Alright which one of you niggers did this.
Other urls found in this thread:
Choice lines
>For some reason her usual doctor wasn't there and there was an old man substituting for her
>He asked her if she had recently broken up with her boyfriend, to which my daughter replied she's just turned 15 and doesn't have a boyfriend yet. Then he went onto say he assumed she was single because she didn't seem to have trimmed her pubic hair in a while.
>saying he was just joking and we were being hysterical
>I’m very proud for my daughter for standing up to him, she was (literally) shaking.
Shit that didnt happen!
No shit. the post begins
>Alt account because this is a very delicate matter.
2nd Top comment
>I‘m a gynecologist (female though) and I can’t believe how unprofessional and inappropriate that remark was.
Why do people believe this shit. Why do hundreds of people wait for this thread to come out of the woodwork and say that they have had similar experiences. No you haven't your lying on the internet big whoop.
>everyone clapped
>our cunt lips claped
She didn't see:
>I can’t believe
Random post in the thread. Look at the words a femoid hungry for karma
>Why do people believe this shit
normies think everything that they are taught about american culture from the "collective" is real .
they're fucking stupid and need to smoke some fucking weed.
nice reddit spacing.
wait what?
that wall of text is unreadable.
You exept me to read that fucking ugly wall of text?
give me a break
>Literally shaking
What the fuck is karma
it's the law of eternal fagottry
What about this
>I went to reception and asked to speak to the director of the health center, where my daughter and I wrote him a formal complaint. The director said they’ll consider if they should open an investigation on him and can’t do anything but apologize on his behalf. I told them I’m going to report it to the police but the director said there’s no grounds for reporting it because there was no sexual abuse. But there was misconduct, and inappropriate behavior from a person in a position of power.
That dosn't sound real no matter how I think about it. You had a back and forth correspondence with the director where you threaten to call the police? And instead of him telling you that jokes arn't illegal he say'd it wasn't sexual abuse so it not illegal??
(You) obviously did and now (you) have to go back
She gets 2 goodgirl points for being raped 1 for putting "Child Molester" in quotes and 1 for "never forgetting/feeling tremendous shame"
>male gynecologists
Not even once.
It would look even worse on the director's behalf if he also assumed it was a joke when he's the one receiving complaints from the patient and patient's family. You sound like a brainlet tbqh.
"Replacement" for the usual, good female ones and no nurses and mom waited outside.
He should have said because nothing illegal was done. Saying "because there was no sexual abuse" is just signaling for karma
Why do women have to go to the gyno? I mean... I havn't had my pee pee or my balls inspected by a doctor since I was under 10 (no pedo)
just a nonspecific random appointment. You think that the doctor would actually be there.
That's what I mean, at that point you just go to a different clinic. Real or not, the story is hilarious and just another example of why it's good that our health care gives you the option to make choices like that. A story like this would only be triggering to people who think our healthcare should be streamlined by the government to make it "cheaper", or don't fully understand that when they bitch about US healthcare and preach about "seeing another clinic" they're being hypocritical.
Still can't fairly say that either on behalf of malpractice being illegal and he wasn't there to witness if everything was being done properly, but I get your point.
This. I don't know why a 15 year old would need a gynecologist unless she was taking a million metres of dick and thought she had some flesh eating STD. Clearly there's something the Reddit OP is hiding, because 15 year old virgin girls don't go to the gyno to have their vag fingered by an old man.
>who the fuck would voice that comment out loud, that unprofessional insensitive shit (unless he was trying to make her feel uncomfortable on purpose)?
parenthesis for thoughts that are clearly targeting paranoid reddit femoids. Also the entire post has an inordinate amount of cussing for a mother of a 15 year old.
Pics or didn't happen.
15 is fair game, is it not?
guy sounds awful redpilled
maybe even /ourguy/ and muslim to boot
soon there will be a bill in the house to give women free gynecological care and to hire a new 400,000 FEMALE medical professionals.
she also recorded the doctors "confession". Didn't post it.
do you have free feminine hygene products in canada? or are we gonna be pioneers on cucking this next government?
>I'd also like to clarify that this happened in Spain. They don't have nurses present in the room while you're seeing a doctor. That just doesn't happen here at all. I'm 50 years old I've seen both male and female OB's all my life and there's never been a nurse in the room because does not how it works here, not even if the patient is underage. I've never seen or heard of that in my life. I've lived in the states for many years and I prefer the way they do it over there, having a nurse with you at all times, but in Spain they just don't do it that way.
Spain bro is this true? I'm in the US and at the checkup where i did have my pee pee and balls inspected there was no nurse.
No nurse. Why would there be one?
>letting some random old man you have never seen before "substitute" in and check out your 15 yo daughters vagina
Reading this. The age range is right but her daughter apparently had a regular doctor and again it's just "an appoitment"
sorry..... i should have said paying... they dont do it for free
I still don't get it. You mean there's a chance that an economic migrant who wanted to be a doctor would pretend to be a doctor and fiddle your wife's daughter wet hole?
>male gynecologists
How do women still fall for this?
>Wow your daughter is so strong. I am a raging whore and have been "abused" multiple times and don't even have the courage to say no Unlike your strong independent daughter I am a retarded caricature that only exists to get legislators to push for affirmative consent.
I mean, would you go to a female doctor if something was wrong with your penis?
god women are dumb
>Dr. Ömer "Kebab" yodata
>I am a retarded caricature that only exists to get leddit points from ledditers that believe in affirmative consent.
well put
15 years old seems young or too young to be seeing a gynaecologist. The girl apparently even has a "usual" gynaecologist. Whole story seems unlikely.
>ywn check out youthful cunnies for life and get paid for it
>inordinate amount of cussing for a mother of a 15 year old
As a father of a teenager I cuss more now than I used to.
Another thing looking into this further. Usually they just give general exams "your height, weight, and blood pressure".
For pelvic exams he would be fingering her.
That only leaves vulva exams which is the doctor only looking out the outside of her cunt.
along with old saggy cunts you can't ever unsee, but go for it user
I can understand that she only curses 12 times but it's used densely and comes off as juvenile.
just have the intern take care of anyone who has hit the wall (20+).
It's just how it seems that the story is perfectly designed to be a top reddit post with each line being it's own top comment
>oh your daughter is so strong
>This! She is SO brave!
>don't let them tell you that you can't call the police
>I can't believe he said the word hysterical
>to a 15 yo he is a pedo
>don't let him make your daughter think pubic hair is bad
On and on. Actual clown world.
I don't see the issue with this?
Even if it were fake or exaggerated what's wrong with demonising pedos?
>I would kill every child on earth if it meant pedos would go with them.
how is that at all comparable you fucking spastic pedo?
Do they still treat hysteria with vibrators? What a scam that was eh?
that gynecologist's name? Albert Einstein
her daughter proceeded to clap his ass and ride into the sunset
maybe "her" "daughter" was getting her "vagina" dilated
Intro to cuckolding, teenage boy first heard about his girlfriend going to the (((gyno)))
A fifteen year old doesn't. She has to be sexually active to have that type of exam at that age.
Women have that exam, usually yearly for pap smears, early cervical cancer testing. Only way to test is scrape cells directly from cervix. Not including that type exam frequently while pregnant, in labor, after etc.