Redpilling my friend

So I’m pretty rusty after concealing my power level (from even myself desu, I rarely think about it anymore), but I essentially told him about
>repeated use of 6 million since 1860’s
>improbability of war-torn and depleted nation being able to muster the combustibles to disappear some 21 million combined people
>lack of mass burial sites enough to indicate such numbers
>death camps being only those which allies did not inspect (was weak here, need some info)
>typhus emaciation (weak here)
>universality of holocaust teaching and prevalence of the 6 million number on par with things like “earth is round”, despite much larger numbers (I acknowledged that this is due to the purported nature of the holocaust as opposed to Stalinist starve-outs)
>gas chambers aren’t air tight, ventilated, or possessing of chimneys tall enough to prevent deaths of guards from supposedly lethal gas
>irrationality of killing those you could work to death, if death was indeed the goal
He seemed receptive, and told me essentially that he’s never had a friend who’s challenged his ways of thinking like I have. We’re gonna talk about it tomorrow, and I’m open to having my mind changed too, but I’d like some more evidence of the either exaggerated or fictitious nature of the holocaust.

Attached: 4033DC28-4598-4A64-8830-3E4B41CDA5D9.jpg (720x714, 243K)

Checking my own trips, and
>inb4 datamine
>inb4 phoneposter comments
>inb4 “educate urself”

This is a real chance to change someone’s mind on a “fundamental tenet” of reality that most people never question.

Come on guys, I just got the sickest of doubloons here, and would rather not fall flat tomorrow.

Shameless self-bump

One image I sent to him regarding the 6 million claim

Attached: BF5BCE20-3CDE-42D0-9625-317014EF62FC.png (1271x1279, 1.78M)

Why is no one replying, did I use the wrong image?

Attached: E4A6113F-4670-4A40-AD4B-D3A4C92EA099.jpg (125x119, 3K)

Attached: 1549038866456.png (1804x2160, 453K)

probably yes also you mention much already

Have you considered dolphin pilling him instead?

That’s another thing I mentioned, the illegality of questioning the holocaust in the very places where it’s evidence (or lack thereof) would be found

>it’s shit
Some things never change. Nice digits though.

There is no much questioning.
When you ask questions that are crittical they say muh 6 gorillion. If you keep asking, § 130, folkhounting law, and you be jailed.

Attached: 1549819299162.jpg (750x750, 446K)

Anything to do with the holocaust other than “I don’t really care, it did not influence my opinions in the least” is the wrong way about it.

What exactly do you achieve even if you theoretically manage to break through conditioning done since elementary and something that is unspeakable to many people?

Focus on things that matter and have a current day application like White Ethnic Replacement and the rapid rise in degeneracy.
If you REALLY want to talk about Jews then show them how much influence Jews hold in the media and politics but even that should come later

The fuck is that?
Did Dolphins gas the kikes or something?

>faka u whale
>faka u doruphin
We must put an end to the sea mammal menace
Shit. You’re probably right.

Well, now that you’ve started, you shouldn’t stop completely as that would invalidate anything else you’d want to say in the future.
Just try to tone it down and only mention it in passing or whatever. DO NOT KEK OUT and apologize or take it back or whatever as that will invalidate your future proposals.

Also, don’t pester your friends with redpills all the time. I fell into that trap in my early days of Jow Forums. I just ended up annoying and alienating myself away from friends.
Try to give them something to think about if ever given the chance.
For example, saying “Hey did you know Jews control over 45% of media corporations” every day is a pretty bad idea.

My post was more if a warning to any other anons that want to redpill people on the holocaust. Its a useless endeavour with little to no reward

I had professor that would cause a shoah in today's climate.He went over how most of the deaths were caused by typhus and starvation due to allied bombing of supply lines as Germany was struggling with the Eastern Front. When Germany fell they went into the hands of allies. Coincidentally every death camp was inspected by Russia. Prisoners of the camp were sent to gulags at a time when Russia was barely, if not unable to feed it's own troops.

There was a flee problem in the camp so Zyclon B was used to delouse, the walls of alleged gas chambers have been tested and have never came back with traces of gas. My guess is around 200k-600k died, I believe 200k was the original red cross estimate iirc and likely the most accurate.

When the camps were found they immediately rushed in Hollywood directors and filmed the lamp shade shit/, from my understanding that was a cultural folklore thing with them at the time.

Attached: campsmap.gif (542x352, 34K)

I’ve been friends with him since middle school (early 20’s now). I did essentially the opposite, I staked my claim. However. It was a big ole infodump, since I have never told anyone these things in a non-online setting, and though it was impromptu, he did seem to take a genuine interest. He already believes in population control, so I suppose a gentle nudging in the direction of the JQ would be in order. But it was refreshing to let this go.

Concealing your power level to everyone around you is harsh on your mind, trust me. You need to have some friends you can speak freely around but at the same time you should never create a hugbox around yourself since that is how many intelligent Nationalists fell into the skinhead neo-nazi gangs

I mentioned most of the things here, except zyklon B being delousing gas, since that seems like a meme, or at least a little incredulous to a first time listener. And I didn’t have any proof (still don’t, got any?)

Redpill them on mixed race couples by comparing Rigby's and Mordecai's families at the end of Regular Show.