Compared to other planets in our solar system, both the orbit path and size of our moon turns out to be a fairly considerable anomaly. Other planets, of course, have moons too. But with their weaker gravitational influence, the smaller planets —like Mercury and Venus—do not. Similarly sized Earth, on the other hand, carries a moon one-quarter its size. Compare this with the immense Jupiter or Saturn, which have several comparatively tiny satellites (Jupiter’s moons measure about 1/80th the size of the large planet), and our moon seems to be a rather rare cosmic occurrence. Another interesting detail is the moon’s distance from Earth—close enough so that it appears equal in size to our sun. This curious coincidence is most apparent during total solar eclipses, where the moon completely covers our closest star. Finally, with a nearly perfect circular orbit, the moon does not behave like other satellites that tend toward a more elliptical path.
The gravitational center of the moon is nearly 6,000 feet closer to Earth than its geometric center. With such a significant discrepancy, scientists remain unable to explain how the moon manages to maintain its nearly perfect circular orbit without wobbling.
Think of photos illustrating the surface of the moon and you’re sure to imagine a world marked with craters. The vast majority of spatial bodies hurling toward Earth’s surface are either completely dissolved or significantly diminished due to several miles of our protective atmosphere. Without such an atmosphere, the moon does not appear to fare as well. Yet when you consider that the depths of these craters are remarkably shallow in comparison to their circumference, it suggests that the moon possesses an extremely resistant material that prevents deeper penetration. Even craters over 180 miles in diameter do not go deeper than 4 miles. If the moon were merely a homogeneous hunk of rock, it is estimated that there should exist craters of at least four to five times as deep. Vasin and Sherbakov proposed that the lunar crust was perhaps made of a titanium frame. In fact, it has been verified that the lunar crust possesses an extraordinary level of titanium. The layer of titanium estimated by the Soviet team is nearly 20 miles thick.
How did the so-called lunar oceans form? These gigantic extensions are believed to be hardened lava said to have come from the moon’s interior due to an impacting meteorite. While this theory can be easily explained with regard to a warm planet having a molten interior, many say that the moon is more likely to have always been a cold body.
Matthew Bennett
>Compared to other planets in our solar system, both the orbit path and size of our moon turns out to be a fairly considerable anomaly so does that fact that earth harbors living organisms.
Levi Taylor
The gravitational attraction of the moon is not uniform. The crew onboard Apollo VIII noticed their craft taking abrupt dips when flying near the satellite’s ocean areas. At these sites, gravity seems to mysteriously exhibit a greater influence.
On the moon’s far side (the side that can’t be seen from Earth), we have found many craters, mountains, and geographical upheaval. Yet the side facing Earth is where we find the great majority of the satellite’s oceans. Why are 80 percent of the lunar oceans found only on one side of the moon?
Our moon’s density is found to be about 60 percent of Earth’s density. Various studies demonstrate what many consider its inevitable hollowness. In his 1982 book Moongate: Suppressed Findings of the U.S. Space Program, nuclear engineer and researcher William L. Brian II writes that evidence provided by Apollo seismic experiments suggest that “the moon is hollow and relatively rigid.” Furthermore, several scientists have been so bold as to postulate that such hollowness is artificial. In fact, according to the position of the superficial layers that have managed to be identified, scientists have declared that the moon appears to be a planet that was formed “in reverse,” which some cite as another argument for the artificial construction hypothesis.
The moon was placed there, by unknown entities. When you die, you will remember.
Christian Wilson
My theory is that it was sent there by a prehistoric civilisation
Isaiah Gray
the moon is a repeater for the commands sent by Saturn
Robert Parker
The moon is gay
Ryder Reed
Moon is a jew
Juan Evans
Robert Powell
Schizo thread
Gavin Gomez
Nice refute you got there, Shlomo
Bentley Morgan
According to some theories the Moon is an apparatus that maintains the Stargate that surrounds the Earth and thus prevents the Nephilim from leaving. That's why there were plans in the 1960's to nuke the moon.
Jason Wilson
Lunary mystery 1 through 9001 >nigger
Post sources or GTFO nigger
William Taylor
it's funny how it turns at the exact angle that we never see the other side
does that happen in any other instances in space?
