Is banning porn the solution?

Is banning porn the solution?

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black market for porn would be the death of humanity.


Also we’ll have to pay a porn loicance now. I actually thought it was an April fools joke but it’s fucking real

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Yeah, just like banning liquor solved the addiction problem. Fuck all the bootlickers here

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if you're not strong enough to stay away from porn on your own , then there is no point in banning

who would ever do that? if this ever actually happens, which it won't it will collapse within a month and be repealed but I don't care hopefully the zoomers will wake up to what authoritarianism is

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>Dude why ban murder, people are just gonna ignore the law!

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>implying murder isn't at an all time high

no, who is she?

if it wasn't for porn this site wouldn't exist and you'd presumably still be reddit tier bluepilled

Google it.
Or duckgogocit
Or yahoo it
Or internet explorer it
Or Firefox it
It’s fucking real

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No, restoring male spaces, mentorship and putting emphasis on male leadership is the key.

Murder part of Afro-Hispanic cultural expression
You need to legalize it, America needs to open their hearts and their laws for diversity

serbia first.

We aren't white, so no

Just ban JEWS and porn will disappear automatically.

this is how she looks now, how do you fuck yourself up so bad?
what is wrong with women

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gov. gf #12784

jewry + capitalism = that result

People have to have the freedom to sin to make a moral choice and become a better person.
If you take away the freedom, the person can not grow.

No, you improve society to where people don’t need it.

Porn is the answer in a decaying clown world.
Jack off.
You aren't alpha enough to get some decent pussy so dream about it and cum.
And it's free!

>Is banning porn the solution?
(((commercialization))) of porn should be BANNED.
And with the shekels gone, most the content will dry up, far fewer women will be selling their bodies etc

The complete dominance of matter tends to offer these results.
Bigger lips, bigger butt, bigger tits, bigger eyes, bigger, better.
Tattoos to signify how "free" you are, how "liberate" you are, how you don't even care about your own body and at the same fetishize it like a totem. The complete freakization of women, and their supposed looks, and needs and craving of attention.

No, punishing degenerates incrementally is.

Legalize murder for retribution purposes and see how polite your society becomes

I think I see where you're coming from, but I also think there's a balance to be struck.
Totally banning porn would be virtually impossible + as I think you are implying would create a sort of evangelical fervor with the Left on going even further into the void than we previously thought possible with porn.
I still think there's a case to be made for restricting access to it in some ways, for example it would be easy to restrict access to standard porn websites such that children could not easily view them.
Obviously (((they))) don't want this, but most normies that aren't insane leftoid demons would agree that children should not be able to watch hardcore porn at the ages they are statistically doing so.
I think a political movement could potentially get obscenity laws through if they are framed around primarily protecting children.

HAHA why don't you ban booze while you're at it. OH WAIT

Came into the thread to call you a retard.
Even IF we did not criminalize murder, you would expect so see a higher rate of murder—yes—but it wouldn’t be as commonly practiced as one might think.

Why? Because to be a murderer means going out of your way to engage in a fatal altercation. Most humans have a natural aversion to death, committing murder is not a light decision as it entails potentially losing the altercation and getting killed in self-defense.

That is why it’s easy to curtail murder legally, because it’s something we avert. Porn is sex. Most humans have a drive toward sex. Curtailing that would be nigh impossible and would create a black market for it.

You’re a fucking dunce for not even considering this much.

We couldn't even do this even if we wanted to.
It only requires one kid with a smartphone and it's over. And the amount of kids from 10 to 12 years old watching porn on cellphones is absurd.
You can't protect kids from (((these))) demons anymore.

If you're seriously willing to protect them the only answer is homeschooling.

How would you even go about banning porn without having totalitarian monitoring

Why is cheese pizza illegal then?

Unless the entire western civilization decides to wake up one morning and uniformally think the same, then yeah it’d require totalitarian measures. Potentially even violence.

Because children are physically and mentally unable to truly reciprocate sex. When you get down to the nitty gritty, children sustain injury from it. They demonstrably develop unhealthy psychological deficits from it. And even legally, if that we’re legal, you’d also have to consider why can’t children work in a labor force, pay taxes, and so on.

