Are Asian Males the most pathetic, envious peoples?

Pic related

The entire subreddit is mind bogglingly insane but hilarious at the same time. Their hatred (and secret jealousy) of whites outperforms even Jow Forums‘s hatred of blacks. I saw them unironically praising China and North Korea, wanting north south and China to merge. They bitch about every commercial and movie portraying Asian men as sidekicks or gay. Their jealousy over white men having such an easy time grabbing Asian females is pretty sad.

Ironically their hatred can be blamed mostly on Jews, yet 99% of their hatred is targeted at whites.

This was the same place that crowdsourced a blonde porn star to fuck an Asian guy and make them all feel better.

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Other urls found in this thread:

And apparently Asian females are one of the biggest issues

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don't be silly. reddit and all subreddits are run by military intelligence, just like Jow Forums. there are no real people on such "communities" who wouldn't be targeted by such hate for the purposes of trumping them with love of trumping. In other words if you can't see that it's the same thing - the funfair joke of distorted mirror is on you.
In other words there is no hate on Jow Forums or reddit. The hate is "generated" in your beautiful mind once you connect dots.

That's genuinely sad, not memeing or gloating

what's a lu and an xm?

you know that these guys are tall because there is something wrong with their glands ?

asians are subhuman

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xm ck et al to xm ag to white man bad pc vo xl sm ak ri aq dk cl black women mine si rk zm

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asian identity and related subreddits are depressing, like screaming into the void

>This was the same place that crowdsourced a blonde porn star to fuck an Asian guy and make them all feel better.
lol I remember

You guys fucked by Golden horde.

no, we killed them

what's mongolia like?


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It got me thinking, is the whole “white male superiority” thing just Jewish propaganda or is there legitimacy towards the claim?

I can understand Asian females liking white men being taller but why the other features? Is there a biological claim here or just Hollywood hypnotizing.
Doubt X. Hungarians literally raped by Mongolians and tell me about Bogatyr. Its actually Hero in Mongolian language.

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Lol nothing to see here just a bunch of Asian and white incels going back at each other with growing hatred that they can't get laid or "their" women that they own because they are the same race as them are eloping with other races pathetic

check out r/asianmasculinity if you want a good laugh, so many of them are insecure fags who race bait.

If i had to guess, lu is an Asian Stacy.

XM is male of any race.

that means we can rightfully hate you though :^)
see you on the battlefield chink

>reddit spacing
But, it's just general shitskin behavior.
They always demand stuff in white nations while advocating for killing whites in their own.
They wan't you dead, that's it.
Remember this during the race war.

all you need to do is give these guys a push, and they'll be here on /pol

By intimidated I think he means perplexed by a freak of nature

The problem with asians is they are so feminine, this post reads like something a feminist would right about men. It's the desperation for masculinity that isnt there that makes Asian men so similar to women.

>while I could not care less
>proceeds to write a few paragraphs
Fucking lul.

Asians are to whites what whites are to blacks.
More introverted, more indirect, more likely to measure themselves to everyone around them.

weeb detected
Asians are usually like niggers with slant eyes.
Loud disrespectful and uncultured.

Im living in a house full of asians

Theyre super quiet

If anything it would be the people here who blame everyone for everything

This. We generally consider Chinese to be the worst type of tourists in Europe. Just after Ghadafis family.

The Asian corner of reddit is 10x as psychotic and insecure as the worst of stormfags.

Sounds like American Asian males. Much like their female American counterparts they are just devoid of their culture. Just they fact they want all those Asian countries combined shows how little they know of their own culture and people. If they were actual Chinese or some actual native Asian they would all hate each other.

How delusional can you get? I've been around Asians taller than me, I've never felt fear or "racial tension" wtf? These people are obsessed and mentally ill.

kek you should frequent r/Iranian, r/bakchodi and r/chutyapa to see some actual hatred.

Indo-Pakistani-Iranian-Afghan-Bangladeshi flame wars, shilling, slurs, calling each other "rapebabies", discussing whose the bigger rapebaby, asking important questions like who cucks to Arabs more, who larps more, who is more Aryan, about how Muslims killed 300 million Hindus, about how Hindus reconquered Muslim territories and rape Muslims even today, lmao

almost forgot about r/Sikh - where Sikhs discuss about how superior they're to Hindus and Muslims, and r/KuttiChevru - where pure BLACK Dravidian bulls discuss about how they're superior to Aryan rapebabies

crowdsourced a (((blondee)))

So when will that community get banned for wrong think?