Nolan Cook
Source: God
Nathaniel Reyes
William Taylor
imagine the horror if we ever did see the other side of the moon
“When I first stumbled across the shocking Soviet theory revealing the true nature of the moon, I was staggered. At first, I found it unbelievable and naturally rejected it. Then, as scientific information from our Apollo expeditions brought back more and more facts that backed the Soviet theory, I found myself forced to accept it,” writes Don Wilson in the prologue to his book exploring the artificial satellite theory, Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon.
If the moon is artificial then I'm king of the pixie elves.
Cooper Cook
>The moon belonged to Tiomat, until Nibiru (Marduk) interfered with its orbit and split Tiomat in two. >One half was pushed towards he center of the Solar system and eventually became the Earth and the other half became the asteroid belt. The Earth took the Moon (Kingu) with it >This is also why Earth's axis is so severely tilted and also why the inner planets have so disturbed orbits/axial tilts.
it's all in the Enamu Elish, read it, faggots!
Connor Thompson
Kevin Russell
Connor Rogers
the large size of the moon is one of the easiest redpills for normies to question settled science.
Sebastian Edwards
Wow great argument. You surely won this debate. Proud of you
Kevin Hall
>Be a kike >Get BTFO'd by the moon. >The moon is hollow and artificially made. The amount of cope.
Sebastian Roberts
>What are equillibriums
Asher Perez
Oh and one more thing: No the earth is not flat, however the vid of the moon landing was not the original moon landing, but made by Stanley Kubrick
Colton Howard
>Other planets, of course, have moons too. But with their weaker gravitational influence, the smaller planets —like Mercury and Venus—do not. Similarly sized Earth, on the other hand, carries a moon one-quarter its size. Mercury and Venus don't have cobsiderable atmosphere. Do you also believe that air is artificial here. Tell you what: they don't have moons or air because they are close to the Sun and it blows away the smaller stuff.
William Roberts
Heard the theories before, but I mean how will we ever know dude? It just seems like this is one of those things we can't know in our current state.
Evan Cox
>be Italy >known for pasta and... ice cream
Josiah Miller
If only you knew how wrong you were.
Cooper Ross
However, it could explain various anomalies that the moon presents since a satellite constructed by intelligent beings is not subject to the same considerations one would expect with bodies created in a random process billions of years ago.
Besides many people admit that when the Saturn-V-Rakete of the US -moon mission Apollo 14 hit the moon, it sounded like a bell and did so for 3 hours
Logan Parker
Of course it's rare, you know what else is rare about our planet?
That it has life on it. It's these anomalies that played a part in it's ability to sustain life. And before the ASSA/Musty fangirls think I'm on their side.. I'm not. I have nothing against the flat earth theory.
It's a theory just like the ball earth belief. It may or may not be true
Jordan Richardson
>he believes that in this immense cosmos earth is the only planet where living organism exists
And for the record flat earth theory is a psyop to discredit every valid conspiracy theory by linking it to bs like flat earth
Austin Jenkins
I’m reading this thread, and now there’s a bird outside my window chirping. Coincidence?
The moon is just a weird ass thing in the solar system, but so is earth. We don’t really have a large frame of direct reference to tell what’s normal and what isnt in the entire universe. For example, when I was in Alaska in the winter the damn air in front of my face was sparkling because of the cold, I still don’t understand how it’s happened. But that’s weird as hell, so the moon don’t seem that weird it’s just a giant space stone. So quit reading into it too much
Aduh , it rang like a bell when ((nasa)) crash landed.
Brayden Harris
Most planetary bodies we have discovered are tidally locked actually.
Benjamin Rogers
Take this shit to /x/. It has nothing to do with politics or news.
Caleb Watson
Can you elaborate a little bit on that? So with my current understanding it tries to explain the craters. What I think is of interest, that on the moon a lot of titanium was found
Kevin Gutierrez
Hey if our moon is younger than us as a planet I mean, and it’s tidally locked, then why arent we tidally locked to the sun?
Ethan Gomez
I don't see why. You can have binary planetary systems where two planets orbit each other in the same orbit. What makes a large moon so special?
