Whites have a dozen words that can trigger a black person. Example: Nigger, Mook Booners, Pavement ape.etc.etc. Why aren't black people able to do the same? Serious responsespecially only.
How do blacks insult whites?
i can make you lose your job and your family by calling you a racist
They bypass the name calling and hurt you by knocking your ass out and fucking your wife
you will increase my business
Seriously responses only.
Only if your job is public sector.
However, you make a good point.
>what is the knockout game
>what is interracial cuckoldry
if you wanted a serious discourse about white fragility you wouldn't be on Jow Forums you dumb incel
Whites do not succumb to the same cuckoldry as the nigger race.
>How do blacks insult whites?
by being ungrateful backstabbing cunts usually
Blacks use the Word "Cracker" to insult White People
There is NOTHING a nigger can say to hurt my feelings
Insulting Epithets for whiteness don’t really work because calling someone white is literally saying they have the best ancestors and culture
Conversely every word that refers to blacks eventually becomes offensive because it’s invariably associated with murder, mud huts, and kool aid
Moon crickets suck at insults. Honkie and cracker are the most predominant ones I've heard. Though never to my face.
I've seen the word "cac" on black forums. I like it.
I take that as a compliment as “cracker” refers to slave owners who used to crack the whip on slaves
wtf is a Mook Booner?
Blacks use words for Whites that are based on their own self-perceived victimhood (e.g. cracka, honky) which are only offensive when that black victimhood is also perceived by the target, whereas Whites use words for Blacks that are straightforward derogations, and are thus offensive to all Blacks.
they attack with petulant insults
>"you ugly" "you stink" "nice clothes (snigger)"
it's all a bunch of shitty bait because they know you can't call them niggers
wtf is a chicken nugget scoon?
Maybe it's telling that certain groups automatically get offended by random strings of words.
Pigskin, cumskin, BBC, Slavery...
Best insult is "incel."
but porch monkeys is real
Thats a bingo. Just calling them black is offensive now because its associated with their behavior
Didn't whites invent that shit?
pretty much. racist ones - see, it's hotter because black people are primal and animalistic!
It’s partially due to the inferiority complex that most niggers have. Not memeing.
>chicken nugget scoon
That insult is a bit of a self-own, it implies that the user of it is beneath the target. It also sounds like something a 1970s blaxploitation pimp would say.
At one time or another ALL of those words for blacks weren't offensive, they were just every day language.
They became offensive over time because of the negative stigma attached to them, because they were associated with black people
"pussy ass white boi u ain gon do shit" is the go to insult in any conflict. They tend to string together generalising insults
This. Read about how a "poc" behaved disorderly for the millionth time and it too will become an offensive term
I always like "honky".
Where do you go, for no-holds-barred, but serious discussions?
Shill trying to scare people off of Jow Forums. Only reason for someone with this attitude to post here.
Heil Hogan
POC=picker of cotton
>Mook Booner
Was this thread made in an effort for you to popularize your original slur? If so, it's not funny. My wife's son is black, and he's very offended.
It's not as simple as making-up a magic word that could somehow hurt.the ego of white people the way nigger hurts blacks. Calling a black guy a nigger reminds him of his race, something most black americans are secretly ashamed of, despite the front they put up. Calling him a monkey reminds him of just how primitive and useless his race is compared to others. Learning to cry "racism" at the slightest provocation has only made him weaker and more vulnerable to the insults.
Any time a black tries to use slurs to insult white people, it largely has the opposite effect, only the most pathetic and cucked white people are actually ashamed of their race, so being called white only reminds them that the one insulting them is black, and at best makes them feel some pity towards the one using the slur, or it can even come off as funny.
The only way a black guy can really insult a white guy is by being better behaved than he is, make him look like the nigger he accuses you of being. If you think there's a magic phrase that can just break white men, you're not going to find it.
Meme flag larp
But true. You got your point across.
Call them a mutt or question their racial purity.
Shut up nigger