Are Americans afraid of China?

Are Americans afraid of China?

Attached: 1549221225403.jpg (474x474, 41K)

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afraid? no
subservient? yes
you also underestimate how ignorant 99% of americans are when it comes to china or global geopolitics in general
simply put americans are stupid

No. The only thing Americans are afraid of is being caught saying something politically incorrect.

why should I be? I'm not a tibetan, dog, pangolin or rhinoceros

No. The only thing Americans truly fear is losing Japan as an ally.

I rest my case

I also use my torso and forearms to conceal my answers when I'm taking tests. I think I'm good

Jow Forums should rangeban China during the work hours in Asia. 99% of the board is chicom spam

I don't give a shit about that either

we have the power of god and anime on our side

Attached: japanese man on the phone.jpg (540x303, 46K)