Why are white men so undesirable?
Why are white men so undesirable?
Other urls found in this thread:
too much onions
What's the correlation between bad parenting, low IQs, and having relationships with dark people?
this board not give you an answer? jealous incels who take zero responsibility
Cock size
Your real pic?
because you are trying to socially engineer white women and apply preasure onto white women from dating us and for that you will all go the way of the dodo
Because they're cucks that let everyone step on them, and they're so pathetic they don't think of developing personal responsibility, and instead simply blame Jews!
Gee, I wonder what it is...
You're as good as dead kike
Probably our high IQs and net worth mixed with traditional chivalry and masculinity.
Oh UNdesirable? You got me user.
why do faggots state falsehoods as a fact delivered as inquiry?
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its tiresome, gives me a throbbing behind the eye headache that only shooting niggers can fix
Yea those statements all belong in the same sentence, right?
Do you know how I can tell you are a 52% meme?
Based browncel
Literal nigger of the year actually being within a foot of his kid
You're as good as a roach.
dream on
white girls casually destroying their own race. how hot is that
Because I was more focused on building a life for myself than being "adventurous" and "fun."
Homeowner at 25 with a cool job, simple way of life, and debt free besides the mortgage. It's okay, I guess. Stability is nice. Not dating any single moms though, that's where I draw the line.
Owning a house is not a personality(and it's more common that you think). You sound boring.
>White women are swiping left on ethnics
>Needs to be fixed
does it make you sad that white girls would rather fuck in a roach infested trap house to get sum bbc instead of your home?
We're undesirable because we choose not to run away from our responsibilities when we sire children. We're undesirable because we don't tend to commit as much crime as blacks. We're undesirable because we have steady jobs, and our families can rely on us without the worry of us being shipped off to prison at any time. We're undesirable because we don't beat the shit out of our spouses at the drop of a hat. We're undesirable because we're not seemingly inherently violent. We're undesirable because we value education. We're undesirable because we're, etc...
Extraordinarily boring actually. Spending my time fishing the lake. I enjoy it, and don't really care what anyone else thinks.
Jesus says no whites.
They have no future and the girls are fleeing to the winning side.
Nice slide thread
Here’s an alternative for anyone who isn’t an idiot. Make an actual difference and arm me with info.
Sure you don't.
As hot as Asian girls doing the same thing?
White men are most attractive to everyone according to most studies. 79-94% of people prefer dating within their race depending on which study you choose, but white men are still preferred above any other race.
Have fun with facts!
So many lies. Keep fantasizing.
You are and I will squash you
So thank Jew Hollywood?
Nigger hate thread here we go!
No. If Jewllywood didn't constantly shit on white people especially like they did in the early 70s movies. Then white people would be even more valuable than they're right now. Women around the world would be lining up to be the concubines of the white male.
Doubt op is black, these threads are some bizarre cultural Marxist propaganda that are ironically themselves racist against blacks, especially black women, commies always show the their true colors they hate poor people, and are always racist in some manner. Do as I say not as I do
Third world women are already doing that. Jew Hollywood propaganda is real, and strong. So thank the Jews for the propaganda which benefits you.
I agree. Who's behind the larp, though?
You can see the fear in his eyes, being locked up and unable to flee his child.
>I agree. Who's behind the larp, though?
It could be anyone. Jews. Shitlibs. Trannies. Hapas or angry Asians. Even other alt-right trolls who just want to work everyone up.
The least likely person is actually a black guy.
then there's the adoption conundrum. people of all races overwhelmingly prefer for their kids to look like they do. the demand for white babies is insane, while unwanted/orphaned black babies are generally doomed to grow to adulthood within the foster system
the only reason anything is advertised is because the people pushing the product in question are disappointed by the incidence of the product they're selling actually moving. white people aren't going anywhere. white men are the undisputed kings of the dating scene. and here's where I might lose a lot of Jow Forumstards: any white guy who has trouble getting ass has no one to blame but themselves. the deck is stacked in your favor, yet still you fail? grind more social and don't be a fat, useless slob
What's even happening there?