So what if this accelerationism becomes a thing?

What happens if the USA can't effectively protect it's Jews anymore? Curious as to how that would pan out and impact the rest of population.

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The middle east is what will either cause the change or not.
Israel keeps pushing buttons and forcing itself everywhere. Either they slip up and push too hard too fast and get a war from say, Syria or Iran backed by Russia or nothing will happen.
Domestically, nothing will happen beyond false flags, autists and jihadis. There will only ever be talk. The only way anything will happen nationally or internationally, is a war where people question why they're fighting for Israel and Israel tries to destroy the people who question it while pushing for war.

Really? You think the U.S. govt. will stand idly by and let middle eastern tier terrorist attacks go on within its borders? You don't think it will crack down?

They'll crack down on citizens, but there won't be some big uprising against the government. People are too easily pacified. Especially in a day and age where everyone can be distracted by
Unless people are directly affected by it, nothing will happen. And they'll all remain too distracted to know they're directly affected by it. Only a total war which would inevitably raise serious questions among the populace will do something.
But then again, there will still be people blindly waving their flags thinking they're doing good instead of serving the interests of people who want to destroy them.

Will they confiscate guns though?

Probably not, they know that's too much. What they'll actually do is increase the cost of healthcare to the point where you're too afraid to pull any protests under threat of being hit in the face or bones with a tear gas canister.

>What happens if the USA can't effectively protect it's Jews anymore?
That would just be shameful. A real tragedy.

It's the way of the future

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It won't work as long as all of the big tech and government is on the side of the jews. Their spying and violence monopoly will always be too much to handle.
Accelerate the jew hunting in these conditions and they'll accelerate the "nazi" hunting ten times as much.
You need to change the playfield first by gettng rid of those big tech companies.

So they will crack down is what you are saying. Everyone with an AR-15 will be a potential Nazi?

>Will they confiscate guns though?
They don't need too. That would raise an alarm.
All they have to do is restrict the usage of those guns to the point where they say "You can have any and every gun you want, but firing it is a felony and you'll be banned from owning guns for being a felon".
Similar things are here, you basically not allowed to defend yourself with any weapon whether gun, knife or otherwise. Why? Because you having said weapon is akin to planning the use of such a weapon.
But, all that's needed is the distraction or for it not to be reported (widely).

More like everybody with an opinion will be labelled a terrorist. The private prison industry sure would love the increase of inmates. They're aching to start arresting people for a brand new bullshit reason.

You sound retarded

and you need to stop giving this guy the microphone.

None of what you said is going to happen- They are losing the battle: Look around, Nationism is on the rise: I single fucking day someone says I cant have a gun is the day i will have to use it-

the joos are fucked: The middle-east is out for their blood : and trump backing off troop deployments is just letting those that want the joo-blood get a little big closer each day.

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You really think they could do that in the United States? I doubt it. Have you ever lived here? Do you understand our gun culture? It would never make it through our courts. And that would be considered a ban or worse. Even the dullest boomer would rise up against something like this.

The USA was created to protect Jews (A nation to make the deracinated rootless mixed race cattle goyim slave caste) and to fight the enemies of the Jews and to serve the Jews.

The scenario in OP will never happen, unless it is to give more Jewish power.

Congratulations, you abandoned your English ethnic identity for masonic Jewish slavery.

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that tactic isn't going to work anymore. virtually all gun legislation is viewed as incrementalism and resisted.
Missouri for example is trying to pass a law that would nullify any federal gun laws. I don't think it will ever hold up however that isn't the point. there are states that won't tolerate any laws infringing upon the 2nd amendment.

Also weed. They want everybody growing and smoking it within this legal grey area. So if you decide to protest, they'll invoke federal law and prosecute you. It may be legal within your state but federally illegal.

It doesn't have to be so explicit at first.
Just look at what's being advocated by the most anti-gun people/groups. They're the ones who will pull more and more after every shooting (not gang shooting though)

>You sound retarded
Sure. Now imagine having full autos banned. Oh wait.. Bump stocks? Oh..
Bit by bit. It isn't needed to go all at once. Every time there will be a concession made. And every time a new concession will be requested.
You're deluded if you think it can't or won't happen.

