They are in no hurry to identify the shooter since he wasn't white and the victims weren't kikes.
Landon Young
ONLY one shooting in baltimore today? Congratulations!
Evan Torres
Second season goes pretty fast for 22ep, I still need to marathon final myself; but I'm also 2 years into backlog at this point. The key is to just watch what makes you happy and not stress over a hobby, after all you can always pretend you're up to date if you're not on /a/
Baltimore murder stats still count against DC, so (((news))) media still has to pretend it matters
>tfw got Eva shoah'd this early. Thanks mods! (unironically) Now you faggots can go back to comfyposting and then properly discuss news without interruptions later in the day
Do one for Fred Trump too. He's got an interesting history with (((them))) as well. He donated to have Synagogues and Yeshiva's built and they even have one named after him. Maybe write up about Trump's best friend growing up (((Paul Onish))). Put your good Jew-tracking skills to work!
Jacob Gonzalez
well I just couldn't keep up with all the releases under different titles. It's a weird show. It's hard to even tell what is symbolically shown in the show and what actually happens
Blake Ward
How many soldiers would be rendered non-combative by taking this guy down with an immobilizing injury? Three? Four?
Luis Hughes
Gavin Edwards
How far left will the Democrats go? They are now comfortable with openly calling themselves socialist, many not far from being openly supportive of communism, and nearly all seem to be anti-capitalism. Is there a line the left and Democrats will not cross? Will the Democrats every risk standing up to their far left base?
>How far left will the Democrats go? If you think there is a limit to their depravity, you are wrong.
Adrian Phillips
They'll probably go the Democratic Socialism route for now. Not quite on Bernie's and AOC's level, it's too soon for that right now. The Democrats will just be the standard European leftist party from now on.
William Ortiz
Yeah Isin's style is a bit odd at times, though I've always enjoyed it. Still say it's a shame Medaka doesn't get enough love on TV to continue to the comfy arcs
And after yesterday's shooter turned himself in? CIA is getting really sloppy of late
i predict they keep winning popular vote/ house but keep losing senate and presidency for the next 2-3 elections, then major shit will happen when people get tired of the system
Josiah Allen
>Is there a line the left and Democrats will not cross? bro bruh broseidon
they kill babies, bro. waah waaah just born "I'm cold and I want my mommy" babies bro
Lucas Smith
Why hate Trump? He’s the only one fighting for a border. He’s done everything to get a border, we are just waiting on the Supreme Court.
Scary to think how well this must be working in large 90%+ democrat cities. You probably can get pretty much excommunicated for not supporting the dems in some places.
Andrew Martin
>oniichan gushing over normie show what did i do to deserve this considering the entire nation just took "no motive" in stride they probably decided they don't even need to try anymore
too bad for them they also supported abortion which niggers utilized to the maximum, and spics dont care about voting, only working for pennies
Aiden Harris
I don't think he's JIDF. JIDF would know that the 3.8 billion isn't from Trump's presidency. They'd focus more on the Golan Heights [yawn] or the $200million Trump added to the aid [which is literally just a drop in the ocean]. Could just be a shitposter, JIDF are a bit more informed from my interactions with them.
>Sen. Lindsey Graham, Republican from South Carolina, told CBS 11 Thursday that he wants U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to have the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA Court) look into allegations that the Department of Justice and the FBI may have misled judges while seeking FISA warrants to investigate the Trump Campaign and former campaign aide Carter Page.
>“I expect Justice Roberts to have the [FISA] Court ask questions of the Department of Justice and the FBI, ‘Did you mislead us?'” said Graham. “My job is to make sure the laws we have are enough to protect us. Somebody’s got to watch those who watch us.”
Even Graham is aware that Chief Justice John Roberts is the key to all this FISA mess.
By law, he appoints every FISA judge and as chief justice of the FISA court, he is suppose to oversee all FISA activity.
This is why Graham says to the press that Roberts has all the answers.
Since the FISA court doesn't have an actual court of appeals, Roberts is the sole person that represents the FISA court of appeals.
Once Trump declassifies FISA reports and it shows a shitload of negligence, Roberts should honestly resign because he failed in overseeing FISA for any abuse and negligence.
Michael Richardson
hate was a strong word, i just think we need someone younger who doesnt think about things in regards to the 70s or 80s
Connor Campbell
wtf is wrong with ur vagina
Josiah Miller
I filter by ID. JIDF/Shareblue generally employ about four shills per thread, so if you remove those ID's, it's pretty smooth sailing.
Samuel Martin
>Medaka never watched. Is it good? give me a >It's like [anime] mixed with [anime] description
>if its an imposter he has the act down pretty good. Not difficult honestly because all he does is strawman everything to say something negative about Trump. Fucker even did it when news about Notre Dame being on fire was first showing up. Then the victim complex and journalist-tier faggotry to take anything out of context for screencaps.
Roberts should resign over the FISA abuse
Justin Brooks
Knowingly and intentionally killing babies is no longer a big deal in the Western society thanks to the likes of the Democrats but clearly the general population is fine with it. Democrats keep getting elected.
Posting an offensive word of social media is a bigger offence than killing babies.
Austin Scott
unrelated, how do i get skin this smooth no homo, i have so much acne on my ass
Jayden Davis
Some shilling against President Trump is obviously a global operation... but with recent events, Jow Forums is too hot for low-pay shilling operations. Thus the drastic falloff.
I think you are a waste, fucking kikes they found the way to make people gay, just find a manly girl that wants to butt fuck you
Nicholas Nguyen
>filter how will you know if your enemy strikes at you?
Nathaniel Evans
He’s all we got. He’s well suited for the job because he has a fucking black belt in kike negotiations. He has more energy than most 40 year olds anyway