Press S to spit on this faggot

Press S to spit on this faggot.

Attached: Race traitor.png (1920x1080, 2.25M)

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literally who

Ok shill



What did he do now?

Press F to call OP a faggot


who is this

Why is there any expectation for him to behave differently than an e-celeb?
That's all the fuck he is in the end.

I press S for take a shit on the loser who even watched him! A big dump right on your faggot face. You're a fucking child bro!

Who is that?

He cucked to the Jews:

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He has fuck you money and could easily live out a very healthy and happy life even if he were an open enemy of the system and yet he chooses to cuck

Lmao what a faggot its in his swedecuck genes.

Because idiots here think he should just go full 1488 when in truth, he’s always just been a relative normie with some meme knowledge that likes to be edgy. That’s it. He’s not some redpilling whatever. All he does is call out certain people and the sad thing is, calling out SJW’s and legacy media seems to = full white nationalism. When the fact the left has pushed the spectrum so far fucking left, that actual thinking and logic is now somehow racism? Not helped when Jow Forums jumps in and starts gushing over him for that same “perceived” leaning label.

>hurr Durr he cucked to da joooz
Maybe he's tired of having his good name linked to autistic edgelords going on killing sprees. Just a thought, sweetie.

>Has Kekistan memflag


it had pretty much nothing to do with him.

He only now backtracked from everything regarding the Christchurch shooter cause hes about a million subscribers behind t-series. He was probably planning this all along to gain some sympathy marketing and more money kek.

>why does he not want to be linked to this?

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yet another thing wignats have ruined.


I also unsubscribed and disliked his cucked video. I will only re subscribe if he does something based and redpilled to redeem himself.

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Idk. This a pretty cynical reading. Pewds is a pretty down to earth, decent and authentic guy. I’ve never heard anyone come out and shit talk him, relay some huge personality flaw or anything of that sort. I may be an idiot, but I believed everything he said in the video and don’t think this is some attempt to get ahead in subscribers. I don’t think he likes the association of his name with heinous murder sprees. I wouldn’t either.


liberalists are more based than this faggit memester

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he owes Jow Forums NOTHING

Tattooed freak

Holy shit this video is number 1 on trending? Literal proof the kikes at Jewtube are manipulating things when it suits their agenda.

>Look goyim! Pewdiepie denounced you evil Nazis! He is definitly not your guy!

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He needs his shekels, he doesn't have enough apparently.

But the timing of it though? The sub to pewdiepie thing happened way back in the middle of March, he has ample opportunity before now to denounce the meme and call it quits. Its already the end of April, but that is cynical thinking I guess.

Trips of truth

He is an Irish ass hat who once raped a dead gazelle in a forest, just for clicks.,.


Just subscribed to T-series because of this cuck

When I clicked on the video I wasn't surprised by the title that he was ending the meme, that's a perfectly reasonable thing to do, but he had to make it all about being an apologetic fag. End the meme because you are tired of keeping, it has become boring for you and you have no desire to keep it up in perpetuity, not because of other people's actions or because you want to be an anti racism bitch boy.


>Subscribe to PewDiePie

Me too.


>Maybe he's tired of having his good name linked to autistic edgelords going on killing sprees
Pretty pointless to try to stop it. These mass shooter fags say that shit because it pisses off the media.

Why don't you faggots try a little harder. You make it so obvious, that it's pathetic.

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S, I could take a little bit of counter-signaling to save face, but he's cucking hard now.

ITT: satanists ie accelerationists


I bet anyone would love to be linked to a series of shootings, graffiti, and hacking.

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quads say the next shooter also blames him and then he gets banned from youtube

trending on youtube is mainly the (((editor's picks))) anyway

wtf is wrong with that tiger

He ate too much stuffing

I would have had a hardy kek if he perked up and shouted "next meme" with the double clap after his speech.

When you get paid extra by him to not include his name in the title so it bypasses people's filters.

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i wonder when will terrorist groups bomb america again