John Harris
Moon is 27.3 percent the size of the earth and takes 27.3 days to orbit the Earth, just a coincidence I’m sure
Landon Richardson
So if there’s some fancy funny business going on with the moon then what’s actually inside the moon? Robots?
Noah Allen
extremely improbably for the earth to have "captured" the moon gravitationally.
Juan Miller
I'm no scientist and I don't understand some of the things that you wrote about, but I'll give you my 2 cents nonetheless, wrong or not.
>Moon's large If the hypothesis that it was formed by a comet impacting the Earth holds true, then this isn't a mystery. It wasn't lassoed in like Saturn's, Jupiter's and other gas giants moons, but created with Earth's material.
>Curvature Don't know about the curvature, but I assume that as it was created, it being a molten sphere of rock, metal and other materials from the Earth, it took quite some time to cool the fuck down. And given that it's tidally locked to the Earth, its metallic core was pulled towards it as it was slowly cooling until it solidified in the state that it is now.
>Craters I dunno, senpai. If it has a lot of hard material from Earth, like titanium in its crust, then it isn't anything abnormal that it can withstand a beating from comets and the like.
>Oceans & Asymmetry Like with the core, due to it being tidally locked, the liquids settled on the side of the Earth, because they were pulled by the Earth's gravity. This doesn't seem to be that difficult of a mystery.
>Grav. Incon. No idea. Malfunctioning instruments, maybe? Or perhaps it's perfectly normal that gravity isn't uniform. It isn't uniform on Earth either. You can search for places with weaker or even strange gravity...
>Low Density Considering that the moon's gravity influences the Earth's oceans it surely cannot be hollow or it probably wouldn't have enough mass to do that? But again, I'm no scientist and I don't know what's the "minimum requirement" to influence the tides.
Nicholas Johnson
The size and distance is very unusual, also solar eclipses. The moon is just to perfect to be made by chance
David Martin
reminds me of the Sun being 400 times bigger than the moon, and 400 times further away from us.
All these precise factors to me point towards a creator rather than than blind chance.
Jayden Parker
I saw that in the link. It also said that in 2012 all clocks on earth had an extra second added to account for the slow lengthening of days, I wonder if that means all old clocks will lose a minute every 2 months.
Ayden Sullivan
Well that’s dumb. If there is a creator than he created AIDS and cancer and divorce and all that terrible this shit, so he’s an asshole. Don’t pay no mind of those assholes, if you know what’s good for you. Also if he was that precise we wouldnt need a damn leap year
Gavin Gray
The earth spins 366 times in one orbit of the sun, the moon orbits the Earth 366 times in 10,000 days the list of coincidences goes on and on and on the moon is perfect
Jacob Bailey
For some reason the leap year really bothers me
Jayden Fisher
It has to be coincidence, as percent aren't anything natural, we just use them because we use the decimal system
Eli Brooks
Reflect on your whole life. How did you learn the best? Was it by stumbling across errors? Being hardened by misfortune?
Besides every disease has a reason : Aids is for faggots, obesity is deadly, smoking gives one cancer and besides every problem in the human world is due to free will. Do you want to abandon free will?
James Fisher
>not anything natural >doesn't consider the fact that it thus was artificially made
How about moon takes 27.3 days to get around Earth too.
Look at the drawing to the left. It is a circle inscribed inside a square. The Earth and the Moon conform absolutely to this simplest of geometrical figures. Let us imagine that the green circle represents the Earth. If this was the case, then everything in the drawing that is not green and is shown in red, would represent the Moon.
The drawing is an expression of a mathematical fact. It represents the relationship between π (Pi) and the number 4. The symbol π appears time and again in mathematics and it has fascinated people for at least 6,000 years. π defines the relationship of the diameter of a circle to its circumference. The true definition of π cannot be discovered because it appears to go on forever.
The Ultimate Truth
The relationship of π and the number 4 throws up a number of ratios.
π + 0.366 of π = 4.
We could also express this as 27.322% of π added to π would equal 4.
The relationship of the Earth and the Moon throws up the same ratios.
