The European Union is going right wing next month. Expect a 180 in the globalist hive mind in less than 60 days

The European Union is going right wing next month. Expect a 180 in the globalist hive mind in less than 60 days...
>EU election polls: Right-wing populist and Eurosceptic parties would be biggest single group in European parliament

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>Right-wing populist and Eurosceptic parties would be biggest single group in European parliament
Sounds pretty comfy

A right wing EU including Russia would be awesome.

What, I love the EU now.

Total yawn.

Until subversives and traitors are swinging from gallows and the people of Europe get their countries back: total yawn. Wake me up when the collapse is over.

Unless we execute Macron, Merkel, May and all their henchmen, nothing will change

This isnt going to change anything. If you know how the EU works, youll know that MEPs have no fucking power and no say in anything. Voting doesnt matter, new votes are called until the EU gets the result they want. EU is antidemocratic.

Something about how evil always destroys itself.


>When EU is majority filled with people who hate the EU and wouldn't mind seeing it burn
So... Can the EU finally disband?

SO who really decides what the EU wants?

Not exactly. It's more like the controlling factors will be greatly hindered allowing for more countries to withdraw and the more draconian policies to be reversed or halted completely. Kind of like Trump's presidency.

Guillotine Macron, hang May, what about Merkel? Some kind of Haji execution.

watch as they renege on their promises as soon as they have coalition power.

The european commission. These are the people who decide what will be voted on and when. Members of the EU commission are appointed, not elected, you cannot remove them through democratic means. Same goes for the EU president. Like I said, the EU is not undemocratic, it is actively antidemocratic.

Not gonna happen

Cuck Farage would never align with "evil racist Le Pen"


nobody will enter in coalition with them. It'll be probably be People's party(cuckservatives)+social democrats+liberals

>Some kind of Haji execution
Stoning is an option

da jooz

I hope that will change at least some things even though I'm pretty sceptical.

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The commission and the council.

They have enough (((rules and regulations))) that mean a takeover or diversion from their plans is impossible.

Who appoints them?

Russia won't be joining EU anytime soon. Only Navalny is pro european in Russia and he's basicly banned from participating in russian elections. Dunno if his party is banned from Duma though

You don't even have a right wing party in your country anymore, so I really fucking hope you won't be allowed to vote in the EU elections.

> Thinks the European Parliament does anything more than rubber stamp what they are told to.

A reminder to illiterate retards that the Euro parliament doesn't have any executive power only the(((European Council))) does. Parliament is advisory only

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fuck i hate having to agree with a kike. but you sir are a 100% correct

it wont change shit other than that there will be a counter voice in the EU structure from within, watch how the commission will implement new laws in regards to right wing parties not being allowed to join the parliament.

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What the fuck happened to farage why is he so cucked nowadays.

Symbolic victories are always how they start

A right wing European Union can be turned into a strong federation of European nations.

People don't hate a unified Europe, people hate the EU's globalist, corporate, cultural marxist and postmodern foundation.

A European federation should be based, first and foremost, on it's indigenous population.

There’s zero benefit for Russians while everyone else would get a new teet to suck on at a discount

this kike knows whats up, the EU is a show that makes gives the appearance of MEP participation but they are powerless.

what are you talking about? Russia would have most benefit. First there would be no sanctions, thwy could trade equally with europe freely, russia as biggest country would have most power because it would have most voting power, now it's germany. Turkey is constanly blocked from EU because if they join they would have massive voting influence, nobody wants that. Russia would suffer in beginning like most eastern european countries suffer but it would improve alot after some time

Master z...

Fuck, EU was supposed to bend r*ssia over the knee. But now fucking p*tin will (or can) get support from rightwingers.
I hope they won't do this, because everything p*tin touch becomes shit. Just like it happened with Hungary — it literally become mafia state full of cuckservative retards.

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Putin is a good man Russanon

no he isn't. He's just regular eastern european post commie cleptocrat

I am doing my part! Are you doing yours? Do you want to know more?

Don't kid yourself, he's only in politics for self enrichment.

Do we?

Barely and not without major issues, but we still do.

I'll give you an example, jean-claude juncker. His party got 13% of the votes in luxembourg in eu elections I think back in 2014. Not him personally, but his party. The EU bureaucrats thought he had the right thinking and so appointed him as the president of the EU commission. If you are subject to EU law, you are being ruled over by some literal fucking nobody whos PARTY got 13% votes in an EU elections and theres nothing you can do about it.

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fucking kek, jealous much??

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>European Council
That's not entirely true. They vote in the executive council, control the budget, and have other political power that must be honored. In short, if the go far right than all the of EU agendas will come screeching to a sudden and dramatic halt. No EU intervention and countries can start to slowly disconnect themselves from the organization resulting in total collapse.

