This describes 100% of Jow Forums users

>"im not a wage cuck to the jew"

- excuse of everyone on Jow Forums

Attached: mommy jews control the world.jpg (736x827, 161K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Everyone knows that kikes control usa

yea I bet, he looks like the type who sits in his room all day browsing Jow Forums and complaining about the jews or whatever

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I don't know why people who are woke to the JQ would think that it benefits our cause to shoot up a random synagogue.

Im not even saying "violence is never the answer" or some bullshit like that, Im saying how does this particular use of violence not backfire?

if youre woke to the JQ you should be assassinating powerful jews not this kind of bush league garbage

>Mother Jew rules over Jewling with an iron fist
>Jewling feels Jews are too dominate over him, shoots up other Jews.
>Other Jews use the attack to solidify more power over goyim.

Exactly. These dumb fucks are going after the lowest Jews on the totem pole instead of going after ones that are of any importance.

A larger number of those in the US, Europe, and Asia live with their parents and many do not like Jews. Jews can look forward to more of the same.

>live in SoCal
>Jews control the world

They control his world hollyped

Interesting how they never addressed whether or not his assessment was correct.


dissapointing hes lost it all now.

hah look at this nerd

>muh jew defense niggerdom
>every one on Jow Forums is a incel who thinks jews are evil
>posts that statement on Jow Forums
so rabbi you hate jews ? we have much to discuss

>a 19 year old college student is living with his parents

Wow btfo

One (1) killed three (3) injured

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yea and?
dumb faggot.

> Come on down to Earnest Buick Chevy Chrysler and drive off in one of our preowned cars today!

>They need something to tie him to Jow Forums, once they have that, MSM can just link to a few natsoc glow nigger threads and they take control on the web.

That's teir plan ya know, cant have another trump, or brexit come around.
They need complete control, but the public wont go for that, so they need to make the public demand it.

I was real surpised that vegas shooter didnt have pepe tattos and was the hacker known as Jow Forums

So it still hasn't been confirmed the shooter is the tard user?

he's not wrong he's just retarded. if you're thinking about doing something stupid, just stop and have a long think about why doing dumb shit like this plays right into the larger jew narrative. they want incompetents to shoot up their jewish supremacy factories and temples to mammon. Don't ever give the jew what they want and they want to be the eternal victim. They even have that cuck Pompeo using their slogan "the oldest hatred." as if anyone is surprised that the devil is the oldest hated being on the planet.

Don't be retarded, be smart. Play the long game. if you can get 50 million people ready to burn down every temple to satan, then you can do whatever you want, until then work on improving yourself not trying to dethrone the devils of this world. They're going to keep winning until enough people can see through their masks.

He'll be proved right and freed when the collapse happens

Jesus, you fucking retards took someone who could have been super powerful and influential for the movement and turned him into a common killer. You people fucking suck.

But it wasn't you was it? It was fucking 8 chan, I know it was


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That k/d would be sufficient.

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that guy is too smart to fall for shitty baiting Jow Forums memes

He killed a 63 year old. You traded a 19 yo who will never breed for a 63 year old grandmother of 4. Wow.

Most millennials live with their parents. They're trying to make fun of him due to that fact, yet they're terrified that he carried out the attack. Just look at everybody crying and shaking on social media. Even loser whites strike terror into everybody.

Oh no no no

>Fuck the economy in the ass by importing a gorillion beans
>Make fun of people for living with parents
>"Why do they say mean things about us?"

19 living at home so what? The funny thing is jews are known to live with their parents for a looooooong time, like italian long. In israel they move out at like 25.

she prob moved back to Israel months ago

>American youth are kicked out of their house at 18 by their boomer parents for no discernible reason beyond "muh bootstraps"

>for some reason this sad reality becomes a source of pride for those that managed to scrape their way to moderate "success" after many years of needless struggle.

>this "muh strapz" faux pride mentality is then used to shame those that have yet to be kicked out even though 9/10 this shaming stems from bitterness and jealousy.

Shitlibs and normies come off like battered wives when they bring this shit up, especially in current year.

I'm going to make sure my kids have a leg up in this world, unlike my parents that literally booted me out at 17 just do they could do bi-yearly cruises. Fucking pieces of shit.

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>virgin NEETs are the cause
Same ol', same ol'.

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this also includes you, stupid.

The kid is literally a jew though...

>planning to take over the world
>planning to

And is it not true? Makes you think.

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Boomers moved out at 18 back when you could go get a job at factor and within a year make enough to own a house, with just a HS education.

>passes pro-Israel laws
>penalize anti-Israel people
>jews are a special class in world politics and economy
>thanks to USA defending their legitimacy

gee goy, I dont see why you would think that Jews control the world

He's not a millennial

It wasn't 8 chan's fault he shot the synagogue, it was his fault that he went through with it in the first place. 8 chan played no part in the shooting, this all falls on John.

someone's going to try to root our 'white supremacist' Jow Forumslacks only to realized how many of them aren't even fucking white. Hail Eris.

