The time for people to fight for politicial ideals is now over. Capeshit, swordshit and spaceshit are the new religions. Disney and Jews have won. It's over.
This is the future
That is awesome trolling. She dies in the end! This movie sucks, I'm leaving!
tbqh he deserved it for being even more onions than them in finding joy in spoiling a superhero movie
Yes now let us create the first church of old school runescape
>Capeshit, swordshit and spaceshit are the new religions
Just one more sign of a dying civilization.
How the fuck do you lose a fight with the kinds of fucks that go see Marvel trash.
Oh wait, he saw it too.
>Porg...and countless abortions
I've been doing it everywhere online. If I had the time, I would do it with a bullhorn outside every theatre in my town. Fuck that dumb shit. People that get triggered over fantasy need to kts.
I would unironically join up. Talking shit with a bunch lads, grinding exp/gp, remembering the good times.
A-are we becoming the boomers?
It's never over cocksucker.
>imagine caring this much
How embarassing for you.
Maybe, but I doubt it's from his sperm
>It's free speech, bro
Fuck fixing it, get ready for the end. Remember as Christ is the cornerstone, and the church is the body of Christ, the Church is the cornerstone. Those upon whom the cornerstone falls, shall be crushed; and those who strike it shall be shattered. The annihilation of the Church will be the death knell of the wicked. Preach the Good News, in word and in deed, so that many will be spared as God wishes to bestow his great mercy on all creation. The 11th Hour draws near.
Imagine basing your life around such a shitty throwaway character.
People didn't do this shit for Ewoks in the 80s, and those shitty characters were twice as interesting.
black people love capeshit
i never understood the spoiler obsession; i typically want to know as much as i can about a movie before i see it, i like to see if i percieve the film and its messages the same way the sources do. never even annoyance at the thought of spoilers, not can it be that spoilers bother people at all? you knew going in to this for example that it would be a win or draw for team not-thanos, odds of some shamalamadingdong type twist were lower than a nigger loving whore on a hot jungle tour, how could any rational creature get bothered?
As a member of Anti-Spoilers group, aka Anti-spo, but I digress, sigh. Today is; punch a spoily day, too many spoilys have spoiled films and yikes, it is time for that to stop and we're going to literally do it sweetie.
get in shape and learn how to fight. Look at that little stickman faggot, a strong gust of wind could have knocked him over.
>imagine spend time to attempt to use the kike method of humiliation tactics on someone because you feel it is your duty to protect a 2,000 million pound making film from a company worth more than most countries.
Take your aids medication, sweetie.
>ankle tattoo
>bright blue ass hair
Why is pol always right :/
I'd love to see Optical Prime
Jesus Christ, this fucking clown world is really splitting my lip
who would Jow Forums follow? zaros? Saradomin? guthix?Sliske?
Imagine handing that to a child after it has been packaged by a parasite infested guatemalan that just finished scoopng up vomit and diarrhoea with his bare hands after a made to order porn shoot had just been filmed.
Ive never really understood spoilers. Sure the ending is there, but part of the fun is how it actually plays out.
Wait...How could it be a surprise. It's been written down for years. He movie didn't change too much. Certainly not the climax. How stupid are these people? I mean, it's like getting mad at someone telling you how lotr ends..ffs.
Your pierced, surgically crafted dilated tranny horror hole lip?
It's johnny 5 from shart circuit.
Me either leaf. If it's such a blow to the "experience" the experience wasn't worth shit.
>black people love capeshit
Black people love Dragon Ball Z and blatant, masturbatory, Mary Sue fan service that appeals to their sensitive racial egos while acting as a commercial substitute for any kind of meaningful recorded history of their ancestors.
how does lotr end?
you gained my post by replying to it,you fucking pathetic reddit faggot with aids
How the fuck is this nig nearly a foot taller than his own reflection? Is this the magic of Egyptian Kangs?
That's a tranny btw
>the car needs a new engine
Really? Aquaman drowns.
thats what im wondering. isnt all of the stuff in this movie directly lifted from a decade old comic book storyline?
It’s part of the religion of film. Don’t question dogma. Don’t question the sacredness of fun.
