From registering as Democrats and totally fucking over the Democrat primaries? Think about it. If we make this a movement, there's literally nothing they can do about it. They can't "do the same to us" because Trump is the incumbent. Republicans aren't doing primaries in 2020. Only the Democrats are. It literally only hurts the Democrats.
If you geniuses can make this go viral, you can literally secure a win for Trump. All you have to do is make sure every registered Republican registers as a Democrat for the primaries, and votes for their shittiest candidate. Even if Democrats learn of the operation, there's nothing they can do to stop it. Them bitching about it on twitter just makes it spread even more virally.
Best case scenario: a shitty candidate that Dems don't stand behind is nominated Worst case scenario: Dems force their chosen candidate through the process, despite what the voters chose, further dividing the party.
I registered as an independent because I can choose the primary I vote in my state.
Angel Gutierrez
The #metoo movement will destroy the Dems. And that run by a fag. LOL.
Jacob Sullivan
Who would you want to meme in?
Brandon Ortiz
Owen Hernandez
Who should I vote in the dem primaries to drive the biggest wedge between the left? Biden? Bernie?
Samuel Hernandez
>gun >filthy aids ridden democrat choose one nigga
Hudson Ortiz
Bernie. He's proven to fire up the vocal minority Democrat voters. If he becomes the nominee, Trump would easily crush him in the debates. His policies are commie mush. If he gets close to being the nominee, but it's wrenched away from him again, it's butthurt 2.0 like 2016: younger voters won't support the official candidate because the system is rigged (again).
Zachary Bennett
Rush Limbaugh did that in the 2008 election and it was fucking hilarious. I’m pretty lazy and only have a visa so I’m gonna let you guys handle it
Anthony Moore
I registered as a Democrat so i can vote for Bernie in the Primaries.
Daniel Perez
I am going to propose this to all my colleagues. Thanks OP. Very clever, and they are powerless.
You may be able to change you party online if you're in 1 of the 23 states that allows it. Check. You may not even have to leave your tendies to do this.
Luke Lopez
you have to go back
Levi Cooper
bump for the first good idea in months
Christopher Ramirez
bump. But this shit is Rush Limbaugh's "operation chaos." Which is actually a fucking awesome name desu.
Cooper Young
ok, i'm a big dummy, and i'm lazy af, but my state lets me register online, so tell me: what's the point of this? aren't the candidates decided by their higher ups? if i register as a demofag, what happens? does it come with literally any responsibility?
Zachary Hughes
Primary voters don't pick, the superdelegates do. Dems already have a hedge against this kind of attack vector so it's entirely moot.
Aiden Bennett
Maxine Waters vs DJT kek
Thomas Rogers
nice boomer meme faggot
Bentley Flores
bump. are we shilling a specific candidate or are we just voting recklessly to disorganize their leadership?
Cooper Gutierrez
Biden because hes legit racist
Kevin Sanders
I say Bernie. He's easy to beat (neither side wants him) but he fires up the younger voters.
You're just able to vote in their primaries, and you're counted as one of their voters. That's all. You can vote for whoever you want in the General, but the parties only restrict voting to their party in the primaries.
Brody Garcia
>totally fucking over the Democrat primaries I mean, they didn't really need our help last time...
Zachary Anderson
absolutely subversive bernie could actually beat trump. he is leading polls right now, you literal democrat lmao kys
If I draw swastikas and racist caricatures all over my ballot do they still have to count it?
Jacob Jackson
bumpidy bump bump
Landon Adams
I mean, if it's a primary vote for a democrat...
Gavin Cruz
we need candidates who will make the democrats lose the moderates in their party, specifically midwest states. so that rules out people like joe biden.
Jacob Ross
I don't trust the cuckservatives enough to change my registration back to Democrat. They'll roll out Romney or Meghan McCain if they think Trump is vulnerable
Samuel Reed
>From registering as Democrats and totally fucking over the Democrat primaries? My state has an open primary so I don't have to even bother changing registration.
What concerns me is that the DNC is probably going to try and anoint a candidate on their own, and if we do this they'll be able to bury that story by talking about this op non-stop. I recommend waiting until after Iowa and New Hampshire, and what Jow Forums should do is vote for the weakest front runner to drag it out. Think operation chaos, back in '08.
Ryan White
Bernie. The rules forbid him from being the nominee, so any vote for him is a vote for clusterfuck
bernie is already going to win. the public likes bernie more than any other candidate. he literally has the best shot at defeating trump. if you were acting in good faith on our behalf and not a literal bernie shill, you would've suggested kabballah haaretz
Biden is too boring to win so I'd say go with him. Yang, Gabbard and Sanders have actual agendas and ideas with steam behind them so they can beat Trump. Booker is black so he could also win because all the negroes will crawl out of their hovels to vote.
Samuel Wright
None of them can beat trump anyway...
Hudson Barnes
Fuck you I had this idea months ago an no one listened to me. But also I don't need personal credit I can find peace in my idea getting traction even if it's not from me. Thank you.
Gabriel Bailey
Wanting flumpf to win in the current year
Angel Collins
Nigger, some of us have been doing this for years, welcome to the party.
Andrew Brown
Not all states require party registration.
Nathaniel Morgan
he probably saw your thread
Also, Bernie is a dumb idea, we need like kamala harris or some dumb nigger to make them extra debate memes.