Any predictions for 2020 Jow Forums? Here is my prediction, what else does Jow Forums have?
Any predictions for 2020 Jow Forums? Here is my prediction, what else does Jow Forums have?
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Why would Maine turn red (except ME-1) but not New Hampshire?
biden gets the nomination, trump gets every electoral vote
MN is lost. Swedes and their white guilt shit.
MN -10
266-272 (Republican win).
Get your guns ready folks.
I think it's her turn.
He won't win over the Reagan boomer Democrats again in the rust belt
Trump barely lost there in '16, if he can campaign the hell out of Minnesota, he could pull it off, but it'll be tight.
Bernie wins
Literally cannot wait.
> He won't win over the Reagan boomer Democrats again in the rust belt
unless they stay home, none of them are voting for any of the dems that have a chance of winning the nomination.
biden is going to be cucked hard in the first few primary/caucaus states, the people he is supposed to appeal to aren't the pearl clutching ultra-progressives bussed in to dominate the first few states.
Probably no change from last time. The democrats can't really unite on a platform, and could even face a brokered convention. Trump is certainly in a better position than Obama was at this time though.
I think tha'ts pretty close only with PA going Red.
Basically a repeat of 2016.
Theo nly thing I can see happening in 2020 is if Someone 'moderate' get's the primary win and then Sanders, Warren or somebody mainly radical runs as an I, then Trump wins WAY more states.
That's an utter lie, as a Regan Democrat I'll be voting him again.
Don't forget Schultz, too.
Here's a more accurate map.
...Uhmmm.. Maybe? I really forgot about him until you said his name lol.
anybody got a sense of how people there are feeling niow what with the chicago donkey kong throwing that white kid 40' to the grouond and the terminally smiling blackhawk downs bitch they elected?
If the economy and working/middle class income earners continue to see improvement he will win by huge margins.
i've already seen the shift at my office, the silent majority that keeps their mouth shut because they're voting for trump has gotten bigger, including die hard democrats that would yap about voting democrat every other election. only the crazy empowered whamen who think they have an opinion on something any everyone should know it is talking about the dem field.
If Schultz is in, appears at debates and puts up a fight, the map would look like this...
Also, around the country many Jews/Christians are turning around for Right-wing/Trump candidates. Finally, a lot of young voters are supporting him due to everything they find fun/love being called 'offensive' and gov. members trying to get involved with it/ban it. They see Trump as some sort of 'meme defender.'
That would be an omega oof for any Democrat challenger to loose too.
I welcome this.
Okay honestly guys... I think the wake-up call whites need (not necessarily this election) is Texas flipping. If Republicans lost an election because of it, think of how many people would be alarmed. Would it not advance our cause?
CO will never flip red again :(
frustrated or pic related?
are young voters getting sick of the boomers trying to relate and pander to them? social media any promise there?
Yes my prediction is that texas and florida are going blue.
God I hope I live in the timeline where we get to see Colorado and Virginia vote for a republican one more time.
I think FL has a large change of going blue, Texas not yet.
I was talking politics the other day here in Texas and the moment I said Texas Turning blue, Every White Man near me just stared at me in unisen. No niggers or spics even reacted.
Young people are pic related internally.
They do'nt care so much about Boomers as they do more so of Older Millennial's trying to dictate how they live. Mainly, the hardcore Progressives, they keep seeing shows, movies, series ruined by them and have had enough.
Michigans not going blue faggot.
>t. Michigan fag
Florida is going more red, they voted to arm teachers and ban sanctuary cities
I was thinking about flipping Washington State too. I remember a time when we had republican senators and governors. We havent had any of them since the 1980's for governors and the 2000's for senators and we haven't voted a republican for president since 1984. I have a feeling that sometime down the line, not necessarily 2020, that Washington will flip once more.
That’s what I’m talking about, I feel there is some alarm bell currently dormant inside the populace. They probably aren’t consciously aware of it, but *Texas* turning blue could be enough to sway public opinion further to the right
the supposed "blue-collar" and "moderate" voter that Biden appeals to don't vote in the presidential primary.
great to hear honestly.
