Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare


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At least it's not 64%.
Go back to work goy.

pay dum taxes
>Wags chicken

yeah but more white people in total :^)

I'm sure Trump will do something about it

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It's ok. Those Central Americans are good christian people with traditional values and faith in the Lord. I don't mind this at all.

That’s a good point. Also, wouldn’t it be a good idea to send more money to Israel?

Send more money to Israel? Are we not sending every penny to them? The Travesty!

Wait... I thought non-citizens couldn't get welfare... curious...

Permenant residents are not citizens, yet have most of the rights of citizenship. They just can't vote or buy firearms. But I'm sure there are illegal aliens that also manage to get gibs through (((advocacy organizations))).

Gonna haffa gibs

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Medats u crakka ass mofuggaz

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More coming your way

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Whites are so privileged

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this is every american city in 20 years, when whites are abolished

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>Center for Immigration Studies

confirmed hate group by Southern Poverty Law Center, disregarded.

>no citizenship right
>welfare rights
Why can you choose both?

>once we get free of the EU

This is why we have a good tax lawyer, my wife and I make nearly a hundred thousand bucks a year between the two of us but we don’t pay anything.


Why are they not giving that data to ICE.

there's no way 5 million are 63% of non-citizens. there are at least 20 million illegals plus the legal non-citizen residents

non-citizen =! illegal immigrant

Maybe not all but most.