Kebab status: REMOVED

Kebab status: REMOVED
Bagel status: REMOVED

who’s next on the list?

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Can you mossad fags stop pretending that these events happened? It's fucking annoying because everyone here knows it was mossad bullshit.

The Chechnyans haven't done anything for awhile. 4th Gen warfare and all.


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>>who’s next on the list?
make white teeth == white supremacy.

Fried chicken


Curry ideally
Then tacos

Next will be a VA hospital? Has not been a good hospital shooting in years

Mosque and synagogues are the perfect place for white men to express their rage.

Maybe the office of SPLC or ADL needs a mass shooting.

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Don't forget to Subscribe to pewdiepie

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Cringe out of 10

No ....Jews Muslims and Niggers only for victims.
More mosque,synagogues and maybe the national NAACP or CAIR office.

somebody will murder you on livestream so we can laugh at it

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The eternal leaf.

Take your meds schizo.

Implying things that should not be implied under the circumstances.

Catholics are only allowed to kill Muslims and Jews without it being a sin.

So you have to kill them in their house of worship or community Center.

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>Bagel status: REMOVED
not properly


Beaners confirmed next

Fpbp. Sloppy joes indeed

Hey guys I think that this shooting is a big nothingburger.

>San Diego Sheriff Gore is FBI spook w/ Ruby Ridge & 9/11 connections

>Gore has in law enforcement comes from serving as an FBI agent for 32 years.

> He was the agent in charge for the Ruby Ridge FBI assault on Randy Weaver’s family that resulted in multiple fatalities, including the death by shooting of a mother holding a baby and a child shot in the back as he fled law enforcement gunfire. The government settled out of court with a $3.1 million award to Randy Weaver for the wrongful deaths of his wife and son.

>Gore is believed to be the government agent who issued the “kill on sight” orders to federal law enforcement agents that lead to the unnecessary and wrongful deaths.

>Gore plead the 5th Amendment during an investigation of the FBI and US Marshall Service misconduct that resulted in the deaths at Ruby Ridge. Some speculate that Gore was merely trying to protect his law enforcement buddies who killed the Weavers rather than trying to protect himself. Even if that is so, it illustrates that Gore’s loyalties are not with the citizens and Constitution which he is supposed to protect. They lie first and foremost with the dangerous goons in law enforcement who abuse both. Obviously this makes him a poor choice for Sheriff in and of itself.

>Bill Gore And 9/11 Terrorists in San Diego

>Gore was also involved in the failure of the FBI to apprehend 9/11 terrorists training in San Diego to use airplanes as manned flying bombs. An FBI informant working with the FBI San Diego office, of which Gore was in charge, was in contact with two of the terrorists. Yet the FBI missed the opportunity to catch them before they killed thousands. Gore claims there was no evidence of Al Qaeda activity in San Diego and that’s why his branch didn’t find any such evidence.

Attached: FBI Man.jpg (519x341, 201K)

Rollin' to confirm, OP goes to the border if kek wills it

can you glowniggers at least go shoot non-civilians instead?

Glow niggers who shit post on a Cambodian fly fishing blog site