I still don't see Texas going blue this next election. Maybe in the next decade though for sure
i'm probably your dad's age. take 4chins with a grain of salt- lots of internet and videogame culture, mix of schzoids, dweebs, nerds, people that need to go outside get some sun and make some friends etc... then i was watching intermittently "a few good men" in between some shit around the house. fucking hated it as a young man and as a middle aged man even moreso. anti-military, anti-authority, psychopathic patriots, the black judge and junior NCO both were the sane rational ones and of course black... etc etc
Director: Rob Reiner
Pic attached. Been a thorn in society's ass since 1972 when he was meathead. These fucks need to go.
he's done absolutely nothing for them, so I'd be surprised if he wins there. Repubs got clobbered there in the midterms.
Biden is going to get analy raped in Iowa. Caucauses require enthusiastic voters, who are willing to wait out several rounds of votes until enough crap-tier candidates support walks out.
Would be a wonderful thing, but I see WA like I do NY. I live in PA, we're LUCKLY to have enough people outside of PItts and Phily to go red, especially when Erie and other cities in the state go red. WA, sadly, dosn't have that luxury, it's like NY. Plenty of people outside of NYC, but not enough to go red.
To what end though?
The only conclusion of any weight is an armed coup and physical take over of the US and the end of democracy.
I support this mind theory, but I can't see it happening still
Texas is a black hole for Democrats. You go in from CA, or WA as a full on Dem, within a year, so long as you're outside a Major city SOMETIMES even inside, you'll be voting red. The difference in Texas is night and day than life in CA.. why change what isn't broken?
Yeah, fuck Seattle and fuck Tacoma
I'm a CO fag in Seattle now...I just can't see it.
People are getting sick of progressives slowly, but they'll still never vote red
It's really sad, I hear WA is a beautiful state too, maybe a bit too much rain but oh well.
No third party stuff in 2020, Trump didn't pass infrastructure yet so it's doubtful he can win MN
MN is also a little island of NE in the Midwest, their economy is decent even without manufacturing so it's peripheral to the rust belt and doesn't buy into the MAGA re-industralization as much
It'll go blue by a small margin
NH has kicked a bunch of college faggots off the voter rolls and is preventing new ones from registering unless they establish residency (Pay the state government money) so it'll probably go red
NV will also go red because Mormons, whites and "based mexicans" will vote for him in enough numbers to flip it probably
VA is difficult because enough spending can turn out enough fundamentalist Christians to flip it red, however the state is constantly receiving injections of Maryland niggers fleeing their own idiocy which keeps the state moving blueward. Would require a sizable investment.
CO is probably in the same bucket as VA, could be red but constantly Californian injections fucking it up. NM is similar, possibly unwinnable because of Libertarian memesters splitting the right-wing
Trump will win all the other stuff he won as well, other states will also trend more republican with maybe one unexpected flip after a hard push by Trump (Oregon maybe)
California will increase their democratic turnout by 2 million compared to 2016, republicans will gain at least half a million there. Possibly Dems win the popular vote again because of california.
what haven't the people there burned down city hall. i watched that documentary the p-i put out holy shit! the council is unbeilevable. literal communist, indian revolutionary, bleeding white environmentalist, minorities for no reason doing nothing.. wtf
CO is getting injections of Californians
VA is getting injections of Marylanders/DCfags
It sucks to be the target of massive blue state migration.
Delaware is probably one to watch out for, since there are republicans in the eastern shore migrating slowly into Delaware to avoid Annapolis' bullshit.
You're an idiot. Wisconsin and Minnesota will not go red
It's hopefully going to get whites in panic mode, but it's not going blue for awhile. The democrats put a stupid amount of money into that Senate race, and still lost by quite the margin - in an overwhelmingly pro-democrat year. The idea that every election is going to be within 3% now is extremely fucking stupid. Illinois actually voted for a republican Senator in 2010, but it was still safe for Obama in 2012. Trump will easily win Texas by at least 7 points. I think it'll enter official swing-state status in 2024.
I feel like Washington will have a Republican governor within the next 15 years at least. But will only be fiscally conservative, light on social conservatism, like Republican governors in the Northeast.
One thing to keep in mind is rather than counting on more people to vote for Trump, you should count on fewer people to vote Democrat.
Democrats got 14.4 million white males in 2016. All of their 2020 candidates have shat on white males in one way or another. What reason do they have to vote Democratic? I would guess we'll see black male and white male liberal turnout down as they choose to not vote Democratic since the Democrats are the party of black transgender women right now.
Dems didn't win popular vote last time it turned out, off by a million due to illegals voting.
Though, I'd love to see NV go red AND NH.
