Tablet Magazine: Jewish Power is Collapsing

>How cosmically lucky the American Jewish community is, blessedly sited at the intersection point of two forms of chosenness, two forms of exceptionalism. A perfect storm of mazel, one might say: American Enlightenment universalism and Jewish particularism matched up like peas in a pod. Our serendipitous good fortune is invoked routinely for any number of purposes. Here is how the Tikvah Fund advertised a March 26 lecture by Ruth Wisse on Irving Kristol: “[H]e felt twice blessed, as a Jew and an American, and cheerfully shored up the best of both traditions …”

>This self-serving celebration of conjunction has always been an exaggeration, fully credible only insofar as the celebrants didn’t push too far into the details. But it no longer much matters because the bottom is falling out of the very basis of the exaggeration. Whatever American Jewish “golden age” there may have been is over, folks. And it’s over for a small number of entwined reasons that are as easy to grasp analytically as they are hard to take on board emotionally.

>One of those reasons is that American Jews are rapidly and irreversibly becoming politically homeless. They are losing their “natural” political hearth in the Democratic Party. Partisan political support for Israel has shifted sharply to an increasingly white-populist GOP—a party the vast majority of American Jews will never feel at home in. That shift was probably accelerated by some shrewd if shortsighted political maneuvering a few years back, when the Israeli prime minister, at the invitation of Republican leaders, blindsided the president of the United States from the rostrum of the Congress. But it was happening anyway, pushed by the Democrats and pulled by the Republicans.

>That is one meaning of the recent Ilhan Omar affair. The Democratic old guard couldn’t even squeeze a pathetic symbolic anti-Semitism resolution out of the House.

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Time is running out.

>pushed by the Democrats and pulled by the Republicans

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Time is on our side goys. just find a white girl and get her preggers. the rest will take care of itself.

This split, or shattering, of the American Jewish community’s once-solid partisan alignments and influence will accelerate a deeper and more important demographic trend, which has been decades in the making: The disappearance of Jews. With intermarriage rates now reportedly at around 72% for non-Orthodox American Jews, the writing is on the wall, and it doesn’t say “Mene, mene tikel upharsin.” It says, “You’re screwed, and you did it to yourselves.”

op is a faggot, this is a psyop

yeah, they're basically relying on anti-semitism to shore up birth rates and jewish identity

hopefully they can repent and accept jesus as their messiah this time. this whole jew affair is getting boring.

Liberal Jews assimilate and are lost to Judaism. It has been this way for thousands of years. The orthodox who are right wing will continue to perpetuate Judaism as it has always been. Jews fall away from their traditional culture, create medicine and tech with their superior IQs, and then are absorbed by the host culture. No surprise. Real Jews only really care about what happens in Israel. America was never meant to be a permanent home.

I highly doubt that antisemitism (at least at current levels) will encourage Jews to have more in-group preference, have more kids or marry other Jews in significant numbers.

Jews will now move to Latin America, India and East Asia

it's only a psyop insofar as jews can't admit that they're the problem. hence all the pilpul and "muh antisemitic tropes" whining.

the truth is that jews are being assimilated into american anglo-saxon protestantism. the jew law about "your mother's bloodline" means nothing because the law of moses is superseded.

if anything, we'll have black-haired protestants with big tits who lash out and become "culturally jewish" as their teenage rebellion phase. that's how WASP power works: we become you, demonstrate the superiority of our way of life, and then fade into the background.

why do you think that people who screech about white males don't even know who they're talking about? they target jews, evangelicals, and catholics lol

It doesn't matter anyway. Their stupid plans only work when people are not aware of them. Now that the goyim know, everything they do is just as retarded as it seems to a casual observer with common sense.

Yeah, the jew may think it is pernicious, but it seems to have met its match in the anglo. The anglo is not the esau to the jewish jacob.

>Now that the goyim know
You overestimate this

Seriously, most normies don't give a fuck

Most people never give a fuck. Historical changes are always driven by dedicated minorities.

idk, look at ilhan ohmar. shit like that would have never happened even 10 years ago

Jews in the US will almost be totally assimilated within one generation.

>Jews in the US will almost be totally assimilated within one generation.
They've been kvetching that for a dozen generations and it still hasn't happened


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Well obviously its a process that will occur over multiple lifetimes user. But the facts clearly show that young jews have a very low rate of marriage and most that do marry are married to a non Jew.