>The European Union is going right wing next month

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>in an election where almost no one votes the fringe wins


Thinking the eu jewlord didnt create a system to give the less power possible to the elected members.

Why would an effective ethnostate be jealous of being ruled over by an unelected bunch of globalists?

many of these parties are operate at the same argument if they cannot reform it then burn it down

I agree starman.

That's bullshit

The EU Council decides everything that matters

You're agreeing with that user...

No you dumb fuck troll, all heads of state are elected.

European Council = Merkel+Juncker

>effective ethnostate
I don't know where you've heard that israel is an ethnostate, we are 80% jewish but only half of those are ashkenazi jews the other half is white, arab, black, asian jews. Even america is more ethnically homogeneous than we are.

thats wrong
> commission has budgetary power
> for most part only commission may propose laws for parliament to vote on
> final say is with Council of Ministers
Parliament is only an Alibi Coverup to obfuscate the anti democratic structures of EU Institutions

>European elections: Anti-EU populists set to win enough seats to gain influence and ‘paralyse’ bloc
The growth of anti-EU parties in the European Parliament elections in May could “paralyse” the bloc in a range of policy areas, a stark report seen by The Independent has warned. Nationalist, eurosceptic, and far-right parties could bring about a “qualitative change” in the union after winning a third of seats, according to the European Council on Foreign Relations, a pro-EU think tank. The result would give the populists significant influence in the union and the ability to block some legislation, says the study, which is set to be released on Tuesday. The parties would be able to appoint the chairs of a third of European Parliament (EP) committees and block the body from triggering so-called “Article 7” procedures against rogue member states that flout the rule of law – as it did with Viktor Orban’s Hungary last year. Even more significantly, unless all the other political groups consistently vote together, populists might also be able to block the election of the next European Commission president to replace Jean-Claude Juncker, shape EU law, and influence the union’s budget.

Why not Soros, 56%? Show that you're a real moron, don't be shy!

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>The [European] Commission operates as a cabinet government, with 28 members of the Commission (informally known as "commissioners").[4] There is one member per member state, but members are bound by their oath of office to represent the general interest of the EU as a whole rather than their home state.

>members are bound by their oath of office to represent the general interest of the EU as a whole rather than their home state


Its my favorite argument against the EU.
>name a single person on the Council of Ministers
>(if they manage that)
>name a popular election any member of the Council has won

Bullet proof argument for the last ~3 years I have been using it.

The Eurosceptic votes could also help derail already controversial international agreements – such as a possible free trade deal with a post-Brexit UK.

“Simply put, winning a certain number of seats will give anti-European forces influence over key processes and decisions,” the report says.

“Judging by what many of them have campaigned for, anti-European parties could use this increased share of seats to obstruct the EP’s work on foreign policy, eurozone reform, and freedom of movement, and could limit the EU’s capacity to preserve European values relating to liberty of expression, the rule of law, and civil rights.

“Winning more than 33 per cent of seats would enable them to form a minority that could block some of the EU’s procedures and make the adoption of new legislation much more cumbersome – with a potentially damaging impact on the content of the EU’s foreign policy, as well as on the EU’s overall institutional readiness and its political credibility to take initiatives in the area.”

The report looks at polls from across the continent and finds that under current projections the far-right is set to make advances – mirroring or exceeding those it has made at a national level since the last elections in 2014. It says “the far right and right-wing Eurosceptics will, if current polling is accurate, rise from 23 per cent to 28 per cent” with this potentially rising to around 30 per cent once the campaign is underway.

“They could even gain more than 30 per cent of seats if their popularity continues to grow or if some of the fringe members of the mainstream join them. If they cross the one-third threshold, this would signify a qualitative change in the EU,” the report adds.

In certain policy areas, dissent from the mainstream by the eurosceptic far-left – such as on trade, sanctions, and foreign policy – could also make passing legislation difficult.

ukip betrayed him

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Though the assorted eurosceptic parties across the continent have struggled to form a coherent alliance, when it comes to votes in parliament they have often voted in a similar direction. Despite being spread across disparate political groups, most populist forces voted against sanctions against Hungary in a crunch vote last year.

There are also increasing moves to try to unite the groups – such as the plan for an “anti-immigration axis” proposed by Italy’s de facto leader Matteo Salvini. Far-right US figure Steve Bannon has also unveiled plans to unite the groups, though it is unclear whether he will be successful.

“The warning in this report, that anti-European parties are gaining strength and could paralyse the EU, should concentrate the minds of pro-Europeans,” said Mark Leonard, director of the European Council on Foreign Relations.

“They must not become trapped into becoming defenders of the status quo in Europe or allowing the election to become a referendum on the issue of migration – which is exactly the battleground that the anti-Europeans want.