Earth’s polar circumference, plus 0.366 of Earth’s polar circumference equals Earth and Moon size combined. As a result it would also be correct to say that the Moon is equal to 27.322% of the size of the polar Earth.
Define titanium. 47Ti, 48Ti, 49Ti, and 50Ti? TiNi?TiO2? Its the 9th most abundant element in the Earth crust. Define "lot of titanium" while you are at it.
Charles Price
Freewill don’t have shit to do with diseases. Little kids get diseases and die all the time they don’t learn jack shit. Their family just learns how it feels to lose a kid, which is probably the worst thing on earth. I drink a lot of wine, and I feel bad for them kids, but Ive never seen nothing on earth that makes me think there’s some kind of all seen powerful force controlling of our destiny, I prefer a good blaster at my side
Juan Flores
Nostalgia bomb
Jacob Harris
>Compared to other planets in our solar system, both the orbit path and size of our moon turns out to be a fairly considerable anomaly. Bitch, life on the earth and developing to its current state is an anomaly that beats anomalies.
Aaron Bell
That might’ve been hand solo who said that actually
Xavier Powell
I read this in a Yiddish accent and it was perfect
James Thomas
you’re retarded. the creator didn’t have to do anything other than make earth and the moon. you’re assuming so much at once it’s astounding. the moon could have been made by humans
Kek, don’t Jewish people believe in God though, And wasn’t Jesus a damn Jew
James Reed
Some stuff on the moon: history.nasa.gov/SP-350/ch-12-3.html >They all worked well, with one exception, and were really producing useful data. One unexpected result came from the seismic experiment recording the impact of Intrepid on the surface after we had jettisoned it. The entire Moon rang like a gong, vibrating and resonating for almost on hour after the impact. i like to believe the moon is hollow. and while we are at oddities about the moon:
Irwin Shapiro, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics >“The best possible explanation for the Moon is observational error – the Moon doesn’t exist.’ >"The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be and much lighter in mass than it should be. It occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all existing explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties are none of them could be considered remotely watertight."
Christopher Knight and Alan Bulter Book: Who Built the Moon? >The Moon has astonishing synchronicity with the Sun. When the Sun is at its lowest and weakest in mid-winter, the Moon is at its highest and brightest, and the reverse occurs in mid-summer. Both set at the same point on the horizon at the equinoxes and at the opposite point at the solstices. What are the chances that the Moon would naturally find an orbit so perfect that it would cover the Sun at an eclipse and appear from Earth to be the same size? What are chances that the alignments would be so perfect at the equinoxes and solstices?
Hudson Adams
Nigger beeing able to use internet is also an anomaly
Asher Brooks
Isaac Asimov, American author and professor of biochemistry at Boston University and Science Fiction writer. Asimov was one of the most prolific writers of all time. >"We cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Moon by rights ought not to be there. The fact that it is, is one of the strokes of luck almost too good to accept… Small planets, such as Earth, with weak gravitational fields, might well lack satellites… … In general then, when a planet does have satellites, those satellites are much smaller than the planet itself. Therefore, even if the Earth has a satellite, there would be every reason to suspect… that at best it would be a tiny world, perhaps 30 miles in diameter. But that is not so. Earth not only has a satellite, but it is a giant satellite, 2160 miles in diameter. How is it then, that tiny Earth has one? Amazing.
The fist guy actually would rather argue that the moon doesnt exist than to admit it was placed and created by something intelligent (God?)
Xavier Jones
Yes but the person affected does. Everything has a reason
William Harris
>gravity nonsense I told you. Learns science, and by that i mean plasma cosmology then you dont have to listen to jew nonsense.
Aaron Moore
Well I choose to remain skeptical
Camden King
dude *rips bong* dont overthink it
Jason Thompson
I don’t own a bong
Jayden Johnson
fuck off schizos
Ethan Wood
The water in your breath was freezing into ice crystal and refracting the light
Ryder Cooper
Joseph Ortiz
I mean it was a dark night there was snow everywhere, it was below freezing, and it look like lightning bugs, and it was right in front of my face, but it was also 20 or 30 feet out. Like slow sparkles and they weren’t really moving down like they were snow, no snow was falling. It was like being on another fucking planet