We don’t expect children to go out and mop up shit on the streets for pay or have a desk job for the same reason we know it’s inappropriate for them to have sex.

>potentially even violence
Yep I'm pro pornban now.
Sure they'll be just some regular horny dudes like me that have to die, but think of the degenerate bodycount!

So, you're proposing further destroying the right to privacy to stop horny teenagers from looking at naked people?

It was proven that filming Pornography is harmful mentally and often physically for the actors and actresses
From STDs to various levels of depression (look up whoregasm on efukt)

I second that. Damn..

>dude you can't do it, just won't end well bro haha
>*pulls up shadbase and unzips dick*
We did pretty well before Der ewige kike kickstarted the porn industry

I’m not the OP nor was I arguing for a porn ban m8. I’m just saying what it would mean if we decided to ban it, hypothetically.

Yes! The final solution..

Ban computer games and porn, only way to red pill the Male normies..

this. People may actually kill for porn and sex if ((they)) managed to ban porn

Thing is.. The kikes didn't start the porn industry. Denmark was the first country to legalize porn, and there was very little to no kike influence in Danish media etc. back then.

Porn and erotic pictures etc. has been a part of human culture as long as humans have existed. So it would have been here even without a single kike in the world. Humans are driven by primal instincts.

That being said, yes, the kikes are running the show now, and they're doing everything to push nasty fetishes and not least interracial porn.

no, it'll lead to people actually verifying themselves and that means they obviously show their id's and shit, using your credit card and etc all put in the hands of one company. not the government. this could lead to a whole black market of selling data. even before the porn bans we still had scam porn websites asking for your credit card info, this makes every porn website a potential (and most likely) scam if it actually happens. the internet isn't meant to be censored, proxies, vpns, etc

To what, low birth rates? no because people don't want children these days.

I agree with you on that much. But if we’re going to make porn illegal on that basis, ban alcohol. Hell, ban any activity that causes depression and injury in adults then.

No, what this boils down to is our attitude towards sex. Should we ban porn? No. But we should definitely make it harder for producers to film it and distribute it. This way we ease the degenerate industry off our land without opening up a vacuum where black markets can thrive.

I visited countries where porn is banned and I haven't seen any "end of humanity". Quite the opposite, in fact.

oh and footnote - what if using a basic search engine made you verify this? since they can show porn if you have save search off or something. could it be even more than a porn ban?

Where those countries also cultures that always had a combative stance against porn to begin with? Because it’s not the same if that’s the case. At this point porn is deeply rooted in our culture, and removing it will be a nightmare.

Spoken like a true addict

The only ban the world needs is a ban on bans.


Porn was illegal for all history until 50 years ago in the US. Remember what Berlin was like in the 20s, you niggers.

Yeah that’s what to do m8, ban porn. Make an illegal commodity that’s known to be used by more people than heroin, cocaine and marijuana combined. Watch illegal entities and organized crime cells capitalize big time and cause x100 more immediate harm to society than porn ever read could.

Great idea you fucking sped.

If you banned porn people would just start writing their own porn or taking photographs and spreading them locally, wouldn't make a difference


just tax the absolute shit out of porn companies, porn sales, etc.

it will hit (((them))) where it hurts.

but you don't get it bro we have to ban it for the sake of epic contrarianism

>Unironically checking out shads new page when I saw this

Better then doing nothing and watching society futher slide down you demoralized degenerate
Bad behaviour does not decrease if you do nothing to discourage it

Sure. Ban chick porn, chick sex toys, chick porn books and sex talk shows first though. Good luck

I never said do nothing. I already posted what to try and do, make producer’s life harder—taxes, clauses and caveats that make it absurdly difficult for them produce it. I suggested to push porn away at arm’s length so as to not create a black market in the wake of outright removing it.

It’s whatever man, you want to role play as a moral puritan who will somehow control the masses in an epic crusade. Whatever makes you feel important buddy.

People who advocate for banning things for no good reason should rot in jail. Fuck holocaust denial laws, this is the only kind of speech that should be banned.

unironically yes.
ban porn, ban social media, ban video games, ban television, it would set our society straight, it would end the brainwashing, it would bring white supremacy back to the West if the libtards lost their propaganda arm.