Piss off you onions trash
>knowledge of civilization
Knowledge of civilization will tell you that pure races are incapable of creating a civilization that is also an ethnostate. Civilizations create melting pots where the weak are protected by the strong. Niggers don't need civilization when they could just eat bananas, swing from tree to tree, and fight other tribes.
Why do burgers worship their corporate overlords so much? It's like a cult or something.
Saradomin for sure
For someone who likes to watch movies unspoiled not so much a fanI have invested time in watching these movies and the anticipation for an ending to all this is 10 years in the making. So I am happy its finally over. Would I be angry if someone spoiled it? Yeah but not angry enough to beat some one but also happy that he got beat for being a dumb ass.
I remember reading some magazine by Sony Playstation where some fucker spoiled a huge part of Star Wars episode 3 about emperor Palpatine. I then hoped Sony as a company would crash and burn and they pretty much did and felt no remorse.
I watch "cape shit" as some call it because it reminds me what a human is actually capable of.
Sara ofc
Definitely Saradomin. They even shill against him just like liberals IRL.
Not naming it
One job fucking job.
based sarabros
>Capeshit has risen to the level of religious fervor
How did this happen?
All the sciences???
Disney did something that goes beyond, the mcu in terms of storytelling is shit, but they did something that is what makes it a money printing machine, they made people care deeply, on an emotional level about these characters, for fans these are not only characters, but family and friends, if the movie is shit, doesn't matter you're there to see your friends on the screen, when you craft characters and cast people that connect to the audience on a deep emotional level you have this crazy insane cult shit like you see now, because who wouldn't defend family?
user, I just don’t care. Unlike you; legitimately don’t care.
You are so assblasted by it you spend actual time and thought on it.
>there are millions of people in this world who would beat abuse and torment their fellow man because a fictional story created by Jews and SJW's got spoiled
I unironically pray for a Second Civil War because it means that subhumans like this can be liquidated.
>putting a stock image of the movie poster to cover the Chinese writing on the window so people don't realize this was soulless gooks being gooks.
Clever OP
>all the sciences
kek every time
If you can't enjoy a movie whose ending has been spoiled than the movie wasn't that good.
Hell, if I lived closer to a city, I might've gone to some big cineplex and spoiled it just for a chance to get into a fight with some numale trash. Not worth the 50 miles in fuel though.
It's not just Disney, it's also Youtubers. People are getting too invested in these parasocial relationships that they become violent when someone breaks the illusion by saying "it's just a movie, or a game".
>Capeshit, swordshit and spaceshit
Okay then what should we watch/read for entertainment.
Let me guess japanese cartoons that depict prepubescent girls running around in lingerie with a giant hammer that spends the entire series making sexual innuendos where its clear the sole purpose of that character is for a certain sect of the audience to lock themselves in their room to fap to that character?
or better yet hentai which is bright and colorful jap cartoons displaying graphic sex scenes meant to attract the youngest male audience as possible.
Lets not pretend that japan-chit is cut from a higher quality cloth. Its all degeneracy.
People don't like assholes. One guy snapped.
Not all capeshit is bad. Most of them are watcheable. Good popcorn schlock. But they're not definitive cinema. Getting fanatical over films, or games, or any media, is retarded, even if the movie in question is the ALMIGHTY(in their words, not mine) Citizen Kane.
It's just entertainment. Hell, when one of the Potter books was released, Jow Forums got in on the meme of spoiling the book for readers with SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE. Shit was hilarious. Moot had the audiobook part where Snape does his deed on a loop.
It has nothing to do with capeshit. I would've done the same thing.
Are you a nigger?
What the fuck is capeshit
I'm glad that guy got beat
The guy has one too...
Superhero stuff. It actually started with Smallville, etc on the WB, NOT with Marvel. People don't realize that.
The DCAU was far superior to modern capeshit too.
I mean that guy lives in HK so idk what to tell you.
Talk shit get hit
Have to call bullshit on that one. Was good until I noticed "The furniture of law enforcement". If they can get futuristic right, would think future is a gimme. Good fun though.
I love you
I suspect they're intentional fakes for lulz and novelty.