The moment you start organising anything serious in groups, they'll know about it and they'll stop you. Nothing will work other than lone wolf terrorism, and sacrificing your life just to say "fuck you" to them isn't worth it.
Anybody who stands up to them should be a celebrated hero of the community and deserves a long, happy a stable life with lots of children. Not die like some mentally ill sperg terrorist, or be enslaved in their for profit prison system.

Yes but eventually all your states will be afroghouls and Hispanics and then the Jews can take whatever rights they want from you.

Bit by bit in combination with 5th column.

>gun culture
Mostly a fake and gay meme, as far as this idea that "hurr muh gun culture means we're invincible and don't have to worry." It will take longer than in yoorup with a less-entrenched fud culture, but realize that the ban on full autos was hardly "struck down" by the gun culture. Giving you the grandfather clause just means they're ok with bans taking decades instead of months to take effect. Same with the arbitrary ban on short-barrel shotguns, high-capacity magazines, and so on.
When this nation was born, you couldn't just buy a machine gun, you could buy a fully-armed military gunship. Private citizens could own cutting-edge military field artillery. Now individual states are allowed (by the people, not by the Fed - the PEOPLE allow them to do this) the authority to arbitrarily ban you from owning anything bigger than an airsoft gun.

>So what if this accelerationism becomes a thing?

I work day and night to collapse the West for good. It is a fucking cancer through and through. Inb4: m-muh art/architecture/ancestors! That shit was a fucking WASTE of resources. We should have stopped spending on fancy (((Christian))) churches and pointless christfag brother-wars and conquered the god damned world.

I hate Christianity and white women. There is no way I'm going to allow either to survive the coming apocalypse. I don't work, I pay almost no taxes, I won't marry a white women and provide for her mulatto children, and I spend almost all of my time in MMOs redpilling people to also take the Acceleration-Pill. We'll see how long the (((West))) lasts when white men stop producing. The East is the future. What little effort and resources I create will be focused there.

Do not worry, I shall protect Abigail from the Stormfag hordes!

I don't see that happening. America is actually more segregated then people realize. the vast majority of non whites live in urban areas. rural and small metro is still largely white with some hispanics but their in such low numbers that they actually assimilate and in a few generations are unrecognizable from the local population. so I really don't count them in the same boat with the turbo beaners of California.

the different races tend to live around each other. take Chicago, one of the most liberals cities in America is also one of the most segregated in the nation.

I think as the country drifts further apart racially and culturally there will be a break.

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>I dont think any of you realize how great this country really is.

This is a jew- Anyone who lives outside of citys owns guns- period.

Your deluded if you think a bump stock is anything other then my finger- Or a 2x4 with 2 nails in it- Full auto's Arent banned- They are just expensive so niggers cant get their hands on them
This fucking dude has 3 fullauto machine guns on his fucking truck.

And then one day for NO reason at all: people voted hitler into power.

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>This fucking dude has 3 fullauto machine guns on his fucking truck.
He had to go register for those didn't he?
As I said, one restriction after another. Though you can delude yourself into thinking it will never happen to you or your country.

merimutts cannot see their own demise

at 1:30sec into this video- You see a homemade 20mm cannon. You dont need to register that- Building full-auto weaponry is easy for anyone with a machine shop.... or a knowledge of how to twist a coat hook in the correct way.

Full-Auto is a meme: I Love my guns- But its literally useless beyond a giggle at the range: its bleeds ammo and is inaccurate as fuck: there is zero use for select fire outside of squad operated weapons.

Which: again: We can make- Easy.

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We can buy tanks.

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That's a breach loading wheeled 20mm rifle, about as useful as the .50 cal recoillless rifle in battle.

This I like though. I want to buy a tank in the near future. Surprisingly enough the UK sells to private US citizens regularly, despite their loicensing meme.

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Someone bought a Challenger 1 on auction.

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I can buy a fucking working flamethrower- do you guys need to show Id to get spoons over there like Brittttan yet ? or is it not necessary to use them because you a fed a constant stream of arabian jizz ?

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One day; i'll convince Jow Forums to croundfund me a tank.

Thats dope- If i could I'd love a sherman with a 75mm: for old times sake.

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>What is now will always be
Some people just can't see the forest through the trees.

Additionally, we can buy tanks here too.

But you wont, cuz your a faggot and poor- and your shits all retarded. Fix your own country: Ya fuckin queer.

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>t. 56%