>The Honduras spic who is scizo obessed with niggers and can't stop talking nor thinking about them.
>The Canadian who doesn't the "something something pathetic losers"
>Obviously the black woman Estonian
>The Indians who troll with meme flags
>The beta bleaching faggots
Attached: chad_surprised.jpg (216x336, 16K)
What about the amerimutt?
Won't recognize me. Different flag every week.
Attached: 20190325_091110.jpg (4032x3024, 3.35M)
the nazi leaf
Attached: 1437633218372.jpg (640x838, 65K)
>That autistic retarded German who copy-pastes the same ancient alien shit over and over again
The Norwegian that constantly shills for christianity, aka levi. See him on here more often than not
Are those your "OC", disco-tranny?
Obama leaf
The Slovenian cuck
Moarpheus the schizospammer
The Eternal Anglo guy (haven't seen him in a while)
The rude paki
The schizo who thinks everyone is Mossad
The Norwegian always shilling for Israel
Attached: 6A4AB039-26DF-448A-9F04-AED172147BA8.jpg (640x383, 203K)
The Walmart guy who posts his work and calls himself a "Company man"