So which one of you degenerates is going to be the next active shooter?
Islam- "I am dangerous and must be stopped" Jow Forums- "hold my beer"
>So which one of you degenerates is going to be the next active shooter?
You are glowing FBI NIGGER
hello glow nigger
Hello underachieving angry white male
Well, we all voted and we picked you user. Prepare accordingly.
>So which one of you degenerates is going to be the next active shooter?
if I get d*bs then i'll do it, fuck it
trips of truth
good luck on your mission god’s speed
>schizo paranoia meme zoomers
we should make a captcha IQ test to keep these retards out
eh, i've gotta work tomorrow
Jow Forums is a board of peace
we don't need a single active shooter, but something more (for lack of a better term) substantial. it's time we get done with the hor d'oeuvres and move onto the entrees
Jow Forums is bored of peace
Just have a grid of e-celebs with instructions to click all the non-mossads
Just watch the news at 6.
your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you read this and dont attack a target
you won't do anything, you nigger
I'll shot my load into my cum rag
With the way you and your coworkers keep pushing this meme one might think you want that to happen so you can push for more internet control. Fuck off, nobody wants you here inciting people.
You know this manifesto is full of shit when everyone here knows that dumbfuck shooters only play into the hands of gun control advocates. Everyone here in all the years I've lurked and posted, knows the score of false flagging. This phony manifesto, phony shooting, phony spin is shit Jow Forums is against, doesn't condone, and knows the effect of these happenings. This is a board of peace after all.
shooters are yesterday dude the future is killer drones
Islam is a foreign religion, an invader. Jow Forums is just natives of Europe and European-derived nations defending themselves from invasion and replacement, big difference
Based adult common-senseposter
gun control isnt happening, there could be 10 synagogue shootings in the next year and there wont be any major gun control passed
You say that like the bumpstock ban didn't literally just happen and there aren't currently hundreds of bills lined up waiting for a false flag or muslim that chooses a gun over a truck or bomb to push through. We lose little bits here and there and never regain any ground on the 2nd, user.
I wanna be passive shooter, can I?
Reported to the fbi