>school project time >girl with dyke hair joins our group >proposes project idea >we all like it >she makes project proposal for our group >first submission is due >things are looking promising so far >I just get the UI ready >guy and girl does most of the basic navigation >whatever.jpg
>month goes by, second submission is almost due >at this point the only thing the girl has done is implement login and registration >guy and I have worked on base functionality >it's a pain in the ass >by the third submission I have worked on most of the misc functionality >other guy did a good job getting the core functionality finished >dyke girl has only worked on readme at this point and some other word files that the teacher wanted
>we all meet up one day >guy and I are working out some bugs >dyke just sits there working on readme file >guy and I are getting pissed because the UI is acting up >"w-what do you want me to do guys?" >we ignore her because we know she's useless >guy and I agree that I'll just fix it later >chick says she'll add another feature over the weekend >okay >final submission is due >still no new feature
Sad part is I know she's still going to get a good grade even though she practically did nothing.
You're a poor leader, women REALLY need to be told what to do specifically before they can do it. Think of them like helpers and it's more tolerable. I get your jist tho. All male teams are easier to manage for sure.
Ethan Miller
Why even go to college at this point if some nigger-tier retard is going to get the same degree as you?
Luis Butler
whoa nigger, do you really expect me to read all that shit, by you?
Dominic Gonzalez
Going to need more information. I work at a top tech company and am potentially interested in hiring her.
Lucas Howard
I'm graduating after this semester. By junior year you'll be able to spot these types of assholes a mile away and either metaphorically whip their ass to do their share or report them to the professor. If you're INTJ take the reins of leadership if nobody competent steps up, its better that way.
bad news, she's going to get a better job offer than yours. and since she can't code, she'll be promoted to a leader role.
Christopher Scott
I had a situation like this. I commented my code out clear as day and wrote in specifically what to do and she couldn't fucking do it. I was pissed but let it slide because she wasn't a dyke and actually was sorry for being useless.
Brayden Rodriguez
I had the same situation, only it was useless chinamen in a certain midwestern school known for engineering. I created 100% of the project
Angel Reed
bachelors degrees are usually a completely useless indicator of the knowledge and competence of its holder. Masters and up is where it is all individual work.
Thomas Davis
*by senior year
From what I can tell there was no clear leader in the group.
I've also had groups with mildly retarded or completely useless foreigners.
Hudson Thomas
Why intj in particular and not entj? the only difference between E and I is that the I's get tired of social interaction more quickly.
Andrew Barnes
>Masters >work Wow imagine being this stupid.
Matthew Myers
do leafs do no individual work in masters courses in their country? The absolute state.
Ayden Green
Why are you complaining? Your groups going to get the diversity grade and it's going to be great
Chase Anderson
Well I wasn't trying to take over the whole project. I was trying to let everyone have something to do. She was just useless but she didn't give off that vibe in the beginning so I put too much faith in her. I've learned my lesson though.
Because I know I'll actually do something with it.
dang you're a psychic. This is actually me right now.
Most likely, but all of her constituents will still have no respect for her.
Yeah I don't expect people to read my comments. I just tasks out in an email.
Ethan Stewart
INTJ is the more common programming type. Idk if an ENTJ would be good for a coding group leader, but I'd imagine so
Benjamin Davis
>while you ta i work on project >while you suck the coordinators dick i work on projects >while you write a thesis i work on projects >when you graduate you get 3k more then most dipshit grads The absolute state.
Jaxon Allen
pic related is kek >I have actually seen that code on GitHub in ANSI C no less
Angel Bailey
the fuck are you on about? For my masters I had to design the project, collect the data on my own + fieldwork, analyze the data on my own, and write up the report on my own. It is not groupwork like undergrads.
Brody Mitchell
Ive been setting up a virtual network in a class, the niggers in class are literal 2.0 or lower students. I only know because on of them asked me how to check this and I saw the GPA.
These niggers are off the boat Africans that can't even speak with enough clarity to order a hamburger at McDonald's. The other white guys in my class have had to do everything. The teacher is a woman who knows a lot but can explain anything because she's so fucking awkward.
One nigger even got a job at a manufacturing plant near by and stopped showing up for school. As if they will keep you on when you fail.
Jackson Parker
It's not work fag. Its just bs no one cares about. Unless you are one of the lucky few that is looking at a real problem not theoretical bs no one cares. I started 2 years ago and have had masters grads apply for subordinate positions...its a fucking waste of talent. I put masters resumes in the trash bc here's the kicker, most masters don't even know the basics.
Christian Scott
ENTJ here. I was a good leader and our final project turned out well. Some aspie sociopath had no idea what he was doing but we nipped that in the bud pretty quickly.
Ethan Miller
Imagine being this retarded.
Brandon Hill
Idk man maybe your right, not in my industry. Don't do a masters unless someone specifically asks and is willing to pay you for it. Idk shit man but i am making some nice stacks bc there's no substitute for real work experience.
Lincoln Barnes
In STEM, unless you get lucky with connections, you need a masters to make decent wages or get an interesting job.
Zachary Evans
I am an engineer, not bs software kind, the real kind. I am not familiar with all fields but it is very specific. Most employers prefer work experience to masters, its much more cost effective. This has been my experience.
Also I just want to add that INTJ are good at the function of leading but doesn't gain energy from doing so like an Extrovert would
Ryan Powell
wtf I hate women now
Hunter Bell
The best thing you can do in this situation is to simply rape her
Parker Gray
Yeah its not 100% empirical but its a good addition to all the other interpersonal models that have been worked out
John Russell
Mbti is for liberal snowflakes
Brandon Jenkins
chink you need to go back your degree mill masters is not worth the paper its printed on only chinks and pajeets do masters cuz their bachelors is worth shit
Andrew Robinson
not really MBTI has been posted on Jow Forums since like 2012
Dylan Price
Did you and the other guy get to fuck?
Juan Hernandez
Been there, done that, twice. Though it was my fault. I wanted to do some project, went ahead and did it, my teammates flunked. I'm not a team player I guess. I hate group projects.
Justin Walker
Had this exact same scenario.
Luckily in my case, we each had to compile individual reports with a, data tables, journals....etc. Since the girl was missing for like half the days, her journal had tons of missing entries. I also refused to give her the data we took on days she was missing. Really fucked her over good
I had the dominant personality so I was basically the leader, nobody questioned me
Blake Cooper
... fuck - three times, except the third time the other guy didn't fail. > feels bad, man - coding's not enough.