Shouldn't farmers be living in mansions with how hard they work?
Shouldn't farmers be living in mansions with how hard they work?
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They'd earn more teaching at a public high school in West Virginia
Farmers are welfare queens
Eventually you too will know reaper law, as they do.
>how hard they work
nigga are you serious
most of them do like 20 days work per year.
farming is almost fully automated with mexicans to do whatever's left.
farmers are the laziest shits in this got damn country.
the people who operate the largest industrial farms do live in mansions, very nice ones.
their workers, however, are usually illegal immigrants working for well under minimum wage under the table.
They earn quite a bit but they also spent quite a bit too.
Many of them do.
well you’re a fucking idiot
>nigga are you serious
You sound retarded. Please, use real English.
even if that were true , thats still a hole lot more that the entire nigger population put together
He's right though, counter anything he's said rather than picking at the irrelevant shitty writing.
this too
brb 27 hour shift
oh wait, might be longer, there is no "shift" only work until it's done
Never been on a farm champ?
I promise that faggot hasn't
Driving is hard work...
I hate people.
Yeah, how about we go on strike?
hey I need you to clear the baler, and check the knives. there's a couple busted so go get the welder. you can weld right?
good, and there's a couple thousand pounds in there so put your back in it. we're on a time limit, it's planting season
Ever haul silage in the dust through a freshly chopped field for 30 hours straight? Kys.
you're doing it wrong
all their money is put into tractors to make their lives easier
Depends how wet the swath and how old the baler.
jesus christ are you trying to give me PTSD
the smart ones do
I enjoy it after its done, but it sucks after a while.
after it's done it's xbox time. right after a long shower and patching up the cuts.
right now, it's planting and fert. I shouldn't even be up
looks comfy af
literally every farmer I have ever seen
>Lived in a McMansion
>Owns a minimum of 2 vehicles for every licensed driver in the house
>Brand new RV or fifth wheel
>Owns a lot beside some lake to park the RV on for 3 months of the year
>Vacations in South America and/or goes snowboarding in BC every year
>Sends their kid to hockey camps that cost thousands of dollars
>Season ticket holders for any sports team in 500km
And every single fucking one of them complain about how poor they are. Farmers are fucking delusional.
wow, you should go do it
only the shitty farmer's don't,
What's the illegal labor like?
The big ones that own enough land do, yeah.
Pic related, King Ranch's "Main" house (they have others)
Do you are do you not take subsidies from the state?
Incorrect, my family is farmer hillbillies and they do nothing but work 24/7. Sleep at 10, wake up at 6.
I just came back to work the family farm, 4th generation we have never had any spics or niggers work the field ama
xbox in the winter though, when the cover crop is in
other than that, all day all night
I would if it was at all feasible. Unfortunately my grandfather wasn't a millionaire with thousands of acres of land to hand down to me.
I have reason to believe farms in the US are way smaller than the ones here.
The profit margins in farming are complete shit, plus the debt all of them accumulate.
I live on a 4th generation farm, we have 2700 acres and have about of it on rotation so we pick around 11-1500 a year we average a little under 2 million in yields, we pocket around 30k when its all done taxes repairs and more taxes take the rest. a loaf of bread at the store? We get less than a penny from it.
>hockey camps
What are these terrifying and foreign terms??? Have the alt-right hackers on the Pol started using this fictitious language to mask their criminal conspiracies?!?
tell it to the 20 year old sprayer with a fucked pump I was banging on today
quit being a pussy
>welding high tensile steel
anyone who can't easily make a good living of several hundred acres of land is a fucking halfwit.
tha's about accurate
They don't play video games, they're complete hillbillies. When I lived at home, in the winter it was pretty much jack off or listen to our papa talk about a guitar he used to have.
Is that because some jews financed you a john deer 6 gorillion and you're working to pay them and not yourself?
my dad owns 700 acres in Ontario. I genuinely fear that we are going to get some sort of South Africa tier About insurgency and the land will get taken away.
sorry bong, your lawn only needs a small goat. if you have a lawn
No because the labor theory of value is bullshit. I could work really hard manually digging holes and then filling them up again, over and over, but it doesn't mean anyone would owe me a certain amount based on the sweat I produced.
Such a stupid fucking thread, probably coming from some communist who thinks he had a clever gotcha big thinky thought. You didn't, don't ever create a thread again.
try it out next winter. farm fucks everywhere
just not during snow, gotta plow
A farmer has no need of a mansion. Just more shit to maintain while all he would use it for is sleep. Farmer's wife and kids help run the farm. Literally no one would use the mansion lol.
