Jobs with low human interaction?

On the job scene i'm a shut-in gloomy fuck that cant hold any pleasant conversation beyond some short small-talk.
I feel emotionally empty, people look at me with the "This guy has issues" eyes and its just drags away the rug beneath me every-time it happens.
I have emotional numbness or ptsd some websites claim, i can't bond with people nor animals anymore.
I used to love animals and feel a sense of "love" when i pet them etc, and now it's nothing at all.
Anyways are there jobs out there for people like myself?.

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Online transcription and captioning.

Where do you find jobs like that?

there are websites that just give you a few tests to make sure you can do it and will start paying you for it will little required to actually get started. It's not really a "job" you can support yourself on, though.

>It's not really a "job" you can support yourself on, though.
Yeah, I figured, but the added income would be nice. Are there scams involved with some sites? I'll try and find them myself but would like to do it safely yknow?

If a potential transcription/captioning website asks for your Social, for your bank info, it's probably a scam. I did transcription for a year and all I had to do was pass their grammar test and understand their guidelines and I was groovy.

What about night guard?

How do they pay you then? PayPal or something? Thanks for your help btw

What about programming? System maintenance?

PayPal, mhm.


>are there jobs out there for people like myself?.
yeah literally fucking anything. It's a job, it's there so you can pay your rent and eat, not so you can feel "fulfilled" or whatever.

Do you want to eat or don't you?

Those people that take care of dead bodies who have no living relatives.

At morgue, nightguard, some industrial jobs, if you can and want maybe some entrepreneur stuff

How much

Depends on the service. Some of them "claim" you can get "20/hour" due to the audio pay being ".40/minute" but thats not always the case considering the amount of work they may have for you and that not all audio files are a hour long.

Park ranger.

what are the pay like

Anything in the death industry that isn't a funeral director. But you need to have a strong stomach, heart, and mind for that. You know, seeing dead babies, horrible murders, bad accidents, horrible smells, festering, bloating, decayed, oozing, dead people. Yeah, but that's the path I'm choosing.

You could be a merc. Instead of interacting with people you'll kill them. You'll have to interact sometimes but you'll get to travel. Oh, people will be trying to kill you too.

You could go into waste management. You'll somewhat interact but not often.

Factory work on a line. You'll be alone most of the time

I've been stuck in service industry my whole work life up until this year and never (fully) realized just how much I hated it until I got a warehouse job instead.

Fake talking makes me legit want to vomit but working in a warehouse rocks literally all I do is organize palettes and move shipments

>Fake talking makes me legit want to vomit
Op here, i agree a 100%.