why are white people so ignorant about race?
Why are white people so ignorant about race?
Because they’re not affected by it. People are always so ignorant about things that don’t affect their lives
It's a self perpetuating cycle. Lots of white folk are isolated from other races and they associate with other ignorant white folk. So they're not going to have anyone who teaches them otherwise.
t. white kid from white town
Because they get to enjoy white privilege. To them, there is nothing wrong with the society they live in.
Also nobody likes to admit they have it easy.
Yeah, this. I’m from a super white area, too, and until I left the state for school and actually met people outside of my sphere of experience, I grew out of the ignorant ideas I had. Weirdest part is coming back home and seeing everybody still stuck with the same ideas
What were some of the things you learned?
I'm kind of getting the hang of it, but there are subtle things that I'm less familiar with.
One thing I'm trying to keep an eye on, after seeing a reddit post on the subject, is that I've caught myself misremembering a black woman's name as a more "black" name than what she actually had. In the post, the OP's name was Tina and people were repeatedly calling her things like "Tiana", "Tiara", "Tia". It only took me one time to see written out the woman's name I had misremembered, but it was definitely not a conscious decision on my part. It had me a little panicked. Made me wonder what other things I might being doing that I don't know about.
I try to avoid racially charged phrases and whatnot, but I don't know to what level is me walking on eggshells. Like say, I was training a new employee (who is black). Upon meeting him, I told our boss and the new employee that I'd try not to "crack the whip too much". No one said anything about it and we all laughed it off, but I started thinking a bit about if I should avoid sayings like that. We've used that phrase amongst white staff, but I don't know.
The fact that you’re making a conscious effort to try to be more sensitive is so much more than most people ever do. I don’t think things you’ve done unconsciously, like your comment at work, are done in harm. And I think your point about the woman having a more “black” name is something I’ve never thought I’ve, I wonder if I’ve done that out of habit as well.
I feel like I’ve just generally learned to accept people’s experiences as something to consider. I was kind of raised to disregard when people talked about racism because “that doesn’t exist anymore” or whatever, and I had to unlearn the belief that just because I’ve never experienced it, it doesn’t invalidate somebody’s experience. I also had to unlearn some really harmful alt-rightish beliefs I’d picked up about race, and so now I’m still learning how to be more sensitive and aware now that I’m no longer holding any directly and actively prejudicial beliefs.
are these replies serious? This shit belongs on reddit.
Because they dont have a glaring inferiority and victimhood complex. Go live your life and stop worrying about everyone else’s business you faggot. Go make your own success and stop bitching.
Why are you so invested in getting white people up validate your feelings?
Pretty sure this thread happens every couple days.
Gtfo w this shit
Why are other races so ignorant about race?
You want to talk cultural appropriation?
Try living with people who mock you while embracing ideas of equality that your ancestors civilization helped to promote.
Other races wanna act like white people are so bad when we created the societies that gave you voice in the first place. And at the time that voice was given, who had the vote?
White people. We put ourselves in check years ago.
I've met more ignorance from people of other races my whole life while living in a traditionally white area. Yeah, we still have some ignorant fucks running around, but from what I've lived through -other races do just as much to promote division as the most backwards ass bubba rednecks by living like all white people are like that.
White people who are ignorant about race and white people who live by it are both pretty annoying to deal with desu.
not Jow Forums
If y'all really think white people are so bad, then go back to your motherlands, wherever they may be instead of talking shit like the countries we helped to build have made your lives so much worse.
The only race that any right to talk shit about white people are the Native Americans.
Only the government can fix that, but I dont blame them for having pride in their ways.
We had better weapons, sorry.
So fucking sorry for all of you that we just happened to stop killing ourselves and work together.
Being mixed of three different white races
(Yeah, not all whites are the same) and Cherokee, personally I think we'd all be better off fucking around in tents like we All Used To, but that's just me.
I do kinda like modern life tho.
Too bad yall wanna fight over our grandparents world rather than make a better one for our kids.
>I was kind of raised to disregard when people talked about racism because “that doesn’t exist anymore”
I had a similar thing in my community.
>I also had to unlearn some really harmful alt-rightish beliefs I’d picked up about race
Care to share?
I wonder if maybe I'm over thinking these things. I grew up in a very liberal area, even if white-centric and isolated. I worry about being patronizing or being awkward or making things worse by trying to be nice.
Why do you post this same shitty thread every day? What race are you?
Met a negress recently with a white name. I did misremember it, but I misremembered it to another similar white name. Like Karen -> Catherine.
