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Truth of European History
Carter Gutierrez
Brandon Gutierrez
incoming upset white bois 3.. 2...1...
Easton Taylor
I have been studying Indian history for a quite a while. Most of Indian history is being covered up by top historians. Indians have a proud history and has the most richest on the planet. While Indians created not only the oldest civilization, but the most advanced. Europeans were uncivilized and barbaric before 3000 BCE. Indians have been mocked and laughed at, when they themselves don't deserve it.
Brody Roberts
Fuck off Thomas
Colton Morris
Fuck off Thomas
Dylan Hernandez
Nah, I doubt you will get replies in this topic because reading all that text would take a good 60 seconds or more.
This place has a short attention span. You should've posted "WHITE PEOPLE = BAD" and you probably would've got 100 replies.
Most of the replies would just be calling you a nigger, but hey, you're after negative attention anyway.
Parker Perez
You were the most advanced at one point...then you stagnated. I don't know what to tell you.
It seems the Japanese are actually the current master race. They were still stabbing each other with swords while the rest of us were using guns.
Things change..I'm sorry. Indians are filthy, street shitters today. Just how it goes.
Luke Hernandez
Henry Foster
Logan Collins
Come tell us how godlike you are after you stop 50% of your population from shitting in the street.
Evan Bell
Forgot to include cataract and nose surgeries were first done in ancient India with success :P
Michael Richardson
>Nose surgery
I wonder why?
Jaxson Ramirez
Daniel Nelson
and if they're too lazy
Daniel Ortiz
Those old Indians are long gone, man. Now, most are heavily mixed diluted hybrids with little connection to the greats.
Landon Mitchell
>believing Jow Forums memes
Are you retarded? There was no purity in Ancient India. The caste system started waaaayyy after the Aryans mixed.
And you must be a North Indian cuck lmao. At least for us Tamils, our culture and history has been strictly Dravidian with little northern influence.
There were no pure Aryans in India since 600 BCE.
Jonathan Fisher
Jonathan Brown
this is what southern culture looks like today
Juan Brooks
Shalam my brother! Let's get these white boys. They are weak. They are feminine. They refuse to fight back. The world is ours for the taking.
Join me brother. The bread truck is coming and we are all about to be fed.
Carter Hill
spot the loo in the poo
Daniel Peterson
I don't know what is up with these western countries to be honest. I respect the things you do.
Take the United States for example
>Best, world class institutions (see MIT, Stanford, Harard, Ivy League)
>World's Largest Economy
>World's Most Powerful Armed Force
>World's Best internet, software, computer and computer hardware companies (see Amazon,Google,Intel,AMD,Nvidia,Microsoft etc.)
And the European Union
>Best Music Software companies (see Steinberg, Image Line, Propellerhead, Ableton)
>Best car companies (see volkswagon group and it's subsiduaries)
>Best research institutions (see cern)
But then United States does some not so respectable things.
>Electing a president (in a democratic country) who believes in grabbing women by the pussy and is a class A pervert. And then teach other countries about respecting and protecting women
>Have your entire population (4.27% of the worlds population) produce approx. 15%
of the world's pollution and 30% of the world's trash. And then blame 3rd world countries for this pollution
>Be the most culturally ignorant people on this planet
>Single handedly fuck-up the world economy.
>Be always involved in proxy wars around the world
And also the European Union
>Allow the immigration of uncivilised minorities into your countries and then try and hide the crimes that these minorities commit.
>still practice slavery
>tax evasion heaven
Just get better. Be better people and citizens. And respect other cultures while you're at it.
Julian Cook
thats more realistic than some fugly thot killing the night king
Lincoln Scott