And yeah I will do my chin too, lol. I’m tempted to do it but would I suit it? This is the only pic of my hair at current length for now, what do you think?
Should I shave my head?
yeah man do it who gives a fuck
women don't like tryhards
Just shave the chin
Lol ok. I will post results after it’s done. I reckon at worst it’ll grow to a good length ina. Few weeks anyway
Dude no just get an SS haircut. Ur a retard ull look like an egg. Save that for when ur old and balding hard. Stay clean shaved and clean cut dont get a buzz.
Srsly u have dirty blonde hair and blue green eyes get a peaky blinders/hitler youth cut like pic related and ull melt pussies all ages. These retards replying are incels. Also get exercising.
ngl op you look pretty cute..
(also doesn't help that i like guys with long hair owo)
The main reason I actually wanna do it is because I have really bad dandruff. When I was a kid I didn’t wash my hair, and ever since I’ve reduced the dandruff but it’s always still quite bad. I’ve used every shampoo, for years I’ve tried and tried but it never works out. I think if I can just get all the dead skin off my scalp, my hair won’t be super greasy and shit.
I just did it, and like holy fuck there was so much dead skin. Literally enough to fill a shot glass. It looks like really ducking retarded but in the long term it will be worth it because my scalp will be clean
Ty user xoxo
Your hair's cute atm uwu
How often do you wash your hair? Conditioners actually help a lot with moisturing the scalp to reduce dandruff
Thank u hehe
Every day. When I was like 12, I never washed and got a full on fungal infection. Since then I’ve been conditioning, using anti dandruff stuff, the best one I found was neutrogena T- gel, but even then my hair always got super greasy really quick and could still dig out lots of dandruff.
Thank u uwu
I wash every day, condition etc. When I was 12ish I never washed, I got like a fungal infection and while I fixed it never removed my dandruff. It’s been a long time and still I have problems. I found the most success with neutrogena t gel, but even then it still doesn’t completely fix it or even enough for me to put up with
It said it didn’t post so I reposted. Oops
this is wat u wuld look like
>Every day.
You're washing too much now dummy. Wash like once every 2/3 days. It might be a bit gross for a few weeks but then your scalp will adjust and even out the sebum production.
Why did you go from one extreme to the other lmao
I didn't click on your picture, but yes. As somebody who thinks that shaved heads are super sexy, yes.
you need a muscular neck and traps, toned upper body for a shaved head
>every day
There’s your problem
u look cute as fuck,pls dont ruin it
I can't help thinking that ops question would be more funny and interesting in the reverse. A baldy agonizing over whether or not to let his hair grow out. I wonder if the advice people give would change in such circumstances.
I wouldn't. Just wear a cap
What beard?
Grow hair so you can tie it into a ponytail. If you're still not sure, go to a hairdresser and ask them what hair style they recommend.