My girlfriend and I have been dating for almost 3 years...

My girlfriend and I have been dating for almost 3 years. Yesterday she told me she is unhappy and brought up a lot of issues that had been building up for her about our relationship. Today she told me that we should take a break. So now we're on a break. What the fuck is a break. What do I do. Idk what the fuck the rules are. For now I'm just gonna get drunk

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She found another dick she wants to ride. wish it was a meme.

I know this whole meme but I'm 100% its not the case. We've just always been people who are very different and I've always seen that as good because we grow stronger as we argue but she had all this shit that she was holding on me that had building up. Idk what the fuck to do do I just wait for a couple weeks and then reach out? I just want to talk to her :(

>I know this whole meme but I'm 100% its not the case.
Hahahaha. To be so naive.

You always think it’s not happening to you, you think 100 percent there’s no way. Thing is. There is a way and it’s happening. I thought the same as you. Bitches are sneaky as fuck dude

"A break" in a relationship implies a period of time where you're not obligated to be faithful/exclusive to each other.
In other words, she's trying to cheat guilt free, or she's considering her life without you.

More detail would help but chances are it's going to be over son. Don't be needy, it won't help things.
Trust me, the fear of the pain of leaving is worse than the actual pain of them leaving.

it's probably over. 3 years is a long time dude, you had your chance and if its meant to end here its meant to end here. the best thing to do at this point is to accept whatever outcome she decides on, if you make shit difficult she's probably never gonna talk to you again. life will go on.

why do incels have to always make everything about their shitty little victim complexes. be quiet, adults are talking.

Why the fuck did I ask Jow Forums Jesus Christ. I'm just going to give it max two weeks and do all the things I couldn't while we're together. Live withour a care, smoke weed with the boys, whatever. And if I'm willing to give that up for her I'll wait but otherwise ill be the one to call it off on my terms

>why do incels have to always make everything about their shitty little victim complexes.
I'm in a long-term relationship, and have been in many over the years. The only surer sign that a relationship is over would be to actually catch her with someone else. She is the one who initiated the break. Do you believe that the entire impetus on changing the status quo after 3 years was simply mundane domestic affairs? She forces a break only to do what, simply remain stagnant and "think?"

>be quiet, adults are talking.
Clever, but I'm not the one whose life is falling apart around them attempting to rationalize that this "break" is just temporary, and not an easier way to exit. I've known people who did the "break" thing, though I struggle to recall any of them ever getting back together. But then of course you aren't the naive one. You are the adult here.



Its 100% the case


Damn bro. Taking a break is what people who want to break up but are too scared to fully commit to breaking up say. I know because I did it to my gf. Biggest mistake of my life. Fight for her but it’s probably gonna end for real soon. Sorry man

Sounds like she's riding new dick and using you for backup

Dump and say you were willing to talk or work any issues out but you don't do breaks and that you hope she does well, just not ever again with you.

>What the fuck is a break
Its over, like really over.

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>What the fuck is a break.
It's when a woman thinks she's found a better guy but isn't sure he's better than her current bf so she'll try him out during the "break". If he works out, the "break" turns into a break up, if he doesn't, the "break" is over and she gets to go back to clueless bf.
>What do I do.
Find yourself some pussy, if you can find a better pussy dump her ass, if not, keep whatever pussy you manage to get, downgrade the THOT to a FWB if she comes back and keep looking for a gf material girl.
>Idk what the fuck the rules are.
Same as if you're single.
>For now I'm just gonna get drunk
Nah, go sign up to a gym and get Jow Forums so you'll have an easier time getting over the current whore while maximizing your chances of getting another gf.
>but I'm 100% its not the case
It's 1000% the case. Step it up faggot, don't be a cuck.

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She found a guy. Personally I think breaks are retarded. If I found another guy or found someone I feel would be a more interesting match, I'd break up. It's a hard thing to do especially if you're dependent on each other but if you're looking for other people to satisfy your needs, then you're not getting whatever it is you want out of your current relationship. I'd just break up with her and find someone else. If she's hot, it's worse, trust me but sometimes dating a frumpier chick has it's benefits. Not all the time but lowering your physical standards may help increase you're personality standards and you'll find a decent match.

Time to make a tinder account and see how long it takes to find her!

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Listen, imagine a girl that you're not interested in, ugly or just average or whatever. Imagine she's your gf and into you. You want to dump her, what do you do:
-say it's over and meet all the drama, crying and shit and why on earth and please let's try again
-say we do a break, and move on to next where, with time you just stop talking to each other or you admit it's over but it's easier cuz of "the break" period

its over op you turbofaggot. you're single now. a break precedes a breakup. dump her now or get ready to be dumped. if she didn't want to break up she'd have stayed around to hash her problems out but instead she ran away. rip in pieces ima jack off

Please don’t ever join the police force

Enjoy yourself as much as you can, you'll see in two weeks

Yeah OP. I hate to say it, but kind of agree with the majority of people here that a break most of the time means it is over. A healthy relationship doesn't involve 'breaks'. Even if it isn't cause she wants to go fuck other dudes, or a specific other dude, it does mean there is a lot of shit wrong in your relationship. And it sounds like it came to you out of the blue.

There are two things you can learn from this (a) you probably need to learn to listen, to improve communications, to not be a person who thinks everything is fine in a relationship because YOUR needs are being met, and (b) there is no point getting hung up over one girl. Improve yourself and keep trying to better yourself, and move the fuck on.

>we're on a break
Women intend this to be ambiguous. A tether remains to the relationship if she wants to resume but also creates plenty of room to cover exploring options with other men.

Men are foolish to agree but they almost always do. To men she's not really going anywhere, they just aren't speaking or seeing each other daily. To her she doesn't have to account for where she is and whom she is seeing.

OP I know you believe she isn't going anywhere so the "break" is working as intended.

If all of you men had the balls to make a woman choose. Remain together and work on the relationship issues together or break up the relationship you would know how she really feels. She stays there is still an emotional attachment and she is still committed and if she takes off she has already detached emotionally enough and needs no more time.

Keep in mind. After 3 years the only reason a woman contemplates a change in the status; You won't marry her or have the conversation; there is another man; you are abusing her emotionally and physically and she's finally had enough; dope and or drink or you're a lazy fucker and financially you're going nowhere as a team.

That's a golden advice bro. Either we work on issues like adult people do or let's say goodbye.

Problem is, guys in love are full of delusions and keep explaining to themselves "it's not happening to me", and girls are fueling these delusions with their dishonesty.

When a woman says she wants to take a break, she's really saying she has no respect for you imo

Also she is breaking up with you without actually having to break up with you. Women are fucking evil hahaha I bet in her mind your less dangerous if she can break up with you all shady like instead of straight up to your face. She might be scared of your reaction, who knows

make the most of this chance my friend, the world has never been more awash in easy pussy than today.

You got dumped

best thing you can do is find someone asap then post snaps and things of you on social media hanging out together.

This, bitch will be super jealous.

A break is a break up but just in case the breaker can't upgrade, they want you to stay on tap
I say if it's a break, call it a break up and treat yo self to some fine girls. And don't go back to a girl who called for a break

Yeah, sorry user but all of these dudes are spot on. Happened to me after a five year relationship, but same thing, said she was unhappy and listed shit off to me and left to stay at her "girlfriends" house for a month while she thought about her relationship.

Thankfully, her lesbo friend who liked me told me she was staying with a guy she knew from work and convinced me break it all off.

So yeah, all signs are pointing to her having found a new dick and wanted a couple test drives before buying it and selling her old used car. Break up now and move on. It'll be easier.