can you call yourself "free people" if you leash yourself like animals?
Can we still see her butt?
If only SJWs hadn't ever happened.
nah I want them to wreck all the normie shit until they all REEE
wtf os an lgbtq ? some kind of trannies ? niggers ? faggots ? or all of the above ?
holy fuck
Yeah, they will be the catalyst for normies till day of the rope
>Fans are debating
Who are these fans? I'm pretty sure it's a made up headline
Oh no I got spoiled a shitmovie that I wouldn't have watched anyways
Sauce on grill though?
Me too