Get your permit, user.
Get your permit, user
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Already did.
Carrying a gun seems uncomfortable. Also I would never even use it. I live in a safe neighborhood.
>Pay the government to put you in a registry of gun owners
No glow fag
That's stupid
Had it for 6 years now.
I don't even notice it.
>implying that doesn't happen the moment you fill out a 4473 and have a background check done
Permit? Don't need one.
That's why you make your own guns to avoid the background check.
niggers have cars, and no its not uncomfortable
just carry, if you need it you won’t give a fuck if you have a permit.
fugggggg I need to renew mine, 5 year expiration is up end of May
>US Constitution
>Amendment #2
Yes goy, submit your fingerprints into a data base. We'll be requiring a dna sample in a few years
Sorry, I like good guns.
Naw I'll go bare back.
Fuck your laws I have the right to defend myself however I see fit.
Bought from a private seller and keep one in my glovebox with a bullshit story that I'm just transporting it if an officer ever finds it.
Checkmate atheists.
I hate these krauts. They don't care much for the US civilian market. They make good guns though.
Hello, Jewish government, I just want to let you know I have guns and carry them too, you guys totally aren't going to put me on a list, right?
That is a terrible self defense caliber.
Free men don’t ask permission
i live in the whitest state in the country, i don't need a permit for owning or carrying, concealed or otherwise
granted you still need a (((background check))), but you can simply walk right out of the gun store with a gun on your hip or under your shirt no questions asked. All that's required is you're an American, constitutional carry
We dont need a permit in KY anymore.
That's like saying "I don't wear a seat belt because I'll never get in an accident."
Don't need one in Kansas
Finger prints? What cuck state does that? Or are you just a no gunz?
Get me the money and I’ll shoot up whatever you want
CT and NC do for sure. Dunno about others.
Getting a carry permit in some states is extremely difficult and in some areas possible.
The best way to get one is to stay out of trouble and make sure(if its not already too late) that you never see a therapist or any other mental health professional.
You have to be squeaky clean.
It can be a long annoying process, but it is worth every second of it. To be able to walk around knowing full well that you can defend yourself at any point is freeing.
Where do you live? Where I live it's assumed every white male owns a gun, as well as a decent proportion of women. No registry needed we all have guns.
tacticool assumption user
Much higher odds of being a car crash than being attacked by niggers.
Maryland, the state that keeps trying to outdo California with their stupid laws.
AR requires fingerprints. I'm looking forward to seeing what Zion Dons plan for nationwide carry requires
What about both? Crash your car and get attacked by niggers before the ambulance arrives?
Not in the USA. Knockout games are played nationally.
That's a legitimate concern then. Why dont you move to a free state?
Bought 3 in NC 3 years ago and no prints. You cant fool me.
I can't. I got a felony drunk driving. What should I do?
I threw out my smoke alarms and fire extinguisher because my house catching on fire was unlikely.
I like where your head is at!
I dont need a permit
what state?
also, why has no state ever said fuck off to background check?
I'm not going to let them chase me out with unconstitutional garbage. I'm staying here and continuing to exercise my rights.
For a concealed permit in NC you have to submit finger prints.
Open carrying a handgun does not require a permit.
Not sure about the single use pistol buying hoop jump, which may be what you are referring to.
Again, I bought 2 rifles and a shotty in NC too. Still no Finger prints. Lying faggot. And AR isnt a category of firearm nogun.
Literally how
Maryland and New York make California look good in terms of gun rights Hahahaha you absolute nogunz
Had it for 6 years now, and couldn't be happier.
Also, grab some body armor you can afford. IIIA isn't that pricey, and is a good investment.
>I live in a safe neighborhood.
Where's that?
The moon?
buuuut user, how will big daddy gubmint keep you safe then?
Fuck off nigger, we don’t need permits here.
But I live in the Bay Area.. can I still get one?
Black powder
Check mine
sorry, more current one here
Oi, you need a loicense for that firearm?
I love that gun. Too expensive to shoot and impractical sadly
nice b8
but that's what everyone says that ends up having to use it. Trouble may find you wherever you may be
Don't need one. My state just passed a law to allow concealed without a license.
>Black powder
Stupid nigger can't even spell black power
Nice to see the improvement in CA when it comes to issuing CCWs. I live in a dark green county and have a CA CCW.
No need
Hope all Trump supporters rush out to get their suicide by cop toy today.
What synagogue do you attend?
Why would I need a permit?
Permit? Constitutional carry.
No point in wasting money on a permit here.
My state won't let me.
Why does our state outlaw knuckledusters but I can carry a concealed gun or literally any knife without permit?
