Can individualized acts of violence achieve greater political aims? Can a guy shooting up a synagogue or mosque or a muzzle attacking a mall ever accomplish their greater aims via these means?
Got any examples?
Can individualized acts of violence achieve greater political aims? Can a guy shooting up a synagogue or mosque or a muzzle attacking a mall ever accomplish their greater aims via these means?
Got any examples?
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Worked for Israel
Yeah. Once they had the backing of world powers. All it took for that was a world war with them at the center.
buddy being American means we have to work for Israel. For now
Because it's not real. If it was real they would burn cell towers.
It's just a TV show
Violence and unrest pushed through the civil rights act
I wish it worked, but it seems it only empowers the Other side. its the only reason i havent bombed a fucking abortion clinic, if i do it they willl march for planned parenthood. The media will villinize Catholics and make the baby killers look like saints. They love when they are the victims, thats why their are so many false flags, it helps their cause
Maybe, if they are really well done. Like the assassination of tjat american president. Or that japanese communist. There are people who simply have no substitute.
Or even really big/impactfull acts. Woild the IRAQ war happen if there wasnt the attack on wtc? I dont think so.
In my opinion the hardest thing about one of this meaningfull attack is to predict what outcome it will have.
Worked for the founding fathers..
It's worked for the muslims.
No one gave two shits about muslims in the USA before 9/11. There were no terms like "islamophobia" or anything like that.
Now every 5 year old knows what a muslim is, knows what a mosque is, know's what the koran is, etc. Muslims have gained far more world influence since the attacks.
I don't condone terrorism obviously. But I think that historically speaking it usually has a result that benefits the side that does it. You can even look at someone like Breivik. I think Breiviks terrorism showed many European leaders that the average citizen of those countries will eventually reach a breaking point. And historically the white man is extremely good at warfare.
I don't think terrorism ever results in immediate goals being reached. If Bin Laden wanted to cut the heart out of the great satan, he failed. But I think he succeeded in his (presumed) tertiary goal of putting Islam on the map and making your average US citizen aware of them and scared of them.
Hardly. In fact, white on black terrorism was used to justify the civil rights act. Black race riots were largely concentrated in the north and post 1965.
Only if you control the media.
Let me explain how this would work.
Yes it empowers the other side, but that's the whole point, example: You kill 50 Muslims in a Mosque shooting=Riling up the left to push ever harder for nogunz and laws restricting freedom of expression making the situation worse at first glance right? Wrong, it makes the current situation worse for the time being but the worse it gets the more people get radicalized, and pushed further right. The only way we gain monumental power is through the current situation getting much much worse to the point of a collapse. Prepare.
All solid points.
fuck off cia niggers
That was organized violence committed enmass.
Bumped and enjoy your ban, niggerfaggot.
No. It doesn't. Only speading information, owning guns, and having white children does. The hard way is the easy way.
>Got any examples?
I thought I was into weapons and stuff like the next Jow Forums tard but what the fuck am I looking at here?
It works as long as it's victimless terrorism. Take the FLQ for example.
Al Qaeda's goal was to stop the US from interfering in ME politics and then western nations immediately invaded and took over 2 Muslim nations. At best you can argue it achieved starting a civilizational conflict with both sides being aware of it, vs merely Muslims realizing it pre-911. But, did that create a real advantage? I think not.
As far as Muslim sympathies increasing in the west id say it did that, but likewise increased hostilities even more.
^^^ lots of truth in that
Exactly everyone have 12 kids! Thats most important
Have lots of white children is the key!
violence + ideology = terrorism
You tell me, CIA.
It dosnt matter how far they push it though, people dont get mad, people dont crack, where surrounded by a bunch of soft fruit cakes
Terrorism always has an effect. Not all acts are intended to shift the entire goddamn planet and every society all at once.
I'm sympathetic to that argument, except it's a bit naive and assumes people react in too stringent of ways. Take gun control. Yes. If guns are banned it'll piss some people off, but if theyre banned after repeated terrorist attacks it's unlikely the assumed oppositional outrage will be even near the same levels then. The political will change with events.
There are zero instances of this working anywhere that isn't covered in sand.
Read your history book and see which bullets had the most impact.
Works for communists.
The first terrorists in recorded history were jew sicarii in Roman occupied Jerusalem.
If I was the CIA id be encouraging the fuck out of individualized violence to see who would go along with me, not arguing against it.
DIAS. It was literally all over Jow Forums every day last month.
Yes, definitely
>Does Terrorism Work?
assuming terrorism does work
it could only work if you can actually spread you message
The MSM would never allow a message that is contradictory to the chosen narrative.
you would never be allowed to speak about your motives
assuming you are even alive after the event
also realize that even if you accept the lie that 9/11 was not an inside job
to commit an act of terror to go beyond what the media can hide/twist, you would require some serious backing to achieve something of that scale
no solo act that kills so few people or destroys so little will have much of an impact on today's lethargic populous
Ok. They fear you. What has that gained you? What will it gain you in the future? How will it do it?
Got a plan?
That's quite a bit of a stretch. Terrorism in its modern form has origins in gorilla warfare, particularly after Vietnam is when groups like Hezbollah and the baaden meinhof gang appropriated those tactics. The ira also emerges around this time as do groups like the farc and ypg as time goes on.
Can terrorism work. Yes, and it has for many different groups. Will (insert your brand of political persuasion) terrorism work? Maybe, what matters is the follow up. One guy who shoots up a mosque and gets grabbed by the cops 15 minutes later? It's sensational, but has no bearing on the 99% who aren't involved. Plan a coordinated attack using three planes to take down four building almost at the same time and kill thousands of people & do it from the other side of the world and leave no suspects to interrogate? Yeah you can essentially end an era for a whole nation and plunge it's politics and status into turmoil.
The definitive answer.