This, also the manifesto would have a lot more specifics on how Jews influence society.

This or you can hunt Rothschilds like Van Pelt.

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Under 8 chan is fucking done. They are basically a terrorist training center and if a website was associated with ISIS attacks you would want it shut down too.

>checked and 88pilled
i blame reddit for being a cesspool of fags and trannies.

This post is why Jow Forums is called cuckchan

for the information of LETTERS


>live alone for years
>have had girlfriends
>currently have one
>marriage plans
>have money

I am not shooting anybody, not unless is repelling aggresion, please remove me from the "potentials" list

thank you

>19 yo lives with parents
stop the presses

also I dont take psy meds or drugs beside ocasional pot, dont drink

Burned by a leaf.

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he's sitting on his wireless charger?

so lemme get this straight:

Lyin Jew media: Check
Theiving Jew Usury: check
Jews starting wars: check
Jews created Marxism and Communism: Check
Jewlywood: check
Jews made Feminism: check
Jews made pornography: check
Jews control USA govt: check
Jews over represented in slave trade: check
Jews persecute christians: check
Jews killed the perfect man Christ: check

Yeah, nothin to see here folks. Another mentally ill shooter lol.

>op thinks this describes 100% of pol
OP is a faggot
I am a wage cuck
Another way not to be a wage cuck is to invest instead of wage cucking 9-5

I am the parent the kids live with..I've redpilled half a school
your time is up

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Woah, this dude was actually NOT a deadbeat loser with nothing to live for. He was somebody, WTF happened to him? I mean he seems like a person who is able to discern between good and evil and have an idea of the consequences for his actions.

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>19 year old lives with parents


archive it next time newfag

No. We should just keep being tolerant and accommodating to them and not have them fear us. We wouldn’t want them to move away or anything crazy like that.

Isn't it funny a certain group of people that tend to be landlords want you to move out ASAP and pay rent (but in their home country, young men live at home until marriage)

Geez it’s almost like someone is actively working against us

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This is just part and parcel of living among the people you’re trying to genocide.

and what have you done faggot?

A student lives with his parents? WOAH! What an incel!

Groups of people that live at home for extended periods of time:


Also all top 5 in salary earnings in the US

Good point. Heaven forbid families love each other and want to live together if fear.

He's a loser for what he did to innocent people, not for living at home as a teenager.

that's the big mystery. someone should run the plates on his car. someone in another thread said they came up as no owner

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Wrong. I'm homeless and unemployed. I have nothing left to lose.
Expect more violence from people just like me.

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>shooter got outscored by a tranny ghost lover


ah so this was made to discredit the JQ as an insane conspiracy theory
thx OP

It’s going to be wild watching the jews try to put the gene back in the bottle. (Never capitalize the j in jew, it drives them crazy)

>that headline
Yeah, why would any organized group want to control the world? That’s just silly!

Especially a caring and noble people like the jews.

In 30 years you or your children may well be forced to suck the cock of someone like him, just like people are today for earlier terrorists (pic related)

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Meant for and

They’re much too humble, also.

Fake. Gay.

Fuck you faggot

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>lives at home
>19 years old

This is a normal way to live.

Personally I have one white kid and another one on the way, what have any of you done for the white race lol, do you plan on giving your life to kill one of the billion of roaches in the world?


He has soft body armor on.

Intredasting, shall keep in mind and follow earnest's case.

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Clearly you don't understand.
These shootings, in this political climate, only serve the interests of the opposing side.
All you get as a result of these incidents are:
>more gun control
>increased sympathy for "insert group"
>turning off individuals who may be sympathetic to your cause
>increased surveillance on your own people
>loss of personnel while achieving absolutely nothing of merit

I could keep going, but the point is: going to a synagogue and shooting a few random jews is fucking USELESS.
All you end up doing is further ostracizing your side and making those on the other side of the fence increasingly paranoid and willing to do what the elites want.

Lol denying facts. Jews control the world. You can t even deny the holokaust happened or you get jailed.

The Jews at this synagogue are extremely conservative, do no support the state of Israel (as it goes against talmud), and are excellent neighbors.
-t. Powegian

All you need to learn from this is that Mt. Carmel/Rancho Penasquitos is full of white trash brainlets.

Checked, based and redpilled. Controlled opp psyop false flags.

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..he's only 19?

then who gives a fuck if he lives with his parents, you'd have to be retarded or rich not to at that age

He was only 19, why is it amazing that he lived with his parents. But he was still a tremendous coward attacking a bunch of powerless old people. His attack didn't serve any of his alleged ends. None of these stupid murder sprees do.

Is it unusual for a teenager to be living with their parents?

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>kills 1
Proof how incompetent mutts are, not even close to the christchurch guy or the BVLL breivik.

>when the collapse happens
Imagine seriously believing this.

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