I wish i was born in a Catholic or Orthodox country. Protestantism especially Lutheranism sucks, almost no traditions...

I wish i was born in a Catholic or Orthodox country. Protestantism especially Lutheranism sucks, almost no traditions, nobody goes to church and the sermons are boring anyhow, female priests, no nice art and statues and it's just some 500 years old only.

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>I wish i was born in a Catholic or Orthodox country
It's Poland's mission to re-catholicize the North ;-)

I suggest you read what are the differences between countries of the North and South/Roman Europe, you will understand Finland this way

The pope is a gay foot fetishist that supports communism and the European genocide.


Get polished up on your Catholic theology. You can do this lately in your own. Our greatest minds put it all in writing for you.
Aquinas, and Augustine are s good place to start.

Born in a catholic country, nobody is christian here, only protestants.

>wants gay tradition like molesting children, and praying to marry, and obeying anything a child molester wants
>female pastors
You are part the wrong Lutheran denomination fag.
>he thinks sermon and church will magical be in boring
>he needs art and statues fund by sinners who were led astray by a corrupt Shepard who tried to line his own pockets and calls it all under the name of god.

>female priests
The good Lutheran churches don't permit that. LCMS and WELS are based. Too bad you old worlders had to fuck it up. You'll fuck up Catholicism and Orthodoxy in good time too though.

You wish you were born in a third world shit hole? Why?

Come home, brother.

Attached: coniaris_Introducing_the_Orthodox_Church.jpg (228x346, 19K)

>Our greatest minds
>Aquinas, and Augustine
Lol, a plagiarist and a nigger/rapist. These are the great minds of catholicism

Things are grim in Finland
>Finland has a national Lutheran church whose pastors’ salaries are paid by the government. More than 90 percent of the population belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, but some authorities estimate that only 4 percent attend church on a weekly basis.
Government officials as pastors. What a disaster.
>The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod began work in Finland in 1923. The LCMS was in altar and pulpit fellowship with the Confessional Lutheran Church of Finland from 1928 to 1999, at which time the Finnish church officially severed the relationship by convention vote. The two church bodies maintain friendly relations.
"Friendly relations" is a nice way of saying hate each other.
>Currently, the Confessional Lutheran Church of Finland reports a baptized membership of 318 in 14 congregations and preaching stations and a national staff of two pastors. The church focuses on radio ministry, publications, literature, mission and local work in the congregations.
Sad. Maybe the Laestadian extremists will have better luck

I'm not a fan of his, but the concept of plagiarism is anachronistic for the time in which he lived.

nigger the pope is actively working to destroy white people. fuck catholics

Isn't the Catholic Church actually growing in some of the Nordic countries? I heard it was seeing some life in Sweden.

This. What part of globohomo are people having trouble understanding. It's every organization

It's a pretty situation Christianity is in.
Worldly trend-chasers. Oftentimes terrible theology, though sometimes pretty good to be fair.
Evidence mounts all the time that the Office of the Pope is the literal Anti-Christ. Ok theology, though they unilaterally change it and the legacy of Augustine is the cause of the disaster of the Reformation.
Pretty much have to grow up in it or larp as a Greek or Russian all the time. Very solid theology and resistant to change, however also very much an ethnic club.

Shit fucking sucks, yo

>literally stole all of his theology directly from Jew Maimonides, pagan Aristotle, and Muslim Ibn Sina
>"great mind"

>Shit fucking sucks, yo
Agreed. Bishop Richard Williamson & E. Michael Jones are pretty based though. Wish we could get more of that firebrand Catholicism going on..

depends, who do you class as pope?

Attached: The Real Pope.jpg (654x838, 92K)

The Protestants are actually going to be fine, I think. Hear me out.
Most of the social degeneracy that we are aware of here is pushed by the "major" "mainstream" denominations. ALL of these denominations are experiencing rapid decline.
Contrast this with smaller denominations, which are more traditional and conservative. They are growing rapidly.
>Evangelical Lutheran Church
Liberal. Shrinking
>Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod
Conservative. Growing
>Presbyterian Church USA
Liberal. Shrinking
>Presbyterian Church of America
Conservative, one of the quickest growing churches in the US

This is actually a pretty great trend for Protestantism in the US. No idea whats happening in Europe.

The Catholics are going to go down with the Francis ship though. And the Orthodox will continue being an ethnic club as long as they insist on calling Easter "Pascha" and ignoring Jesus' instructions to go out and make disciples.

>The Catholics are going to go down with the Francis ship though.

Yeah, yeah, we've heard it all before.

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Yeah yeah, I've also never seen degeneracy from the top of the church on down before.
You guys just keep pushing it. We will see how far you can push it before you do finally fall. The Protestant churches that are pushing this bullshit are collapsing, if you continue down this path you will too.