Outside of Texas, what are people's reaction when they find out that Robert Francis O'Rourke is white.. and married to a billionaire family?
Not only that but the Jewish vote and Christian vote might be pretty low in 2020 for them I think.
It was so close in 2016... but I'm still calling Michigan is going red with 50% of the vote
I wouldn't worry about Texas being a swing state for a LONG time. It will be a swing state within the next 25 years.
Your prediction is wrong.
Rick Scott's bill which makes it so you have to pay fines and fees before felons can vote means only white, Republican-leaning felons will bother voting. It effectively enfranchises white people and keeps shitskins off the books.
Taking control of Broward elections from the Democrats will also go a long way to ending their constant obvious election violations, costing the Democrats tens of thousands of votes.
Evangelicals, Catholics, Hispanics and Jews will all swing Republican in 2020 because of abortion, communism and Ilhan Omar. Republicans take FL with a margin as little as 100k or as great as 1m.
Texas is not like FL, there are literally millions of Republicans who currently don't vote there. If things get hairy the Republicans will drop a few millions on turnout and win with 60% easily.
I get this feeling also.
Hard on crime is a growing feeling out here.
People are dead sick of it
>seattle is dying
that shit had a real effect and reflects how a lot of people feel
I was at a coffee shop this week and overheard a convo between and old lady working for something and some young hipster cunt
The younger guy was like
>yes things are a lot less safe here than they were 20 years ago, but IM from St Louis so I don't really think blah blah blah its still good out here all your problems are from just an increase in population
This old women was disturbed by how her community has gotten less safe and this hipster shit is just virtue signaling about being from "the hood" (i doubt he was, rich looking tall white hipster type)
This was a formal meeting also, they worked for gov or school district
People are tired of the homeless menace, and the fucking worthless progressives
It will never go red, but we will see a new brand of Seattle liberalism that is more center right in a lot of ways
I really hope you're right user
god bless
>It will be a swing state within the next 25 years.
but the the planet will come to an end according to that bronx bartender from westchester pulling off a latin version of legally blond
They don’t need the white vote. They’ve got a million new voters coming through the border—courtesy of our own president.
NC and Florida are solid swing states, this map is absolute best case scenario
the rest of the map looks about right though
Regardless of what we predict, god speed everyone and the only way we're going to keep this up, for years to come even after Trump is to vote.
Never give in, never surrender.
Ahahahahaha flag checks out. You niggers don't know anything about American politics.
Biden/Bernie team up to pull the rug from under Drumpf.
time to get rid of the electoral college
Spoken like a true commie.
take that gay ass optic off that AK
where is live has more people in it that your entire pathetic broken island. stick to your own problems you disarmed subject.
Vote for who? We need a reorganization. We’re in a one party state at this point, we need new infrastructure and new officials who will look out for citizens and spit on the foreign-loving government.
I think that a group of people preaching citizens first, anti-immigration but also good solutions to student debt, housing, healthcare and mental health could win over enough people to make real change. But of course, you’d need a lot of capital. Watch Tucker Carlson or read his book to get an idea of what I mean.
Pic very related.
Trump got 27k fewer votes in Oakland and 23k fewer in Kent than Bush did in 2004 and still won the state.
Overall he probably lost about 150k Bush voters but still won the state.
In the 2018 midterms about 110k more minorities voted Republican.
On top of this the reason he won the state is because all of the rural areas are shifting hard-right, there is no reason to expect that trend stops in 2020
Trump will get 2.5-2.7 million votes in MI, out of a total of 4.8-5 million voters. Democrats get 2.1-2.3, rest going third party.
Democrats will be hurt by black men and white men that are working class refusing to vote for them in large numbers, similar to 2016. Running a campaign that is anti-male and anti-white is bad politics.
Democrats got 5.7 million evangelical whites and 14 million Catholics in 2016.
Their ideas on abortion and infanticide will likely cause a turnout collapse in those groups.
>Minnesota somehow red but not Michigan or PA
no way
flip minnesota to blue and if Trump wins it'll be this map though, I can't see him winning here (PA) as of now, especially if it's Biden
I don't know man. You and Oregon used to be swing-states. (I can't believe how close Dubya was to winning Oregon) But the cities really started to dominate. It's very rare for the countryside/suburbs to defeat a city, after that city has started to dominate the state. The problem is that the cities are total shit and run themselves into the ground, but they vote to give themselves gibs at the expense of people in the rural areas. This drives those people off into, say, Idaho, and the cities are able to survive off of an influx of hipster youth and non-whites. I'm still in total shock that Detroit and Philadelphia were overruled by the rest of their states in 2016. I feel like the best you guys could possibly get is a Charlie Baker type next time republicans have another 2010. Even then, I think Oregon is more likely than Washington.
