Based NYT

Based NYT.

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Shouldn't it be the other way round? So far Trump has done everything Netanyahu told him to do.

Where's the antisemitism??

Don't see the problem, seems like an accurate depiction.

Its not even accurate. Trump should be the pupper.

dog walks man

Trump's blind in the cartoon so the dogs leading him.

Anyone have the original from ww2 with jew leading churchill?

Could be seen as an anti semitic dog whistle i suppose

No, Bibi is depicated as a service animal who is guiding a blind trump. Reversing it would make no sense.

How is it wrong?

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>religious symbol
>oy vey that offends my race.

Criticizing Israel = criticizing the jew

The whole America is an Israel puppet is a meme.
America just uses Israel as a way to easily cause instability and disruption in the middle east.

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The amount of butthurt a post like that would cause would be glorious. I feel like it would cause the US government to implode.

this is what hacking should be focused on

cracking politicians twitters and wreaking havoc

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NYT is literally staffed top to bottom with Jews. They won't shoah themselves.

Jesus Christ, this is a whole new level of copeposting.

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The part where Trump is a Jew (see the hat). If they didn't add that part in, then it could be interpreted as just being against Israel. But it's more than that, it's antisemitism. This is like a cartoon Jow Forums would make.

someone shoop it so drump is the dog and bibi it the owner

>implying Israel leading the US president around by the nose is somehow an insult

Thinking is anti-semitic, goyim.

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like when someone got podesta twatter

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So, the cabal takes on the identity of "God's chosen people™" and then use that identity as an invincible shield to create controversy, perpetually eliminating any discussion regarding the JQ. I'm honestly surprised at how long this has worked, and how long people have been duped by this shit.

You don't get the point. Trump is "blind" in the cartoon. Net is the "seeing eye dog". This is why you marry your siblings and produce even stupider people from generation to generation. Perhaps cartoons aren't your strong suit?

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Why the fuck would you do that? The meme wouldn’t make sense then, retard.

>Perhaps cartoons aren't your strong suit?
Only incestual rape and suicide bombings are its strong suits.

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You are totally looking at this in reverse, and don't even know why. That's why there is such a long time to go in this game. Unless you are a shill, then fuck you; you are a part of the problem which perpetuates the problem.

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Those faggots on Breitbart are REEEing about this as we speak.

>Thinking is anti-semitic, goyim
Daring to question that Jews are gods and goyim their worthless slaves is blatant anti-semitism.

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Pointing out in any way that Israel has undue influence on American foreign policy is a hate crime! Only a monster with mental problems and an irrational seething hatred of the innocent Israelis could even broach such a evil idea! The Times needs to be punished for this.

Yes! Hating that your Jewish slavemasters are your superiors is a hate crime, goyim!

Attached: Kushner - You goyim will die.jpg (1024x422, 27K)

It is and it has no place in this country. President Trump himself has declared that he personally believes that filthy anti semites like you deserve the death penalty. Not only that, but we, The American people, his supporters, agree with that. Just listen to that thunderous applause and those cheers for such a thing. Amazing isn’t it? Your time is near, filthy anti semite. See:

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Thanks Bruce.

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>the truth is vile so it shouldn't be said
every jew

Good thing that the american nazi Bannon that helped Bolsonaro knows whats up.

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JIDF! We've been expecting you.

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>the guy that calls out bannon is called jidf by the kike that has tons of pictures of kushner stored in his PC
are you brain damaged or you are a kike?
The me how the Bannon backed Brasil Reich is going you jewlover.

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