Report: U.S. Sanctions Have Killed 40,000 in Venezuela Since 2017

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Don't care

Unsurprising, probably going to go much higher with Neocon Don in power.

Neocons are traitors.

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>not feeding niggers and communists into infinity is murder
get fucked

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That number is a hell of a lot lower than the number of people we haven’t killed

>Y-you kill us by not giving us all your money!
Eat shit, retard.

Venezuela is welcome to send assassins to target US government officials responsible for putting in place sanctions. The US has had some form of sanctions going back to at least the early 2000's so at least three administrations are to be targeted.

Came here to post this.

Really cute to say that sitting safely in us. But when you wage wars on other nations those will come back to bite. Remember 9/11?

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>Gibs or murder!
Murder then, enjoy your halloween

9/11 was an inside job tho


Is that a threat?

checked and FPBP

>by flushing the toilet and using the stove you've contributed to over 6 gorillion metric tons of co2 that killed millions of starving africans
this is how fucking stupid your thread and that "study is". now fuck off.

>communism works
>fucking USA subsidize our system
fuck you

That would be socialism that killed them by not feeding them. Many such cases.

First look at the flag. How can I threaten myself?

Second America’s chickens are coming home to roost. Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, Syria, houthis, are sick of America. There is a growing movement to drop the dollar. Even the Saudis are discussing this. Your empire is collapsing, trump is putting it in over drive. When US dollar stops being the world’s currency the us will enter a Great Depression and withdraw world wide

I also think America can’t win a war in Venezuela or Iran.

Ban all assault sanctions now!

If China forced the world to embargo your finances and oil I’m sure your economy would be doing great. North Korea and Cuba are doing real well with decades long sanctions.

I agree. Enough half measures and sanctions. They just make us targets. Begin the Great Purge. Let's start with you.

It's okay, you'll care fast enough when you can no longer afford the 50 gallon of gas a week that your truck burns through hauling your obese ass to walmart.

It's completely irrational to tie US sanctions into some kind of murder statistic.

Every country Earth constantly antagonizes and blames the US for everything, no matter what action they take. The US is like "world dad" and the "global community" is like world mom. When the US goes "mgtow" mom freaks out. When the US goes "hands on" mom freaks out. The only correct answer is to fuck mom. Aka, imperialism. It's what she deserves and the only thing she will respect.

So what?
We should vote for communism or something?

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Venezuelans are so dumb they elected Chavez/Maduro and now they cant even keep the lights on. Fuck them. I dont care.

Oy Vey, Don't forget the minorities you killed goyyyyyyyyyyy!

Bad news, I couldn't care less. While I don't want to be involved in any israeli conflicts. I could care less about stomping brown nations in the name of maintaining American global hegemony. Just how it goes bitches, give us your shit, and then die.

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9/11 was an inside job made to look like "just desserts" you stupid faggot how dumb are you? see

>Be Venezuela
>Vote dumbfuck leftists into power
>Debase economy with excessive gibs
>Harbor Hizbollah terrorists
>Buy Weapons from Russia,China
>Bitch about US sanctions.

Considering Norman Borlaug is credited with saving a billion people we're still +900 million lives.


Too kek
This is pretty much exactly the explanation I give to my leaf gf
How come this leaf gets it but not her?
Im a burger in bongland btw so ignore flag

who gives a fuck. i guess we need to lift sanctions so guns can flow freely to these stupid fucking people
>doesnt meet simple quality standards
too bad, dont care

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Do americ*ns care about anything?

Leaves are the most clueluess people on the planet. Leaf women are among the worst groups of people on Earth. They have no concept of history or of self, they are purely hedonists. You should know this if you're dating one.

How do you figure that? Of anything there’s been a draw down of us troops abroad since he took office. You wouldn’t be lying on the internet would you user?

Not enough.

Also, it's their own fault for being a shitty country or else the sanctions wouldn't exist in the first place. Maybe they should have learned that after the first few million dead.

>your sanctions are killing my people
>okay, do these 3 simple things and we'll drop the sanctions
>reeeeeee your sanctions are killing my people American dogs why you do this

If anything people should be thanking us for this

We piss away the most amount of money in foreign aid than every other country combined. I love how faggots like you pretend to have the moral authority.

That's a scam you retard.
>mutts think they actually give money to plebs

Revolt against your shitty government and ask America for help and your peoples life might actually get better. Running up to America only ensures your country will fade into history as another fucking reminder of the failures of socialism.

If their government would do what we want then those people would be alive. Whose really at fault here considering we dont have an obligation to sell anyone anything?

