
Wow, based Trump personally called up the Rabbi of the synagogue that was recently attacked to make sure his Jewish brethren are okay!

Isn't Trump just our guy?! Glory to Israel! Death to Amer- I mean Palestine lol

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>he bitches about american politics when his country is dead from muslim invaders
stop posting and get to work cleaning the place up, faggot.


Any single soul that still sees good in Trump is a retard. Fuck Zion Don and fuck Israel

We don't bitch about your politics, we laugh about your president.

The world needs unity. Trump is checking up on American people. So fuck off

B-b-but Germany is cucked too! My Zionist hell hole is better than your Zionist hell hole!

God bless America and God bless Israel MIGA 2020

How many people jews kill directly or indirectly every day in useless wars, scams, mafia shit...?

A lot more than the number of people that actually care, unfortunately