My big problem is recognizing black girls after they change their hair in some significant way... but I have that problem with white people, too.
Not saying I'm not racist, just that I'm retarded.
Every day we have this thread, fag. "Ignorance" is a nonsensical term to use, also, since your views on race are ideological first and foremost. You expect people to behave a certain way within a society that is structured a certain way--that has nothing to do with "ignorance" of fact. Fuck off with this tired thread and the hamfisted forcing of your degenerate agenda.
>muh white privilege
That's absolute horseshit. Whites built their own societies, and nowadays nonwhites wail and scream until they are allowed in. Why would anyone voluntarily go into a country to be oppressed?
Whites SHOULD have in-group preference. That's a benefit every group has as long as they stay within their own societies. The problem is that many of them don't, pic related, and the ones who do are told it's somehow wrong, or you get insufferably smug pricks like OP who pretend that caring about your own is """ignorant""". Would you tell a mother who prioritizes the well-being of her children that she's "ignorant" about family?
why are POC so fixated with race
You get it.
White people can be complete human trash. Or regular people like the rest of us. It's not about the color of your skin anymore it's the way you act.
BTW I'm still white and wish I was a rapper
Who is the loser who keeps posting this? Im tired debating and proving racists wrong. Im done with this, can we all mass report this thread? Shits here every night dude
When a puerto Rican tells you Mexicans are the niggers of Spaniards (Google just aut corrected the n-word for me.) Sorry boys were trying.
>proving racists wrong.
You don't "prove" anything by screaming 'racist'.
The bait really is getting old, though. A ceasefire is in order to spare the good anons of Jow Forums.
Why does this post feel like i've read every single sentence somewhere else before a million times? is this actually a person or some sort of weird bot that picks up keywords in a thread and replies with talking points
I get that everybody can be complete trash.
Or regular people.
Don't even try to mention skin color or race.
Good luck with your record deal.
I can confirm I'm a person, I'm just a meme-flinging autist with nothing better to do than reply to the same bait every day. You've probably seen a lot of my posts before, and the sentence structure, word choice, pictures (and topics, of course) all will be familiar after a while.
There are only so many things that can be said about race--or almost any other topic, for that matter.
Ignorant enough to still use 16th century terminology. Niggers are as retarded as their white and chink slave masters
If you click the numbers in someone's post, you should automatically get their post number in your new post. I assume you're copy and pasting since you forgot to put two right arrows.
V-varg? Is that you?
do you genuinely believe all of that or it just for memes sake to trigger/bait people? And I don't mean you on this board specially. I see post similar to this on other boards,chans, youtube etc
>do you genuinely believe all of that
Well, I believe what I say, but I'm not omnipresent. I only rarely go onto boards other than Jow Forums or Jow Forums, and I never post anything outside Jow Forums. So while the specific post above you've probably seen me post similar parts of before, I'll qualify it by saying that the stuff like "nigs are a race of dumb slaves" is nonsense that I don't ascribe to. The stereotypical "middle-aged-white-guy-wearing-sunglasses-in-his-SUV" profiles also aren't me.
Though, I have noticed a lot of similar low-quality and incendiary posts on Jow Forums as of the past year or two, and I wouldn't be surprised if bots were behind it. People with strong beliefs are fairly easy to influence in that way--like how you have people quoting verbatim the headlines of Buzzfeed or Breitbart articles. I find a lot of people just keep that kind of scripted response as ammunition for heated moments, because they don't want to spend inordinate amounts of time looking into the issue for themselves. I don't say this just to ramble. Not to be full of myself, but given how much time I spend posting and my preference for including sources where applicable, it's possible other like-minded anons have seen my posts and started to use the points in them as the aforementioned 'ammunition'.
Also, to answer the question about memes, I prefer to make my memes either restricted to their own posts or very obvious if they're mixed in with something legitimate. I don't want edginess to detract from the point.
how would you know I do that? No I use empirical data to probe them wrong. Dont believe everything you get off Jow Forums user.
But yea I do call for a truce. This shit is annoying
God I'm so glad white genocide is a thing.
You and I brother, you and I.
Soon, brothers, the wh*Te dogs will face their reckoning
because its not worth caring about, honestly. you win when you don't even engage.
Jealous wh*Toid
Some people look different, what's the big deal?
Yes very jealous of your IQ and high crime rates
wh*Toids took our IQ points and didn't give enough money to keep us from taking our birthright
Soon, you cumskins will get what you deserve.
I'm a white living in south korea and I don't care about the white race