How do we legally eliminate Negros?

Our best estimates, based on a projection of the most recent data through the current period, is that the current cumulative number of abortions from 1967 through June of this year is 59.4 million, of which an estimated 20,350,000 are Black American abortions.

Considering that the total current Black American population is about 42,000,000, the 20,350,000 Black American abortions are equal to 48.45% of the total Black American population. If not for abortion, the total Black American population would be approximately 62,350,000, or 48% greater than it is today.

This is based on an analysis of data from the U.S. Statistical Abstract for 2013 and the National Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 64, No. 1 dated January 15, 2015. This analysis was done recently by Dennis Howard, President of the Movement for a Better America who has written extensively on abortion demographics.

In 2015, there were an estimated 9,168,000 Black American women in their childbearing years between age 15 and 44 which make up around 14% of all women in that age group in the United States of America.

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Other urls found in this thread:

These women experienced:

Births: 621,679
Abortions: 423,000
Pregnancies: 1,044,679
Resulting in:

Abortions as a % of all pregnancies: 40.5%
Abortion rate per 1,000 women: 46.3
The number of Black American births is a dramatic change from the earlier trend between 2000 and 2009, when births grew from 623,000 in 2000 to 671,000 in 2009. That’s a growth rate of 0.83% a year. If that trend had continued, Black American births in 2015 would have reached 705,000 in 2015, or 83,400 more than were actually born.

The Total Fertility Rate for Black American’s is 1.8, which is again below the replacement level fertility rate of 2.1 or the rate at which a generation can replace itself. Clearly, abortion is the biggest single negative force on Black American growth generally, including Black American economic and political power.

Keeping the Black American community smaller and less powerful reflects the racist, eugenic and genocidal mindset behind the abortion policies advanced by Planned Parenthood and the Democratic party under the guise of helping Black Americans. If “Black Lives Matter,” then the life of the human being inside the womb of his or her Black mother matters too.

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>giving a fuck about niggers

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well the point of this post is, if you are a pro-life christ fag and got your way, we'd have millions of additional niggers running around. Imagine the increase in crime rates.

Attached: Legally Kill Blacks.png (3000x3000, 686K)

Ok I get it. Myself I don't see niggers as a human species so they should be controlled just like invasive species are through eradication programs and by putting a bounty on them.

Only give food stamps to sterilized blacks

Sounds good.

Spay and neuter your niggers if you don't like abortion.

What is this from?

Africa Addio

How about we just get rid of king nigger only. Leave innocent blacks alone.

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>If not for abortion, the total Black American population would be approximately 62,350,000, or 48% greater than it is today.
And this infuriates the ChristCucks. They want more niggers for Jeezuz.

>Leave innocent blacks alone.
yeah. they should have never been brought here in the first place. Slavery was one of the biggest mistakes in American history.

Hello FBI

Reduced prison sentences for vasectomies.

Hear me out. About 1 in 3 black males will go to prison at some point. Vasectomies would be an easy way to reduce breeding and have dramatic impact on the population. Those that do remain would be a far less violent and delinquent kind.

I've been saying this but NOBODY listens. With race mixing and abortions, the full blood negroid will go extinct on american soil. This is gods work. The white replacement rate while still too dam low, is 3% higher than the kneegroid. They will eventually disappear.

Margaret Sanger was /ourgirl/

I'm unironically all for this. Also, encourage stronk black womyn to undergo tubal ligation in exchange for a lifetime of welfare.

We will see the last full blood negroid in 3 generations. They will mixbreed with all city dwellers and mexigroids. Yes some low iq white women will be condemmed but mixed race folks tend to choose a lighter color in hand so those lines in due time will be bleached. The United states, habiting the largest white population on the planet, will once again be able to import other non-cucked european blood. Life is good anons. Have those white babys now. They WOULD NOT have such a vile campaign against us if they thought we could not win. They know we can. MAKE WHITE CHILDREN GOD DAMMIT!!!

Oh and buy more guns. The two things they are afraid of, is white children amd black guns.

Super aids.
On top of that you also remove the gays.
It was truly God's salvation in virus form. If only scientists didn't interfere.

Saint Sanger is truly a hero.


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Is funny to see America passing through what Brazil did, this is literally our thinking in the XX century look up "branqueamento".

>well thought-out posts highlighting the growth patterns of a human-shaped pest species and how to keep it from exploding in population and eliminating the intellectual potential of our entire species by causing more and more resources to be diverted towards eternally feeding brown people

>lol giving a fuck about niggers

Jow Forums never fails to demonstrate its low intelligence

based and mejorar la raza pilled

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Here it kinda of worked, again we did not had abortion at the time, but the results were positive sopa de macaco aside, e may have a giant mixed race population nowadays but we got from a 51% (1835 census) black country to a 7% (2010 census), with abortion on the table I really think that is possible to eliminate full negroids from the population.

Hello CIA.

what did you just say?

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>crush gets loaded with Congo juice
>makes thread

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well ending foreign aid is imperative I also recommend putting fertility clinics filled with high tier white man jizz to bleach the continent in every city and mudshit village. white jizz will be a biological weapon in every shitskin nation of the planet. let their women choose. operation bleached earth. the benefits of this plan are enumerable.

Simple, ship them back to Africa. It was oppressive to free them from slavery only to play a role in the theater of European society (thugz/ballers). Let them roam free in Africa again in the 3rd world like they were meant to. It is inhumane to keep them in Euro society.

Stupid fucking losers you are, abortion kills white babys too, whites are dying more then they are being born, eugenics will never work. Low breeds will always produce, the answer is not to prevent them for producing or to kill their babies, the answer is for OUR race to produce as much as possiable. Im come from a family of 12 irish catholic. You dont see that shit anymore cause of pussies like ur self. Want to help the world get off ur ass a produce as many children as possiable. Im a hot white gurl why the fuck dont i have 20 kids yet? Have you all been so programmed?