Do you live in Delaware? I don't even understand how that state is still democrat.
>democrats refuse to fund anything
>(You): "blame trump plz, vote for a democrat!"
You are in every thread shilling this inane bullshit.
It’s already been decided user.
I agree, considering most of the people i've talked to who didn't give a shit about Politics give a shit about abortion and the current stance literally made one of the most upstanding men I've even met curse and vomit.
>student debt
You are so transparently a fucking liberal it isn't even funny. No one on Jow Forums cares about student debt because 90% of the people with debts are fucking women and minorities. Kill yourself.
I live in NC and trump will not win it, we have a dem governor with decent approval and the people were not hardliners for him last time
Southern Delaware is like a miniature Florida with tons of retirees. The reason it is blue is because turnout is about 2/3 in New Castle (where Wellington or Little Detroit is located) but only around 55% in Kent and 60% in Sussex.
Republicans don't bother fighting for it because it's so small, but Trump's strategy of fighting for -ever- potential electoral vote in places like ME and NH means there is a possibility the GOP strategy will be less retarded in the future and DE will get the attention it needs.
Around the late 1990s they introduced full vote-by-mail in OR and WA, later on the same happened in CO.
Every time this happens lots of 100 year olds vote for communist candidates by mail and no one can explain why, it's a mystery or something!
Young people care. You think you’re gonna win 2020 with boomers? A solution to student debt that isn’t a socialist “forgiveness” crap that punishes the taxpayer, and instead forces colleges to co-sign loans, taxes endowments and hits the schools and not the students, allowing them to start families, would be a huge win. Ignore at your own peril.
What's it like in terms of population distribution though? If the majority of the state lives in the city then it's gg. Even a fourth or a third would be hard to surmount just because of the stupid margins of victory democrats get in cities.
>Texas and/or Florida goes blue due to so many fucking spics and nonwhites
>Democraps win forever onward because pure demographics
>republicucks finally let out a big sigh that they can stop doing this song and dance routine and just throw in the towel
>white America realizes there is no voting away the problems and starts subscribing to pewdipie en masse
>civil war 2: world war edition begins
biden gets the dem nomination and hands it to the gop candidate 100%
God I remember when CO went for bush and I was actually mad because I was a lib shit kid.
Now I pray every day my homestate could be uncucked one day :(
Unless Omar pisses then off enough they won’t go Trump.
Bernie will run as a 3rd party spoiler. He'll be 79 in 2020 and this is his last chance.
>t. (((glowies)))
Who signed the spending bills that stopped catch and release and limited the amount of ICE beds? Who threatened to sign an executive order on birthright citizenship and then didn’t? Who has repeatedly hired under qualified nevertrumpers to positions qualified men like Kris Kobach could take? Who listens to his democrat daughter and son in law instead of trusted advisors? Who has failed repeatedly to deploy the military and take necessary action aside from tweeting? Who gave Paul Ryan whatever he wanted for two years and now whines that nothing can get done?
It’s not the democrats.
It was good to be mad because Bush was a shit candidate
So was Kerry but maybe his shittiness would have produced Trump in 2008
Trump won because of the Cubans, white people are not enough
They dont have the same amount of anger as 3 years ago
Bernie never had a chance and even now his run is a fucking meme to soak up cash to give to the DNC
It's going to be very close if Trump does win. The demographics have will have gotten much worse since 2016. Buy whatever guns you want before the election just to be safe. Any anons reading this that are on the fence about buying one should man up and buy one.
I'm a real boy you nigger
All that stuff is boring and for autists, nobody cares about that,
he owned Biden on twitter what else do you want ?
Michigan will go dem this time. Guaranteed. They changed a bunch of shit regarding ballots and voting.
Trump barely won MI in 16, and they found tons of extra votes in Detroit and nothing was done about it.
MI is fucked. Which sucks, because outside of Detroit and Flint, the state is beautiful and very conservative.
>the demographics have gotten much worse
Literally the only state where this is true votewise is california because everyone is leaving
2020 if Trump is called a nazi all campaign by bernie or biden