We thought Wendy's was based

But Dave Thomas was a Mason. Fuck Wendy's! Wendy must have been the little red-headed girl that Dave Thomas trafficked and sold off to Dems for a pizza party.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Wendy must have been the little red-headed girl that Dave Thomas trafficked and sold off to Dems for a pizza party.

Prolly. Dems are into that sort of thing.

Wendy is his daughter that inherited the company and appeared in a few commercials.
When she got on camera after Dave's death she got the name Big Red and hated it that they made commercials with the skinny chick wearing a wig.

will you ever get over yourself mason hating user? I see your shitty posts all the time and its so tiring lmao

Yes, Wendy is Dave's daughter, but she wasn't sold off. She even appeared in a commercial a while back, but it must have sent the wrong message because the commercial was quickly pulled and she was replaced...

Attached: wendyt.jpg (497x293, 24K)

...with this.

Attached: now that's better.jpg (630x429, 77K)

Attached: Hang Masons.png (816x684, 473K)

Looks like she may have eaten too much Wendy's.

Holy shit

Meme Magick is real

Attached: Smug Wendy.jpg (474x474, 41K)

Wendy's cheese is actually a form of wax which is room-temp safe for up to 8 hours. Also, they reuse bacon grease for the burgers and don't tell anyone.

idk why people shit on masons so much. as far as I can tell it's mostly about being incredibly old and hanging around smoke shops, casino bars and bowling alleys

Attached: Fuck Masons.jpg (2080x1553, 468K)

uh, write that on the bullet, retard

It's still better than the shit food you eat faggot.

i always wanted to see her naked...

Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times

(((Anti-Masons))) aren't the brightest bunch.

looks like she ate Wendy


fuck off jew

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>they pulled Wendy from the commercials because she's a fat Boomer nowadays


tfw born just in time to see fast food marketing threads on pol

Wendy's is overhyped, Carl's Jr is the best "big chain."

While Wendy's uses fresh not frozen beef, Carl's Jr's burgers are grilled on a flame and not fried. I have to agree with you.

The six-dollar burger was originally marketed as a burger of equal quality to what you would pay $6 for at a sit-down restaurant.
It now unironically costs $6, fries and drink not included.

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Redpill me on masons OP, cause you just seem like a blameshifter without explaining it.

Attached: IMG_20190429_061820_637.jpg (540x611, 61K)

And it's no longer called the six dollar burger. And a burger in a sit down restaurant is like eleven dollars now.


Attached: $6.jpg (457x323, 29K)

I've always seen it called a ⅓ lb thickburger now, haven't seen the six dollar thing for years. Where'd you get that?

Their website... I even posted the link.

Yeah my quickpost window was blocking your post so I saw that after it posted. Man I feel dumb kek

There is literally nothing wrong with being a Free Mason.

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you're a double niggerjew if you don't eat at carl's jr

Are the burgers from fast food restaurants really made of meat?

Ronald McDonald is a clown.
Whopper is slang for a massive lie.
Wendy is not a real name. It comes from the Peter Pan book.

Attached: ronald_mcdonald in hell.png (900x760, 569K)

it's a slurry made of minced foreskins, textured vegetable protein and aborted gentile babies

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Don’t knock Wendy’s

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Jesus Christ Yanks are so far down on the cultural decline they're sexualizing fast food mascots

So was Henry Ford

Masons are just the white version of the shit jews use to pull strings, minus the overt racism and pushing for pro-white causes they'd basically be white jews and could accomplish the same kind of shit. Why hate a possible solution?

how are the working conditions on Wendy's chef

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Hey senpai how's the queen doin

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>they reuse bacon grease
There's literally nothing wrong with that, it's actually making me want wendys right now. And no national chain uses real cheese. You think taco bell cheese doesn't burn like paper now because it's finally real cheese? They just tweaked the chemistry. Same for mcdonalds cheese, burger kind, hardees, it's got a little dairy in it at most but isn't cheese.

Masonry is christian, retard.

The grill burgers from Dairy Queen are better than the Carl's jr. ones

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But Wendy's doesn't serve pizza

gimme a junior bacon chee, some chili, fries, and a small chocolate frosty nigel.

I'll take a liter of cola

yeah but if you get hot food at Dairy Queen you're just straight-up weird.

No, it's not. At it's core it's Luciferian

OP is a McFaggot, guarantee it.

me too.. she's actually blonde, but i'd still spooge to that carpet.

dilly bar ftw

Sorry, we don't have Liter'aCola here, bucko

Zoomers will never know how good Wendy's actually used to be in the 80s and 90s. Ever since Dave died it has gone to shit because they cut corners on ingredients and now it's the same garbage as McDonald's and Burger King.

Isn't that another word for Christian?

Masonry predates Christianity and Judaism.

wasn't someone saying most of the big food chains were started by occultists who'd been in the military or some shit?

god dammit why are all redheads in media/hollywood natural blondes?

Looks like he ate Philadelphia

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>not sexualize everything
Pleb who live in the past

Ex military or Jews. His list hit so many. I'll find it.


Why are you all batshit insane?

Everyone in the 50s was a Freemason of some kind. It was a popular social club back then. In fact, they had policies that barred Jews from ever getting major status there. Most of the "Anti-Mason" crowd the same people who constantly give Israel money on a daily basis.