Has anyone had any experience discussing Zionism with Christians/Evangelicals and trying to show them they have been...

Has anyone had any experience discussing Zionism with Christians/Evangelicals and trying to show them they have been lied to?

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Dominicans tend to be onboard with whatever the Bible says against Jews, Americans become furiously angry when confronted with scripture condemning the Jews and begin to hurl insults the devil would be proud of.

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Yes with a Baptist friend and he just said catholics hate jews so that's why I don't like them

Yes, start with showing how by believing the Schofield Bible essentially relates that Jews are still chosen and have their own Messiah. Then show them how Jesus preached to Jews and tried to convert them. Attack this point of a separate Messiah, and that if that's true, why we Jesus still be trying to witness to Jews. It's impossible to stare down this contradiction. While it doesn't address Zionism directly, remember how much bs they have piled up to get to this point. Strike at the roots and eventually they will come around. Drop some hints on who Schofield was himself (adulterer, drunk) and ask them to look into him and his actions.

Can confirm. It's very frustrating... You have to pray for patience because, at a certain point, you can't force people to see the truth. God has a plan, rely on His truth to win out in the end. There are three types of people:
Those who see
Those who see when shown
Those who c a n n o t see.

pic related seems to have some effect

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I would say those who refuse to see as well. I forgot to mention I have never had the chance to talk to an actual European about the matter in person. The quickest way to lose an American Christian friend is to show him what the Bible says about Jews, I mean people I had known for years and then in an instant they hate you with all their heart for showing them the Word of God.

Exactly. Not trying to blogfag but short story:
Spent my whole life rejecting Christianity outright, Catholic family members most ardently. Become Catholic, tell them about it, they're thrilled. Talk about E. Michael Jones and Bishop Richard Williamson and explain that these two men alone are 95% the reason for my acceptance of Catholicism. Ghosted. Basically completely stopped responding to my texts. Was told "You can't judge a whole group of people, blah blah blah" -tried to point it out in Scripture, no response.
Didn't even bother trying to explain the Jesuit non-pope and the prophecy of Malachy. feelsbadman

Clusterfuck, I never knew how hateful a person could be until they saw the Bible. I was an asshole atheist fedorah type in my youth and then decided to read the Bible myself and learned the error of my ways. Family is secular catholic like most rich Dominicans. Catholic for events atheist for day to day life.

taught me a ton on how to accept that some people, even well-meaning people, will refuse to see the truth, and to trust in God's plan

On a busy Friday afternoon some years back I had a conversaion with a co-worker about circumstances surrounding the establishment of the State of Israel, and how it is not as 100% as you might be led to think.
A third co-worker overheard it all and told me later I handled myself really well. He was Chilean.
The territory was controlled by the Ottoman Turks for 500+ years, until the end of WW1. Then turned over to the British, who had boots on the ground and the matter of the Balfour Declaration to honour. When the League of Nations Mandate ran out the British just left. By midnight that same day, the Jewish faction declared the State of Israel and the USA backed it, and that was all you needed, UN Partition Plan be damned. Tell me honestly - if your family lived there for generations and were suddenly usurped like that, would you just go along with it?
Maybe they didn't use smallpox blankets, but Israel has stolen the land of the pre-existant native peoples the same way the US did in its' founding. How legit is that, really?

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My Catholic parents taught me Jesus was a jew and that jews are poor victims. Catholic school taught me the same thing.

>Ask them, are Jews saved even though they reject Christ outright? Will we see these deniars of Christ in heaven?
If they say no, salvation is only through Christ Jesus - then there is hope. They have a strong belief in scripture.
If they say yes, Jews have a separate dispensation and path to salvation apart from Jesus Christ/God, then they aren't Christian and reject large swaths of the new testament that explicitly say Christ is the way the truth and the light and no man comes to the Father except through Him.

Hyper dispensationalists actually believe there are two separate heavens, a kingdom of God and a Kingdom of Heaven. All the dirty christians will be raptured into kingdom of heaven and Christ will come down and rule the kingdom of God on Earth that is Jew only to fulfill their twisted interpretation of Genesis 12:3.

sure it can be done. explain to them that though they believe the jews are under a seperate covenant still (wrong) that this does not give them a blank check to commit wickedness, and that the jews are effected by the spiritual war going on especially because of the blindness placed over them after they rejected messiah.

tell them they are held to account for any evil done like anyone else and redpill them on that evil.

too many Christians on this board have gone the opposite way of these evangelicals and harbor an irrational hatred for every jew, guilty and innocent alike. this is wrong. not every jew is a godless marxist, or part of the elite luciferian cabals.

Humping for later.

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did everyone clap afterward?
Let me guess, you got cucked by a sandnigger?

I'm white. The co-worker I argued with was white. I don't believe the founding of Israel was legit, as it went down. My co-worker argued and tried to rebut me but grudgingly had to admit I was right

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Do any of you even understand that the "jews" are actually edomites?

Have you not read "Who Is Esau-Edom?" by Charles Weisman

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I've tried to talk to people but I've realized that in most cases it's just a waste of time. They are programmed to respond to certain information with hard coded responses and you can't break their conditioning.
The only success I've had is with people already trying to piece together things on their own before I even started discussing the forbidden topics.

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Their 1940's declaration of statehood didn't mention God one time. It's clearly not a reward. Christ said because they chose not to believe He would scatter them among all nations and destroy tge temple. Did that change? The Ashkenazi in Israel are 99.9% christ deniars. If nothing changed why would God reward them?

> implying you can change the minds of filthy fucking (((BOOMERS)))
I have a better chance of making a nigger act human

dominicans might not ne that bad after all