I really dont see the need for a gun but I guess since I've never been robbed that makes sense. Probably just be another statistic :(
Lol wut
Georgia does. But mine are already in a database because of the background checks to become a teacher.
in Kansas so permits aren't required
you fucking glownog
>He doesn't live in a permitless state
Oklahoma joining the master race in November
Nah brah, build ghost guns. Buy 80% lowers while you still can.
Step right up big dog
WTF happened to America...
I was told it would take 4 months, fucking North Carolina.
I live in a yellow county and they would never give me a permit.
A concealed carry class lasts like 8 hours.
What do they do in class that makes it take 8 fucking hours?
I've asked this question on Jow Forums about four times with no response.
HOW THE FUCK is a CC permit meant to make anything safer?
So good goy citizen register
Criminals DONT
Shootings still happen every day in chigargo.
Going over the law, basic legal bullshit, and then range qualification.
I did mine and it didn't feel like 8 hours. But now I got to wait because my county sheriff is anti gun and take months to issue permits.
That varies wildly state to state.
Mine took about four hours. A good part of mine was how to shoot a handgun, because most "gun people" are honestly fucking retarded and shouldn't own, let alone carry, a gun. They talk about legality: where you can and can't carry, self defense laws, when it is appropriate to draw your weapon, etc. They talk about carry guns, holsters, things like that. Most have a shooting portion where you must qualify. In my state, "qualifying" meant you hit a large sheet of paper at 5, 7, and 10 yards. Some people had to take it twice. It honestly scares me that those people carry guns.
Remember, these classes are designed so that the bottom barrel of society can pass. There was maybe one other guy in my CC class who had an IQ above room temperature.
>Get your permit, user.
ok. Hold my beer!
I've never had a house fire.
Which is why I don't have a fire extinguisher.
The whole where you can and can't carry bothers me.
I go to the shooting range regularly but I also live in louisiana and can open carry pretty much anything here.
I take care of workers in a few stores and that involves everything from general comfort to more official tasks. This takes me from bars to banks and both those places I'm not allowed to carry.
So if a worker wants a drink I can't go into a bar with my gun. If I need to deposit excess cash I can't go into a bank with my gun.
So I just can't have a gun, even concealed. And that makes me vulnerable to every single criminal that might target me. It's so silly.
It's called "The United States Constitution."
It's in one of the amendments.
In pretty much every state, you're not allowed to carry a gun in an establishment where 51% or more of their income comes from on site alcohol sales, eg a bar.
How much is your life worth to you? If you're carrying concealed, who is going to know? yeah, there might be legal trouble afterwards, but assuming you're not drunk (CCing when you go out to get fucked up is a dumb idea anyways), you'll likely have no more than a fine.
Don't be poor. Also impractical how?
To get a permit to simply own a pistol in my state I have to do the following
>Go to the police station and pay 50 dollars for the form, can't print it out online because at the station they give you a receipt that shows you paid
>Need four people to vouch for my good character, they can't be related to me, I have to have known them for at least three years, and they have to live in the same county as me.
>Each character reference form need to be notarized by the police, 50 dollar fee to notarize each forum
>Have to get fingerprinted at police station, 100 dollar fee
>Have to have picture taken, 20 dollar fee
>Have to sign form waiving my HIPAA rights so they can look at my mental health records
>Must hand all paperwork in within a few months, if I wait too long I would have to start all over again
>After I hand everything in I get a date to meet with the county judge to explain to him why I NEED a pistol.
>Wait six months for the date to meet him
>He will probably issue a household permit for a pistol
After I get the permit
>Have to buy a pistol within a few weeks or else they will revoke the pistol permit
>Buy gun at store and they fill out a form, can't take gun home until the judge finalizes the form
>Drop form off at courthouse, usually takes a few weeks for the judge to sign the form
>After all that I can take my pistol home
After buying a pistol
>Must be registered with the police
>Pistol can NEVER leave my house since I would have a household only permit. If I get caught with it outside my house it is a felony
>If I get arrested for any reason my permit automatically gets revoked and police can enter my house without a warrant to confiscate the pistol
>Can't buy "assault pistols"
>Magazines can only hold ten rounds, any more and it's a felony
What shit state?
jesus. I got fingerprints done at my local PD to send to the ATF for my SBRs and a can, and it was $10 for as many sets as I had fingerprint cards for..
permits are for faggots who love getting cummed inside by the gooberment
New York
It's literally easier in most states to buy full auto guns than it is in my state to get a pistol
>Jow Forums retards think their gay little technicalities will save them from having to fight
Start killing the people who should be fighting but have their excuses before anyone else.
The survivors should get the picture.