Stop the hatred brothers. We Mongols should unite and rule the plains once more.

What are some tips to redpill people around me that the Jews are actually responsible for all of this? I feel angry that the kikes are misdirecting anger rightful aimed at them towards whites who are innocent.

Canada is letting thousands of them in every year. Atleast they're mostly too passive to rape white women.

>Their hatred (and secret jealousy) of whites outperforms even Jow Forums‘s hatred of blacks

IMAGINE MY SHOCK! It's almost as if whites are the least racist people compared to other races.

Whites "racism" is based on logic and facts that that blacks cause crime and violence.

While the anti-white racism is based on nothing but blind hatred of envy and jealousy.

I think that's what a lot of us have known forever.

>at least this dirt isn't shit, heh

That's your argument.

>he says, on an entire board dedicated to REEEing about niggers

LOL I am pretty sure no one is intimidated by asians period, even tall ones.

No only that but asians are the actual supremacists.

Just look at the situation, they are mad because simply being though of as smarter than everyone else is not enough they also want to be considered the most attractive and manly etc..

Our hatred to niggers is through logic. Their hatred towards crackas is jealousy through and through

It sounds like these people come from certain parts of China ( inner/western regions )

stay on reddit stop posting that shit here faggot

There is definitely some legitimacy towards the claim(s). Arguably, white people of European descent are simply more attractive looking (on average) and they also have higher status (even despite the anti-white narrative.)

sounds fun,wonder how india is even united if you look at it like that
>asking important questions like who cucks to Arabs more
this had my dying for some reason,so how do you guys cuck Arabs?

you cant Kim

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Ethnic relations in India keeps sounding like Jow Forums within Jow Forums

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It takes around 3-5 years for normals to realize it is jews.
Maybe someone from here can speed up the process?

Why the fuck do they care so much? They sound absolutely paranoid

Just tell them to check who owns all the media.

Many Jew's look completely white (especially the Ashkenazim variety whom may as well be white themselves) therefore most people will never make the distinction between "Jew" and "White". In any case, they will resent whites no matter if the Jew's are responsible. This resentment is rooted into jealousy and envy (which is completely normal human behavior.)

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Ghenghis Khan was a Hapa (white Scythian father, asian whore mother)

>As long as they come here legally!

Bigger dick, taller & stronger, arguably higher iq, larger prefrontal cortex, higher creativity, higher testosterone, objectively more beautiful, in posession of a soul, richer, higher status, greater warriors, greater history etc.

Basicly Aryans are the masterrace and chinks are a genetically engineered slave race created to be exploited.

There are usually some features. And once you check their history, it is clear.

India isn't united, it's a union of states. Every state is doing it's own fucking thing which is why it's so inefficient. The Indian Union Government is literally like EU.

Yeah, they are in denial about everything. Even the most obvious thing is untrue in their mind like the fact that they are mostly manlets.

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>R1a and R1b from an early Mongolian tomb

Asian women who go for white men are the same as white women who go for foreign exotic men. Women will be the same across different races.

Well, once they realize it is the jews, we have a powerful ally. Chinks are fucking heartless.

I said "cucks to" not "cuck". Basically, it all started when Pakistanis used the Arabic script for writing their language, and began using Arabic words like "Allah" instead of "Khudah", or "Ishwar". Plus, lots of Pakistani news anchors boast about their Arab ancestry and how their ancestors killed Hindus (which is stupid because Arabs raped modern Pakis into Islam).

Anyways so after all of this, Indians finally found about it and started posting shit to mock Pakis like "Hum Arab hain, hum Farsi hain, hum Turk hain" (We wuzz Arabs, Persians and Turks) on Paki forums and sites. Then Pakis got triggered and started spamming shit like "We wuzz Aryans n sheeeit" on Indian forums, and how Pakistanis are the original Aryans and creators of Indian culture. Then came along a movement called "Neo-Indus", which basically is that everything that happened in India, actually happened in Pakistan because "India" comes from "Indus" and the borders of modern day Pakistan contain the Indus river. They believe that British historians distorted the position of the ancient capital city of Pataliputra, and Delhi to India because they felt threatened by Muslims. It's Afro-Centrism with a goat-fucking flair.

Then, Afghans and Persians get involved. Afghans call Pakis "Dalkhor" (a slur for Indian and Pakistani peoples in Pashto) and Pakis chimp out and start raiding Afghan forums calling them childfuckers, uncivilized, barbarians etc. Persians try to sweep out everybody by saying they are the real Aryans and conquered India, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and then Indians chimp out saying Persians are Arab rapebabies and therefore cucks.