"If we ban abortions women will have then in back alleys!"

But ban pron and ban guns.
Clown world.

> Bad behaviour does not decrease if you do nothing to discourage it

I agree. Now, let's have a civil discussion about making the crime you've just commited punishable by death and hanging you. Or maybe let's compromise like we've compromised on gun laws. Would you be happy with 25 years?

>Let's cede ground, but only a little bit!

The fact that authoritarian busybodies like you are allowed to live and spread their poison means that the society has already ceded ground, you dumb motherfucker.

oy, you got loicence for that titty pic, lad?

Enjoy societal collapse, hope the wank was worth it

Just fuck off and go listen to Gregorian catholic chants or something like a good LARPing crusader. All you’re doing is signaling morals without discussing a viable solution or gameplan to see it through. You’re completely out of your element you fucking cretin.

>look at boobs
>society collapses
How did this happen bros?

nobody cares about things that arent taboo or banned. basic psychology.
if you want people to stop caring about porn, stop making it taboo, and stop talking about it every day

You are putting band-aids on gaping wounds

Forget my proposal, let’s hear your gameplan. You ban porn, and a seemingly uncontrollable portion of the Western Hemisphere decide to do everything’s in their power to overrule the ban.

The fuck would you do, Knight of the round shithole?

Enforce the law of my sovereign country


You didn't answer his question

It would be even higher if it was legal

no because you can't get rid of it completely. it will always be there and full prohibition will be more trouble than it's worth.

the solution is to make it illegal to profit off of pornography. porn is a multibillion dollar business and without a means of direct profit there won't be massive outlets for it, nor will there be incentive to pump out new content en masse. advertisement will also stop.

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Yep, ban it and censor it

Fines for distributers, with jail time for repeat offenders
Internet censorship already in place, just expand it to all Mindgeek sites
I don't drink from poison wells

I'd just learn to draw my own hentai.

You borrow ideas relating to psychoactive substances and apply them to something completely different. Dumb.

There has never been nor is there today a problem with minors gaining access and becoming addicted to hard drugs. On the other hand, kids routinely are exposed to and become addicted to hardcore porn on the Internet from an extremely young age. If you think banning porn won't positively affect this you're dumb.

>with the Left on going even further into the void than we previously thought possible with porn
The left what? Porn is not leftist. It's right wing and filled with right wingers and conservatives. ----> ---->

So why exactly are you talking about the left? You want to produce and consume porn but you want to project it onto the left so that it's not associated with you?

>I don’t drink from poison wells
>now watch me drink from it anyway by replying to him anyway

So how would you have the money to incarcerate consumers of porn in their hundreds of thousands if not millions? A black market pops up to supply the demand for porn, what do you do?

no, we need communism

he enforces the law of his country

Made me laugh American bud. Cheers.

I said distributers, not consumers
For consumers you just need a propaganda campaign to explain to them why it's harmful for their brain
>inb4 "they won't believe it"
People will believe anything it if it's repeated enough

Can someone explain to me how pron is harmful to the male brain, but women being a slut to every guy they think they can snag from age 11 onwards isn't? I confus.

No. Just ban interracial, bestiaIity, pedophile, scat & old/young porn.

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Dog shit. The Victorian epoch of my country spent the entire 19th century censoring sex. It didn’t work. And that’s was BEFORE the invention of the World Wide Web. How in God’s name do you expect to influence the masses when influencers of porn surround your country?

Moreover, what do you do when the people themselves become amateur producers of pornographic material by filming their own sexuality to make a buck?

Asimptote it to an irrelevant portion of society

And the campaign against porn was never as strong as the campaign against anti-semitism

I’ll be the keeper of the porn plz trust me with this job I promise to keep it safe.

Porn is Jewish, I don't even know wtf you're posting linking individual shill posts.
This is so retarded, you look like a Pajeet with this shit.

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The solution is to ban computers. Nobody is going to do it however.

because creating safe spaces on the internet for kids has gone so well...

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