Why do you people hate me so much? We havent even met

Why do you people hate me so much? We havent even met

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Defective gadget

Holy roman empire. You side with tree killer. You worship man. You are corrupt as much as the pharisees that still own you. Those pyramids are looking shabby, get to work.

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just kys its better for everyone

Honestly you're just as much a goy as the rest of us, but the Jewish elite have done crimes against Europe which are not forgiveable!

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Speaking as a Jew, you already know why.

Are you on a VPN and having a giggle, or are you feeling sorry for yourself this morning?

Why are you destroying the world?

you are like dtrones
once youve seen one youve seen em all


So? Why hate the averago joe when you know its the elites who are at fault

I am a carpenter, how can i destroy the world?

I dont, but people hate you because they dont know the complex Jewish power structure of rich elites & the average eastern European Jew.

Basically people cant tell the difference between the good & bad & because of this you all suffer.

>You side with tree killer
based and yggdrasilpilled

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>Op pic is giving us the middle finger
>y u hate me?
Truly you do cry out in pain as you strike.

By transforming historical buildings into awful kike monstrosities with your jewish architecture

>I am a carpenter
KEK, well larped user, well larped!
How's your wifes son getting along?

Hate is useless. Genocide is necessary. There is no need to hate them. There is a need to eliminate them.

Can you really see Jews as human after you have understood their genetic character? They pump whoredom in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. Kids learn from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. It isn't a conspiracy, it's genetics.

environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics

The only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination, that is to say genocide, which the Germans were too nice to do. Those genes are too harmful to everyone else. The second half of the 20th century demonstrates the need for Jewish extermination.

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jews are predisposed to nepotism and virtue signaling which essentially make you incompatible with other humans without stabbing them in the back to (fit in)

Why do you cut the foreskin off your newborns?

Their is literally no reason to hate jews

a Jew is always behind literally awful major event.
>Federal Reserve
a creation of Paul Warburg, a Jewish banker. the put the dollar in the hands of the international Jewish banking cartel. control the monetary policy, control the people.
>post WW2 order, ie Globalism
Harry Dexter White, a communist Jew, globalism the brain child of a communist Jew. globalism which is the reason why the US Jobs were gutted. global growth was fueled at the expense of the middle class.
>piecemeal social engineering
the father of the social engineering that has poisoned American society is one Jew by the name of Karl Popper
>oral contraception
that completely destroyed Western fertility rates, destroyed the family and has caused brain damage to almost 4 generation of women. thank two Jews for that Carl Djerassi and Gregory Pincus

I could go on but virtually all of our current societal ills has its genesis in a Jew. I could go on but I think that would be redundant.

inspect her gadget is a boring piece of waste of pelicules
why do you disgusting parasites always feel the need to pervert children's cartoons?



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>this flag
>this post

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I love fallout 2

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All people are like this. There are good and bad people regardless of thier race, sex or religion

Go go gadget crematorium

i'm fan of Israel
the only people i do not like are globalists and leftists no matter the race

because if you get the choice to kill between jewish elite and average white joe you kill average white joe
but this is not your fault, we follow same pattern just leftist are trying to erase this trait in us


yes and some people of some races/religions/sexes have much higher proportion of 'bad' traits, such as blacks, muslims or women

Hey Mike I dare you to shoot up a mosque

>All poeple are like this
Yeah sure dude that's why christians got expelled 109 times

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I never killed anybody and dont plan to

Why are you trying to sound human? I noticed this lately...its weird and bothersome.

you're right but people as a whole don't think that way. the problem with Jews is that they so paranoid of anodda shoah that they shut down even the slightest criticism against them. their veracious ethnonational while in other nations makes people hate them.

why do Jews control virtually all of the media? saying that simple truth will get you.

any mention of the power they hold is always attacked and shut down. maybe Israelis are different but in America Jews are absolutely predictable in how they respond to anything they don't like.
>omg antisemite
>muh holocaust
>it's anodda shoah

another thing you filth has ruined

>>oral contraception
not only that, the residue of those pills are peed out and ends up poluting our drinkingwater too now in such levels it messes up the hormones of plant and animal life

no the're not, but after being infected by your kind they do

ok, imagine you're jew living in america with dual citizenship, now you get to vote where american tax money are going, either Israel or american education system, you can choose one or the other no half there and half here, which one you choose?