>everyone lives in London
this guy seems to be thinking wrong he should have feed conveyors and a centralized grinder mixer that would save him so much time and and attachments
lots of farmers don't have business skills and don't have control of multiple levels of the supply chain. Few farmers, for example, understand that you can raise beef cows and instead of selling it to shlomo shekelstein for pennies on the dollar, they can open up butcher shops where they sell the stuff for market value without a middle man.
Lots of farmers understand all that, but when is the last time you heard of a new butcher shop opening? Walmart and megacorps have ruined that.
I take my deer to a local butcher. worth some money
they still exist
Overtime on farms doesn't start until the 10hr mark because farm work takes so long. The regulations actually have to be different to accommodate it. Source: have worked on a farm, friends with farmers.
Fuck off you lazy nigger faggot.
Know how to become a millionaire farming? Start with five million.
not to mention the animal food/ treat market super easy to get into relatively high priced and little regulation especially for treats
Diversify. Try breeding a specialist product. Try adding value to your produce yourself by adding a processing step . e.g run some fodderbeet through a pellet mill to produce fuel/food. Set up a solar farm. Open a quarry. Grow fruit trees/grape vines and produce wine. When you have land and a bit of sunshine, the sky is the limit.
There are plenty of farmers on youtube documenting their operations. It looks like a capital intensive business that involves a fuckload of manual labor, and a surprising amount of technology. For example their combines measure the output of each x square feet of land and together with gps, and they can track how much effect different tillage, brand of seed, fertilizer, etc. has on yield. That shit isn't free, and you are not cost competitive if you are not using it.
>pressing buttons in a john deer 6 gorillion is work
Explain the different set of regulations then Pajeet faggot
go do it then
I fucking would in a heartbeat but I don't have a million dollar laying around.
>working hours is hours worked
It takes a long time to do some things, like watching pain dry
Cool, lemme just inherit 1000 acres of tax free land from may parents......
do you have hands? can you walk?
go get started
oh I see. farms don't hire pajeets. don't blame them, if you shit in the fields.... problems
I'd say I think these people want to starve, but they're glowniggers and kikes who will always have an exit plan after they engineer the starvation of millions of people who they effectively farmed into existence in the first place with the labor & taxes of people who are actually productive (like farmers). I'm so glad the apocalypse is happening, for lack of a better characterization. Feel bad for otherwise decent normal people who are gonna burn with the cities though.
we live in a middleman society, hard work gets you shit and being a parasite gets you rich.
you can rent fields to work, and buy craigslist equipment on the off-season. Good luck.
I'm honestly surprised more farmers don't try to start cooperatives, then open retail stores.
Go work on a farm you waste of oxygen. It'll shut you right up.
With jokes as stale as that, it's not surprising you can't make money from the land.
I've done farm work before.
This. Your dogwhistles don't even require my triple parentheses at this point.
I don't care. let them fantasize
a bunch of kids who can't turn a wrench. they amuse me, it's the only reason I'm here
Operating heavy machinery really isn't that difficult.
>wow a child making a video game reference, better make a good comeback
go do it, it pays well
t. Larper
Most Farmers make mad amounts of money from their property while their workers actually do the labor. The workers of course get paid a pretty low amount, but the farmer himself is pretty much living the life.
Funnily enough, I only know it from the memes as I'm pushing 30 and have a life. Keep bumping the thread in which you've made a complete ass off yourself and your viewpoint that probably isn't even your viewpoint because you're either a subversive kike or a pajeet import who knows you'll burn with London when SHTF.
you wanna come plant and disc in the morning? nah. you'll play fortnite
As far as I understand, such a tractor stands like a palace
Running a farm takes a lot of logistics. Oh those poor ~90IQ wetbacks.. Being given an income for labor befitting if their mental capacity...
Post pics with timetamps or stfu.
Until then you are just a fake and gay larp
and then pay it out in machinery parts, supplies, seed, taxes, etc
post your dick in a vagina with a time stamp or you're a faggot
blahblah kid. nobody cares
Atleast we need them for security reasons. Not so sure about americans who control both seas with their navy and can secure foreign food trade with it.
good god the logistics
it's insane
The ones who don't run their own farms. The ones who do live in a corporate owned house and use corporate owned machinery to harvest their corporate GMO crops. Ever heard the stat about how the number of farmers keep going down? That's why.
Confirmed larp.
What a faggot. Literally all you have to do and take pics of your backyard and farm equipment.
you have a point but try to keep the 1st year college kid spaz down
as soon as you post pics of your dick in a vagina