So, what are your opinions on Vox Jow Forums...

So, what are your opinions on Vox Jow Forums. Are they really a legit right wing party or just another zog infiltrated shit show?

Attached: 1200px-VOX_logo.svg.png (1200x576, 47K)

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The only vox I know is a far-left internet tabloid

really classy, Shlomo

I only agree with their stance on illegal immigrants, other than that its your typical european far right populism without any actual rational policies on anything.

>I only agree with their stance on illegal immigrants
lol what a beta cuck, I couldn't possibly agree with them because I realize the only solution is to gas them

the only thing tha these fucking zionists want from us is to lure us balls deep into the middle east, to fight for their fucking survival, YEARS AFTER YEARS ALWAYS THE SAME SHIT

Attached: FUCKING KIKES.png (1200x1171, 517K)

so, are you saying they are far from based essentially?

they accept immigrants that are already here and were naturalized by previous commies, only wanting to deport those who commit crimes, and that would include those moors into the pro family policies they want to enact, cringed and bluepilled

Whites have no true agency. All of our propaganda keeps them how we want them.

The best thing about whites is how much they love to hate themselves.

I can say this and not worry about hiding our intentions because whites wont do shit.

Attached: Screenshot_20180613-222808_YouTube.jpg (2960x1440, 1.01M)

Sadly that would violate most international human right agreements and most developed countries would stop trading with us :(

Barely, Myanmar only got a weapons embargo, and that wouldnt even affect us cause we are a weapons producer.

And also, we are already under an embargo, we can't export food to russia.

100 points
12 hours ago
Seriously, fuck Vox

What do you think

I doubt myanmar was in any treaty to begin with. Besides they are not in the EU or are a civilized country whatsoever which is a news-blocking AT shield

lukewarm boomer party that offers nothing.
Spain will not see any one dissident party rising up anytime soon. Everyone has too much of a chill live and let live personality and the youth's just plain disengaged ( except fags and antifa wannabe fags )
We also have the lowest birth rate in europe

Go watch your animes Hidetaka

Zog. Typical D&C empty shell party to end with PP - Merkel is too tired of dealing with them.

So, perfect results for the UE script.

> France, UK and Sweden
Ooh boy.

Attached: Screenshot_20190429-124625_Firefox.jpg (1080x1920, 650K)

> Zog infiltrated
But in terms of incrementalism, it is an extraordinarily better group then the others.

as if there weren't about a million and a half muslims here + half the indian tribes of ecuador and bolivia.
We have about 1 kid per couple and even then how many of those are actual spaniards?
We also have high rates of adoption. So a lot upper middle class is going to be transfered to chinese and african kids fairly soon

upper middle class wealth*

>as if there weren't about a million and a half muslims here
that number only includes foreing born amirite?

I'm not sure
The government has been granting hundreds of thousands of citizenships every year (ppsoe indistinctively) And i think the biggest recipients are moroccan immigrants.

As everything in Spain, it's an attempt to be a "right wing nationalist party" but instead of doing so in a clever way, they scream "Arriba Franco" at every meeting, so they scare all voters. Imagine AfD in germany saying "hail hitler"? Even if you agree on Hitler, you don't fucking say it out loud so normies won't vote you, fucking low IQ spaniard

Oh, and I forgot, VOX are crypto-jews and sionists

>they scream "Arriba Franco" at every meeting
No, they didn't said that at any moment.

Yes, and even worse, they arrange meetings in historical Franco buildings.
You have to have brain damage to do this in the lefty-brainwashed Spain

>they arrange meetings in historical Franco buildings
I guess that you are just trolling since that never happend, so here you go(you), happy now?

fuck off larper

Venga va, Manolo, sal de la cueva y lee un poco

Y este también, ya de paso:

People only say they're fascist because they don't support retarded feminist groups antics etc. Aren't pro abortion and want to change a gender violence law to be more inclusive and protect women and men and children the same and not be biased against men. Also they want to separate gay marriage in name only without taking it away. So for example a real family will get married while the fags can do a civil union with the same benefits just a different name.

Aparente these things are so bad every vox voter should die

Says the cuck with a socialist government

>Abascal, sobre el Valle de los Caídos: es un monumento excepcional e impresionante
Donde esta el meeting?
>Empiezan la campaña recordando "a todos aquellos que dieron su vida por un futuro mejor, sin importar su bando ni su origen"
Eres de los retrasados a los que ahora dejamos votar?

You do this, but without having to go back to the moor-loving, retarded Franco. And without being a sionist puppet like Abascal is.

Hijo de puta, cuan retrasado eres? Payaso de mierda

Donde dicen arriba Franco?
Hijo de puta, que puto asco que das

Apparently they didnt do quite as well as expect4d, according to the Guardian

Léete sobre el crucero Baleares. Es un monumento franquista.

Joder, no me extraña que con ese nivel hayais sacado esta mierda de resultados. Habéis si aprendéis de Holanda y otros países y hacéis una derecha como dios manda, y no con tantos casposos y tantos judíos

Three things:
Party vox: cuckservatives
News vox: jewish enemies
Internet vox: egomaniac who will betray us.

Aquí tenéis el pin, juden

>homenajea a las víctimas de la Guerra Civil
Asi que los rojos son franquistas. En serio suicidate

Attached: abascal-israel-1.jpg (560x314, 24K)

>that green eastern part of Hungary
If I had the reaction image of the sweating pepe I'd post it now.
>hint: it's gyppos

This, also Myanmar is a part of ASEAN who trades as a unit and whose whole ideology is "leave my country the fuck alone and we'll leave your country the fuck alone." Basically polar opposite of EU "you cant handle power so give it all to Germany" strategy

>solo se lee el artículo
Eres tonto?
Solo homenajea a las víctimas del crucero baleares, subnormal.

Me pasas un articulo me lo leo, puto retrasado de mierda, que es que eres tan puto retrasado que crees de verdad que vox es fascista, que pena y asco me das a la vez. Lo que no entiendo es porque estas en Jow Forums, cuando esta claro que no eres de aqui.
Por cierto, me tienes que decir en que momento dicen arriba Franco o similares
Y dudo que homenaje solo a los nacionales, el periodico rojo que me has pasado lo habria mencionado infinidad de veces

Hijo de puta

Te remito a este post, judío de mierda
Ponte el pin

sabes de sobra que esa foto es un fake de puta madre pringau!
alde hemendilk alako putakumea.

> Vete por favor, hieres mis sentimientos entrando en mi espacio seguro.

so they want LEGAL immigrants?

not enough vox-chan art

Fucking polack moron