Oh, ye of little faith. Do a little reading on the Renaissance popes some time.

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I mean, it's pretty simple dude. I'm not going to join a faith that is ultimately based off the whims of one man. That is fundamentally why you have all this scandal, degeneracy, and heretical teaching in your church. Say what you will about the Orthodox, and I'm not a huge fan of them, but they do know how to keep theology the same.
>muh rock of peter
Nah, that's Antioch, sucka :^)

Well, whatever makes you feel better.

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Convert to Catholic, it's significantly better.

what a funny coincidence that you post a picture of my former archbishop.

I would feel like larping and i don't think there are any finnish catholics

It's not based on the "whim" of one man.
The pope can directly declare doctrine but this particular pope has never done that last time it was done was in 1950 and before that 1870.

Lots of protties have very strong opinions about things they know nothing about... Interesting.

You're not really larping, the original Finnish Christians were Catholic. Probably all the finish churches with any age were formerly Catholic and taken by the Finnish government and converted to whatever Finnish version of Lutheranism your people generally follow.


What do you truly believe? What does your faith tell you?

>The pope can directly declare doctrine
So then yeah, it IS based off his whim. You talk about Protties, but damn do Catholics play the best word games.

I think there are polish catholic priests in Finland

the puritan way leaves no room for expressions of worship

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I just googled it, half of all registered Catholics in Finland are Finns.

Protestant evangelical Christianism made the west rich and developed.

The Indian economists did research on this. To test the effect of religion on people and their economic circumstances, they converted the poorest Indian group to protestant denominations. After a few months, these people broke out of poverty, the entire village.

Women in the experiment did particularly well. They went from starving and poor to a good living standard. They were like any women in protestant cities like Amsterdam or New York. They got up early and went to work, and they saved the money, and they invested it in a business they started or something else.

It does work.

If you look at the map, protestant evangelical countries are always more prosperous and industrialised than catholic countries.

So if you want to create a good economy, this is a good way of doing it.

Another good aspect of protestant evangelical religions is that they are not centralised, there us no pope or any external person who tells them what to think. It cannot be used for political activism or to affect the government. For example, Viktor Orban doesn't care about what the pope tells him, he is not catholic.

Are you Lutheran ?

No fuck off faggot, go ahead and look at the requirements for Papal Infallibility. There are a series of checks and balances in place that very strictly define what is allowed. It is not something simply done.

Which is of course why Catholic churches have standards, while you Protties can't even agree on the Trinity.

I feel like a Protestant, but the church should actually be conservative and actually Christian, the church in Finland is clownworld church


Man does not live by bread alone.

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mate see the below

>I feel like a Protestant
Read Apologia pro vita sua by cardinal Newman

That's not what you said, faggot. And yeah, I know about the requirements for Papal Infallibility. They are still bullshit. Your church is entirely dependent on the whims of man, hell you remodeled everything in the 60's because you wanted to keep up with the cool kids. This isn't the Rock of St. Peter, it isn't a damn rock at all.

You also keep autistically assuming I'm a Protestant. Why is this?

There are no catholic churches on my town. Most of those catholics probably live in the capital city.

> Puritan way
> Lutheranism


Just try going to mass some day when you have time, you don't have to attend regularly if you can't but if you get involved once or twice maybe take Baptism and some other stuff you might like it.

You're not arguing in good faith. I'm sorry you don't think the requirements for Papal Infallibility are strong enough for you. It's been historically used like 4 times in the recorded history of the church so I assume that must be too much for you.

>assuming I'm a Protestant
Are you some converted Orthodox faggot? That is larp.

Not accepting your premises isn't "arguing in bad faith". Stop trying for cheap cop outs dude.

>I'm sorry you don't think the requirements for Papal Infallibility are strong enough for you.
Of course it's not. You are literally changing church doctrine. I mean for fuck sake the Prots and even Orthodox do it, but they at least aren't massive hypocrites about it.

>It's been historically used like 4 times in the recorded history of the church so I assume that must be too much for you.

>Are you some converted Orthodox faggot? That is larp.
Now THIS is arguing in bad faith.

where is the evidence that god is real?

Instead of being a smarty ass and asking about the evidence for god, how about you move your lazy ass and try to know god more?

Papal Infallibility was never used to "change" church doctrine, in fact that is explicitly disallowed. If you were arguing in good faith I would assume that you would be intelligent enough to know that much, and not simply stating that without having done any research.

It was created and used to clarify pieces of doctrine wherein debate had been happening and threatened the unity of the Church.

I wish was pagan, so that I could uphold the traditions and relegion of my kind, and not doing it while having to hiding under christianity

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Where's the evidence that He's not?

>he wants materialistic evidence of a spiritual being


Protestantism is the most cucked sect of christianity