He’s increased aid to Israel, has absolutely destroyed major nuclear treaties with both Russia and Iran, has increased defense spending, bombed Syria, has increased drone strikes, is helping Saudi commit genocide in Yemen, and is about to create a major standoff with Iran this week.

It’s like the Bush admin on steroids, and you can thank Trump, Bolton, Kushner and Pompeo. Bunch of psychopathic mass murderers.

Pic related, you neocon subhuman.

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I wish it was a scam. I've been on a humanitarian mission into South America. Waste of my time and my parents money. Eat a dick faggot.

>Free market is evil
>Okay were won't trade with you then
>You are killing us now.

There is no obligation to trade. Especially if you are actively trying to undermine the values in which the country you are trying to trade with is built upon.

Does anyone care about N*w Zealand?

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Fuck no. They had it good and are literally shitting everything away.
Nothing of import will be lost except American tax dollars. Fuck yourself.

Based America preventing global warming


>this meme again
See Trump has already done more drone strikes than Obama did in his entire 8 years, and Obama was pretty terrible for that too.

>Nothing of import will be lost except American tax dollars
>Funding terrorism at the hands of the Saudis
>but it's BASED when Trump does it!!11

Damn, communism is gonna be hard to catch. Hopefully true Patriots will eventually kick some shit off in 20 years or less in the US. I know a lot of people are itching for it but I think it's gonna be uglier than most imagine.

>huurddurr let’s burn American tax dollars on industrial scale mass murder cuz trump is awesome
You’re an edgy faggot with psychological traits. You’re probably just a stupid teenager.

Hizbollah are terrorists

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>don't care about others
>been in a humanitarian mission

Why don't you consume a penis sodomite?

Killing isn't illegal, murder is.

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>The problem with Venezuela is socialism not imperialist sanctions

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If venezuela had its shit together and didn't fuck themselves with socialism, sanctions wouldn't be killing them. We could be sanctioned and we could still feed ourselves ffs.

>American imperialism is good and shouldn't be smashed by the oppressed masses of the world

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That's got to be a high score, unlike these failed wanna be's of late.

Do not blame the hand that wields the sword. Blame those who forced those hands to act.

>Harbor Hezbollah
>source: sheckleberg

>says free market
>advocates the opposite of free markets with government sanctions

I honestly think that the neocons who dominate this thread should be unironically tortured to death. I am actually fantasizing about pouring boiling oil on their incel micropenises

Yea like 10 years ago when I was ignorant enough to have faith left in humanity. This world is a joke and should end in nuclear fire IMO.

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>Of anything there’s been a draw down of us troops abroad since he took office.

The exact opposite actually. As someone who has a brother just deployed to Afghanistan.


Also, who gives a shit? They should learn to take of themselves. It isn't our fault they starved. Only an idiot starves to death in today's day in age.
Even if you are a useless fucking piece of shit to the human race, the internet teaches you ever fucking survival concept known to man.
>can't farm
literal youtube.
>can't even hunt small pray cause your father was a faggot?
fucking youtube
>can't dress an animal,
>father was a fag who never taught you to properly hunt large game
Venezuela, before their bullshit, had access to youtube. It's their own fault and nobody else's. Blaming the U.S for anything is a fucking scapegoat and weak as asf as a nation.

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Hating the US is always based, the US is controlled by kikes, gas yourself you piece of shit

She’s québécois, who in my experience are at least a little more based than the average leaf but still a leaf
She’s kind of purple pilled, she totally gets the JQ but is very liberal otherwise

Has nothing to do with what I said. Fucking useless commie insect. I'd tell you to gas yourself, but the Nazis already did the favor.

why are we responsible for keeping venezuelans alive? what the fuck


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An invasion of Iran? Maybe not.

Venezuela??? Lol ok. I mean if we don't have ass FUCKING retarded rules of engagement anyways

>Sanction the hell out of them to try to destroy them
>Threaten the entire world to obey US sanctions or else

>volunteer to build toilets in a shithole
>see this is where the billions of dollars go
How can you be this stupid

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Wait til you see what we do to countries that deserve it.

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> OP struggles with big numbers

20m is nothing.

This is nothing. Around 2 billion will die in the coming troubles.

>US kills 20 million shitskins

I don't see a problem.

I will pour boiling oil on your fucking tiny incel genitals you imperialist neocon piece of shit. You will scream in agonizing pain and beg for it to stop and regret being a fucking reactionary but I will have no mercy, I will lock you in a gulag cell and starve you, force you to work and slowly beat you to death