It's how it is in this part of the world.

But all Indians are dirty smelly shitskins. Being two shades lighter or darker doesn't change our subhuman race. We should be wiped out.

Hating white people is also logic though. Whites commit crimes at many times the rate of Asians, and even the poorest Asians commit less crime than the richest whites.

>Here comes the Anglo with a VPN
We don't care what you think, lmao.

>Shitskin monkeys fighting shitskin monkeys
Why should anyone care? It's just in our nature to be less than animals. And it will continue to be so.

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Nice cope faggot

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>thinking we care about a loser race
200 years of European colonization? I present you 4000 years of European defeat.

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Anyone else like watching white guys go to china and fuck everyones wives channel?

>That gif
Yes and? I don't see any defeat in there. Empires expand and contract over time. Whites took over almost the entire world multiple times and still have an incredible amount of influence despite their small population size.

What shitskin race in history could ever accomplish such a feat?

Plus, this is not the end. The White race will win the battle for survival and one day, not just planet Earth, but the entire solar system will be fully White. The lesser races will be culled as they should be by Darwinian principle.

its like overgrown Balkans

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asians in china belong to 3 subraces: continental, east asians and south-east asians.

only continental asians are masculine (like mongols)

east asians are feminine and have average strenght, many of them look like ladyboys

south east asians are very weak, they are either ladyboys or frogs. just look at thailand lol

chinese people belong mostly to inferior race - majority are east and south east asian puny ladyboys.

during hundred of years they were rulled by masculine continental asians (like manchu) from north lol
even their leader current leader Xi Jinping is from north LOL where nomadic seed is very strong

Everytime I think I'm obsessed about race, Jow Forums shows me cases out there that have it far worse.

I was never good with ladies, but it never occured to me to seek blame elsewhere. If they didn't like me, that's their choice and all I wanted to do was to become a better person, to show they made the wrong choice.
These non-whites and their identity politics are making it much easier for us whites to blame racism and sluts and whatnot. This guy couldn't even take a day of the anti-white propaganda we whites have to endure in our own countries!

My conclusion is once again, that only whites seem to have the capibility of self-reflection and individual responsibility. And as Jared Taylor argues, the anti-white mindset and identity politics a multi-racial society brings along, is what makes us adopt the same tactics.

Couldn't hear you over the sound of Kali's bhajan playing, sorry, proxyshill. I do sense your ass is on fire after seeing that.

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India can't afford to Balkanize. They'd instantly spiral into chaos and genocide, and the muzzies + chinks would come in, finish off the survivors and take over.

The only way forward for India is downwards. They'll continue to be mediocre until one day they are caught in an inevitable war against China, or Pakistan, or both.

I don't feel intimidated by taller guys...sounds like cope from someone that gets stared at all the time.

kek, at least turn off your proxy bro.

Kek keep coping, retard. India is losing territory everyday to China and India. India can't move an inch into either country without getting pulled into a war that will ensure the destruction of this shithole of a country. Forget about taking over SE Asia at all. They view you as subhuman.

Take your meds, shill.

To china and Pakistan*
And I'm Indian you moron

Better looking and smarter yet have to invade other peoples countries.

If asians were so fucking smart they would not need to flee from their nations.

>I’m Indian
You’re not lol, you’ve been exposed in previous threads. “I’m a Kshatriya” “Which Gotra?” “Sorry I don’t associate with pooskins” — KEK, at that bail out in the last thread.

Jesus Christ look at that incel spaghetti

I don't even know what you're talking about deflecting brainlet. Take your meds.

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Sorry hyoon, you are the Asian jew

का रे? तोरा ईहन भी आ की हिंदुस्तानिया लोगन के ख़िलाफ़ कहावत हानि? केकरा घर्वा से तोहार पैसा मिलात हनी, ज़ारा बतावत?

i thought kshatria is better than brahmin. brahmin talk mostly, but do not act. thats why india was losing so much in the past.

>intimidated by bugmen

Being an Asian American man is pretty shit user.
There are more Asian Women with white guys than Asian guys.
Imagine if you went to tinder and more than half the white girls there said they preferred non-whites.

Asians born in white men country inferiority complex is no joke, i mean how can I compete against the white chads
I wish I was white

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Almost all the asian chicks I've met have ridiculously high standards for men...delusional even. That makes me wonder is it race or something else.

Just go the fuck back to Asia