When the boomer die off begins, people will still remember how during the peak of the refugee crisis in Europe they were celebrating the inevitable European demographic genocide that was an intended result of their policies.

>It was just a pranq bro! We took the piece of paper tracking white genocide in the SPLC offices down! Stop! - NYT Opinion

Even a small amount is enough. It's what they've always relied on to keep themselves together.

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>Our serendipitous good fortune is invoked routinely for any number of purposes. Here is how the Tikvah Fund advertised a March 26 lecture by Ruth Wisse on Irving Kristol: “[H]e felt twice blessed, as a Jew and an American, and cheerfully shored up the best of both traditions …

Oh yeah, (((((Kristol)))))) was so happy about America he and his son subverted the country and are responsible for the decay of American society, the rise of anti-American far-left extremism, TWO illegal wars and the deaths of thousands of American citizens.

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It might be difficult to quantify but it seems like the tendency toward assimilation is much stronger right now.

>it seems to have met its match in the anglo
this stuff happens on a century scale and has been in the works since the elizabethan era. we tend to have an affinity with jews and even marry them and cut our sons' dicks off, but I don't know of any WASP who married a jew and converted.

anne hathaway was catholic and I'm pretty sure drew barrymore was too, if not straight-up jewish. the sleight of hand will occur when america abandons circumcision in the next 3 generations, possibly with the help of illegal immigrants.

>First, the United States evinces an unusual form of nationalism best described as civic nationalism. There are hearth cultural roots and associated bloodlines here, of course; but the United States is an immigrant society tethered more tightly to an abstract concept of the public realm than is the case in typical ethnic nationalisms. The American concept of the public realm is derived from the Enlightenment, as embodied and conveyed in social form through Anglo-American Protestantism. That concept of citizenship has been generally broad, expandable, and ultimately quite inclusive: That has been useful for Jews.

most important quote.

Exactly. Enlightenment liberalism made this possible.

And Paolo Sarpi made that possible.

more pilpul. translation from the original parseltongue:

"America was created by and for white anglo-saxon protestants, who own all the major institutions and occasionally invite minorities into their ranks. we can't question the society's guiding enlightenment philosophy without sacrificing our place in the power structure."

tl;dr just look at any institution's board of trustees. you'll find a few jews, catholics, asians, blacks, and hispanics sprinkled throughout a general core of WASP names.

those few minorities are effectively assimilated and acting as agents of the American WASP endeavor.

you can try to rewrite history but clearly it's not true because they allowed all the other races to come here.
and america was colonized by people besides anglos.

although i agree that real america is anglo values. problem is anglos were too inclusive.

If the future of jewry rests with the hasids then they are cooked. The hasids can't even merchant or do regular jobs they survive off of their charity scams targeting secular Jews and goyim while they spend the rest of their time babbling about the Talmud. In Israel they are despised by the rest of the country because they won't work or join the army. They the most hideous and inbred of the entire tribe and are completely useless fuckers. without their special brand of gibs, kosher taxes and various shakedowns it's over for them.

it's basically rome 2.0.
you had a racial stock that created an explosive republic/empire, which then turned civic instead of racial, leading to its downfall.


Ashkenazi Jews especially are even more fucked than whites. Never mind their coming issues with the Brown Horde in America, go to Tel Aviv and you'll see a city with more gay faggot shit than just about anywhere in Europe and africans/arabs everywhere.

i'm not saying you're wrong, but it hardly matters what race the factory workers are. you don't need to be enlightened to work on an assembly line.

the proof of WASP success is our invisibility. I'd enjoy a country with less catholics, evangelicals, and jews, but they're usually the target of anti-white propaganda.

otherwise we'd see a lot more headlines like, "inside blake cabot's presbyterian youth group, the radicalization of a white male mass shooter." it just doesn't happen.

think of all the recent "white male" nonsense and ask yourself, is this article about a catholic, evangelical, or jew?

post checks out

>the proof of WASP success is our invisibility. I'd enjoy a country with less catholics, evangelicals, and jews, but they're usually the target of anti-white propaganda.
my experience at uni was WASPs were basically non-existant.
Just a small minority of students on frat row
most of the clubs and serious majors were dominated by chinese, indians, jews.

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covington boy was a catholic