“Instead, pro-Europeans need to unmute the silent majority by fighting different elections that Europe’s different publics will vote on – such as the climate change election, the ‘Facebook’ election for those concerned for their data and privacy, the election for those worried about Russian aggression, the prosperity election for those worried about stalled living standards, the rule of law election for those worried about democratic backsliding, and the ‘saving Europe’ election for the EU’s most ardent defenders.”

The European Parliament elections are scheduled for 23-26 May. The UK is not scheduled to take part as it is on course to leave the EU on 29 March 2019.

none of these zogslaves have any decision power

Council, dumb fuck troll

Lol, Farage betrayed UKIP. He has such a fucking ego that he went on to form a new party while bowing down to political correctness. Notice how the british press is quite positive on him nowadays when just couple years ago they called him a nazi on a daily basis.

They literally decide everything that matters in the EU. Literally.

then they don't have any in their countries either

I may be a dumb fuck but I'm not a troll

Not according to their own website.

Powers and procedures

The European treaties have given Parliament a broad range of powers as the EU’s directly-elected body. Learn more in the following sections and find out how the procedures work.
Legislative powers

Together with the representatives of EU governments in the Council, Parliament is responsible for adopting EU legislation. Under the ordinary legislative procedure, both institutions act as equal co-legislators. In some special cases, other procedures may apply.
Go to the page: Legislative powers
Budgetary powers

Parliament and Council have to agree on the annual EU budget. Find out about the procedure.
Go to the page: Budgetary powers
Supervisory powers

MEPs oversee the work of EU institutions, notably the European Commission, which is the executive arm of the European Union.
Go to the page: Supervisory powers
National parliaments

Learn how the European Parliament cooperates with national parliaments on European affairs.
Go to the page: National parliaments
The Lisbon Treaty

The Lisbon Treaty is the latest revision of the European treaties that gave more powers to the European Parliament. Find out the details.
Go to the page

Maybe YOU are not. But I'll just keep assuming that with your flag. The Russians and other trolls love that flag for some reason.

Are you two homos telling me, that my grandfather fought for nothing, and those fucking krauts won anyway?

take your meds schizo

Anyway... Back on point. This election is highly relevant.

Idi nahuj, dumb fuck troll.

Yes. Germans are mentally ill and disease on Europe

wouldn't be Jow Forums if we didn't have loonies running about, would it.

his own party were shitting all over him even during the brexit vote, I don't blame him for starting a new party a couple years later

This is going to happen.
You left too soon, Nige
lmao AOC is going to be your next president if the hairsniffer gets out for being too white. Shut the fuck up José.
Rub rub rub
Our Christian Democrats have been pushing further to the right since this week. Could either be campaign rhetorics or them preparing their voters base on a RW coalition.
Russia would greatly benefit.
This, I hate putinbots.
>Muh my government is so nepotistic with the brown people! I wish Putin was my boss even though he is the worst nepotist of them all!
But scapegoating the Russian people whenever we have a crisis is bad

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The EU was essentially designed to be controlled by multinational corporations, which it really is. It is the most elaborate globalist project so far and a template for further corporate globalist integration.

I don't understand them at all, I mean, I am "German", hell, family name is Müller, straight out of 1600 Leipzig, but for love of God, as long as I live, I will never understand how those fuckers operate mentally.

Yeah like weird flags from a world away just super obsessed about the EU and other trolling priorities.

>in an election where only educated elites, old labour people and loyal christian democrats vote
the fringe is going to win big suddenly.

Practically speaking now, wouldn't you say the EU has improved the place generally? Sorry cousin, I don't keep up with european shit, pretty ignorant about this stuff.

Russia would immediately turn into one of the most influential countries in the EU. That's mainly why nobody wants tjem entering.

It's their culture of bootlicking and autistic planning. You've been spared from that since even if you're ethnically german you're not culturally one.

thanks user, will use this.

Indoctrinated with institutional white guilt and self-loathing from birth for the last 70 years.

You're right! This stuff probably shouldn't bother me, I have European decent though, and was told a few times to "Fuck off back to Europe" by our lovable blacks here.

Only agitated fringe sympathizers vote in big numbers. Turnout is always low, that favors the fringes.

How come they're so autistic and all fucked up, but we are fine?

>EU has improved the place generally?
Holy shit that's hilarious! Dear god, no. The EU has managed to bring societal problems to Europe in the span of a few decades that took the US two hundred years to heavily afflicted by.

>European decent
Pls stay there.

hey btw, check this out, Ernst Roets on i24 recently.

The EU must moonwalk away then

Because you live in Africa and they live in a gray, rainy country with a massive guilt complex. The history of Germany is one of constant struggle, organisation and war up until post ww2