Why are the neocons still so powerful despite their lies and fuckups during the Iraq war...

Why are the neocons still so powerful despite their lies and fuckups during the Iraq war? Why haven't they been disgraced and "deplatformed" from positions of influence?

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Evangelical boomers

Oh look. 2 boomers with a boomer world view. Fucking boomers. John Bolton just puts off the air of a scumbag boomer.

He wrote in his Yale 25th reunion book: "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy. I considered the war in Vietnam already lost."[44] In a 2007 interview, Bolton explained his comment in the reunion book saying his decision to avoid service in Vietnam was because "by the time I was about to graduate in 1970, it was clear to me that opponents of the Vietnam War had made it certain we could not prevail, and that I had no great interest in going there to have Teddy Kennedy give it back to the people I might die to take it away from.

>Why haven't they been disgraced and "deplatformed" from positions of influence?
They were, until Jared Kushner told Trump to hire them all. And like the brainless goy that he is, Trump obeyed.

Because we are all a bunch of pussies who are too weak to assassinate them

Money, wisely invested


They will fill their cabinet with boomer appointees because they all think they are "wise in the ways of the world" because of "muh ivy league credentials".

FUCKING boomers!

Boomers. I personally know some old fucks who know all about jews, financial slavery and what have you, but at the end of the day they still watch holocaust docs on tv and praise reagan. It's like there's a fundamental flaw in the boomer brain, they either willingly blind themselves or are incapable of connecting the dots even if they're all in hand. And now people like Trump are trying to brainwash younger generations into this neocon mindset (Bolsonaro is doing the same over here). For fucks sake, in the months since our election boomers who never talked about these subjects keep sending copypastas about "good jews" on whatsapp groups. The latest one was about the wife of a banker whose foundation is literally dedicated to helping sephardis only, but for some reason the idiots share it.

Knowing what I know now I'm more inclined to believe dubya was duped by shit "intelligence" telling him to fuck over iraq or else the dirty sand rats we're going to sneak a Soviet era scud into the heart of DC. The problem wasn't that Bush was a warhawk, it's that he was a stupid faggot surrounded by warhawks with an itchy trigger finger. The entire intelligence community needs to be ripped apart.

Go fuck yourself feds.

Israel is a terrorist organization that's why. They probably know that if they don't comply that more attacks will occur and the problem will only get worse. 9/11 was just the first. If they didn't do what they said we could have expected more, possibly even nukes.

Neocons are proven winners, why hire anyone else?

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I think it might have something to do with Israel.

Boomers are going senile, but Gen-X actually has a lot of neocons, too, for some reason. I'm disappointed in them.

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Neocons are willing to carry out the wishes of those who will support their staying in power. At this point nearly all of DC should be rotting in a mass grave for what they have done but they are still in power.

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You can't really use a politician as an example, they're all in the same rigged game, but from what I see the Xers among regular people are a more even split. Yes there are some neocons, but they're less prominent than among boomers, and most of all they give off the impression that they adhered to that as a sort of last resort, wanting to identify themselves with something, rather than the fanatical proselytist stance one sees in boomers. In this "battle", the most important thing to fight right now is control over the internet, that will decide the future of young minds.

they're beyond deplatforming because they are so thoroughly entrenched in power. all they had to do was "come out" as never-trumpers and immediately be re-embraced by liberals. i wonder if the same would be true for charles murray or james watson if they came out tomorrow and renounced their "lies and fuckups".

No surprises here, all they really care about is power. The real problem is the passivity of the population when faced with that.

Because they suck Jew dick.

Because most people (even in Jow Forums) are cattle.

Because they were absolutly right so far about everything. Also as a bonus they trigger commie libtard snowflakes like op here

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this isn't to say that Project for a New American Century neocons ever came out and renounced the disaster their policy and ideologies have been. they were just never held to account for them in the same way other conservative wrong-thinkers are in this day and age. don't forget the massive amounts of ire towards george w. bush leading up to obama. it completely disappeared after Historic Black Man Good won and all these depraved murderous rats scurried back into their legacy conservative media holes until trump appeared and they could once again get in the good graces of the MSM.

Because all humans are goyim, even those people who call themselves jews. Everyone is fucking up at the same time while having a delusion that they are doing something great.

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trigger commie libtard snowflakes in 2019 have no idea or barely remember who any of these people are and categorize the war on terror as bad because brown oppressed muslims died. they weren't right, they just won on the basis of how fucking kiked the US media is

unironically always the correct answer.

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Bolton was the first one to doubt the CIA.
He was all the time on RT news talking against Bush.
God, get your shit right.

they have well funded think tanks and are basically spokespeople for various military and corporate interests. they'll be propped up for as long as there's an idiot boomer to listen to them.

they mostly operate as "the reasonable conservative" stooges for liberal causes these days though. doesn't Jennifer Rubin still call herself a conservative?

Hurrrrr blame the evangelicals literally the bush era cover story. Christians are trying to accelerate the end times durrrr never mention Jewish end times. take in Islam and die Edomite. we have a moshiach to rule the world and a temple to rebuild. Globalism IS Jewish.

he was only invited on RT to be a gadfly to the obama administration while he was a stooge for the (((American Enterprise Institute))) because they want to see Iran wiped off the map for being an "existential" threat to israel

They did nothing wrong. There is your reason.

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Outside of the (((obvious))), who is they're base?
I've never met a neocon in my life; everyone hates neocons and their warmongering. All the conservatives I know fucken hate them, but they still have a base that keeps them in power.

They'll be propped up for as long as they keep taking tax dollars from us.

this is nonsense. most republicans fall to their feet to lick the ass of "servicemembers" and don't give a thought to what the military is actually being used for

Americans are idiots. That's the true simplest and most honest answer. The idiots on this board will blame the jews and everyone but themselves.

The traitors on the right get cover and political protection from the traitors on the left.

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>0.3 turnips were sent to your kgb account

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Arnon Milchan "The Medusa Touch"

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>suffocate on zyklon-B while desperately stomping and scratching on the skulls of babies and old ladies as menstrual blood, body parts, and vomit fills the holocauster, kike

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When a nation is always on a war footing and constantly having wars as the USA does, the warriors will always be at the top no matter if they are criminals or not.

The only way to stop them is to sue for peace. Americans could start by stopping to volunteer for the war department. A draft would not be looked upon positively and the wars would end.

>fuckups during the Iraq war
The Iraq war was the greatest and most efficient successes in modern history. Only leftist normies think it was a "fuck up"

Because their ideology is American empire foreign policy personified. 9/11 injected it into the bloodstream of regular america political life and this country isn’t even close to coming down from it yet, in fact it’s gotten worse now that the Democratic Party is neocon-lite after Obama and Hillary. 9/11 sent this country into psychosis in the shape of neoconservativism and perpetual war.

Neoconservativism rise corresponded with the death of the republic. There is no going back.

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They're really not. They're publications went out of business, they're lame ducks hiding in some shit-tier DC think tank or degree mill. With McCain dead, they've lost their last political ally.

Trump used Bolton for his bad cop routine and perhaps to appease kikes but that's him being retarded. Neocons are finished, they have zero traction. If they weren't kikes they would have been publicly disavowed.