Are you pol?
fuck she's hotter than lava
>French flag
Makes sense
You disgust me beyond words
A blowjob from a dyke would be so heavenly
All I see is an ugly shaved head and $2,000 worth of Woke fashion accessories with no sign of a body worth being attracted to underneath.
No surprises here
I would unironically impregnate her several times
I bet she loves to role play as a
skinhead or a female SS officer in bed
have a go at the cunt, it looks like her jeans were shot to pieces. secretly the shooting was the best thing that ever happened to her and she will always look back on it as a positive like a hero’s return from war.
Why does she dress up like a skinhead?
This is so fuckin ironically true. Her only way to get "famous" was for the guy she bullied to blow the heads of other kids off so she could milk their deaths for all they're worth
its probably worse. she had no idea who nicholas cruz was. that school has like 3000 kids
The only way I'd fuck her is if the only thing left of her is her uterus
>Not wanting to hit that
I guess women are not your things.
Her nudes were vile
tfw 18 months after you transition you finally shame a lesbian into sucking your girldick only to find that the only reason your trans penis has a different mouthfeel is because you can't really get hard any more
Dude, I know the French will fuck anything, but good lord, have at least some taste, mate
>queen goblina
Memeflags bait threads sure are out in force tonight.
Need to see the cooch before I decide.
not really, makes more sense for an Israeli flag, since you know...Jew
my dick
>I guess women are not your things.
>wants to fuck a woman that wants to look like a man
Prove it, post link
>Girl dick
>Trans penis
Are you gay?
ay dios mio
This "strong woman" look fresh out of AnyMall USA. All the wristbands. That belt. Those thrashed jeans. And ever so popular choker necklace. Not feelin it.
its like when they dressed the gremlin up as a girl in Gremlins 2
I second this.
Even the censored version would get me a visit from the party van, I didn't save them. She was doing pull ups, thicc with small tiddies
id fuck the dyke
youd probably fuck a dog
That big ass head is absolutely perfect for a sniper rifle bullet.
Oh, I want to 'hit' her, all right - in the face, with a baseball bat, repeatedly, until her entire head is a bloody sticky mess.
I got her number do you want it?
I saw her nude before. Not bad at all.
Just Google emma Gonzales nudes, it pops up!
I'm not seeing the tits at this time.
So, no.
Do you have something in a swimsuit?
This pic is straight from an alt right rally.
If she had long hair and wore nice, women's clothes, then I'd consider it.
I can't stand the skinhead dyke look coupled with the ugly fashion.
nah mate.. dont get me wrong but the furry culture flourishes in your country not mine, we dont possess the same fetishes like you
>implying thats a women
pic related is a actual women.
She was much better looking with long hair, there are a few pics.
>These violent delights have violent ends
even with the shaved sides of her head she looked better with the longer hair
So much cringe im turning chinese from squinting
I'd hate fuck the one on the right.
That necklace means she has a black belt in blowjob.
She's about 90% white.
Dykiest of dykes.
her friends legs look like tree stumps.
>that fucking POINTY ELBOW
Holy shit I didn't actually notice that!!!!
>not thinking about your cock being squeezed between her thighs.
>who are you calling pinhead?
it's OK, redhead are godly being.
Ah good man.