No I don't hate you, thankyou for bringing me and my family to australia, and them even give us a new house and some money to start our kebab shop.

damn I never knew that. I've read studies that show how long term use cause irreversible brain damage, especially when they are administered at the start of puberty.

they should be banned but bringing in 3rd world immigrants gives them the perfect golems to use against their host nation, and of course keeps labor costs down.

Because your people are a nation of evil. Like no shit, literal physical incarnation of evil.
Your nation has lobbied my nation to near extinction. We're dying, and it's because of you.
And it's not just us. Other nations are dying, and it's because of you. It's for your sake they do this.
Embrace what position you hold. You are our antagonists, and we are yours. Do not show us any mercy. We won't show you any, after all your people have done.
I specifically plan to rise to power in my nation's government, and explicitly, entirely, work to remove the influence of people with citizenship, dual or otherwise, of your nation, within my nation. I will also declare you an enemy of my state and release all classified materials that I believe will cause you harm.
I will give you every reason to fight me. So fight me, and die. Or lie down, and die.
If you lie down and die, I will make it painless. That is the only mercy I will afford you, and will consider that your penance.
But either way, you will die. I will live. And I will live well. Best of all, I shall do this entirely within the law, such that I may overtly and explicitly get away with it.

remember the old days this site was full of these kind of brainteasers?
cheers man of the north! ( ^..^)-c|_|

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But its your nation that has more than 300 military bases in 180 countries
You house, wall street and hollywood
Americacreated the federal reserve
World reserve currency is the dollar
You used nuclear and chilical weapons on civilians
My country only exists for 70 years

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American aid is live 5% of our budget
They mostly give us outdated military equipment we modernise like those box shaped apc's on threads

it's too long to explain, but in short, the basic function of those pills is oversatturate the hormone leves and to destroy the estrogen levels of women to disrupt the natural cycle of women all broken down hormones and exces hormones not consumed by the body are peed out and end up in our water. it isn't healthy for the sugarlevels and kidneys either.
and to think they invented male contreceptive pills for the same thing too.
it's basicly trannypills light

you didn't answer my question hooknose

I've read that they've had to stop the trails a few times because they lead toa few suicides.

Fuck off retard

And there is literally no reason to thrust them, too.

fuck off yidfag

Troglodytes and savages not.fit for life.like jihadists low.iq

Get gassed

>We havent even met

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i can believe that.
disrupt the natural cycle of life and it will try to find another way or addapt, if not it will just ceise to exist.
same thing with computers and AI realy

I'm going to make it legal to kill you, and then I'm going to kill you.
Argue with me all you want. I'm still going to kill you. Legally. I mean it.
Until it is legal, you have nothing to fear from me. But understand that is one of my singular purposes in life. And that it will happen. And you will die as an enemy of my country and nation.
I will enjoy running your blood and the blood of all of your countrymen like a river, and propagandizing your children to hate you.
You're going to die, and you're going to be exposed. People will hate you in death, and your very family that survives will curse you, your nation, and your people.
And I will make it happen lawfully. Let me be clear. It will happen. And it will be legal.

>t. typical shitskin

I know what is written in Talmud. Some jews follow it, some jews don't, but I can't keep tabs on who is and who isn't, I'm just gonna round you all up and make my country judenfrei, again.

they don't, Jow Forums is literally full of sand nigger propagandists and has been for a long ass time.

I am the antichrist mother fucker your time to die will come soon

Satan tell me to fly to the land whan all the wars started (serbia balkan) to free Kosovo and start world war 3 satan tell me to peмyв кaбaб


I am already speaking serbo Croatian and russian and i have many warriors on my side so stan told me to make a Army of serbs bosnians Croats russians georgians Armenians anf all the barbarians and go against the technology of the modern world america and isreal

I will do it

Pray for me filty Humans your days on earth are numbered

I will roull this world for 60 years or 60 days before Jesus Christ king of all kings kill me but in this 60 days or years i will make sure the human race will be wiped down for the love of trees and animals and plant eart i will exstriminete thr mistake of the gods name humans


not such a vargman, but here he's quite spot on
contraceptive pills around 5.00

>Russians are scared to call themselves Europeans
Russians never called themselves Europeans even in days of Russian Empire.
Read fucking Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky.

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dont take stuff personally here, it will ruin you

remember beardtaxes?

he was liked and disliked for it

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>We havent even met
And, by God, you should hope we never will.