Why won’t americans build trains? Catch up with the modern world will ya?

Why won’t americans build trains? Catch up with the modern world will ya?

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>the modern world

Rofl is this the industrial revolution?

Modern world
Pick one

Public transport is expensive and inefficient. It works in high density locations such as NYC, Singapore, Japan.

No need for such a waste of money in places like Iowa or Montana.

It would literally be cheaper to buy every person in the country a car.

Americans are too fat to fit in train seats.

Euro queef has no idea how big the US is


>modern world
Had trains before you. Ditched em cause cars are more efficient and grant more independence. You catch up.

Serious note though, trains do not work in the US. It's size and populations will not cooperate with a giant rail system for transporting people. It's faster and cheaper to fly, no track maintenance. Automobiles generally used for shorter distances than cross-country. Especially since everything between California and Georgia is fucking rural. What are they gonna do? Bicycle for 50 miles to get to a train to go into town and back every day? Trains only function in high density areas like NYC or LA. Given that just about all of Europe is a high density area, it works for you.

Pic related

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insightful opinion

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Trains are fuckin gay

Get yourself a Ford F-250 and roll some coal

That pic

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because a single one of our states is larger than your whole continent thus making it inefficient

>Why won’t americans build trains?
Good luck getting the funding to build interstate train infrastructure. Existing railroads are in a state of disrepair and the towns that once prospered by them are rotting from the inside out.

America has the best freight train system in the world.

We use cars and planes for ourselves. America is a big country

This. We already have trains where we need them plus a larger rail network than most countries

You can't run a highspeed train on normal rails. I mean you can try, but it's going to end in catastrophe.
So, in order to have a train like the TGV or the German ICE, you have to replace every single meter of tracks in the USA with new rails. Go figure out what that would cost.

Why are euros so obsessed with shoving everyone in trains? We like our space. We like not every town being connected by public rail.

See this? This is Glouster of South East Ohio. This was once a prosperous railroad and mining town up until the interstate highway system was built. Ever since it's been slowing decaying. Go there today and it looks like a corpse.

Attached: Glouster.jpg (900x601, 312K)

>americans build trains
>Public Infrastructure

Nah it will never work.
You have to convince Americans that the army could use trains and make it a military project.

They only approve raises for military expenditures. Nothing else.

They already have crumbling infrastructures in certain unlicky states.
Don't think a "socialist transport" like the train will win them over anytime soon

Americans did choose trains. The difference is we chose them to move freight and not people.

>cars are more efficient
See what I mean.
Facts don't interest them. They'll say anything, even blatant lies to justify their lifestyle

>why won't burgers get some high-speed trains?
>"Our country is big! USA! USA! USA!"
>"Imagine how much would it cost to change every railroad!"
>"Public transport is expensive and inefficient!"
Burgers will dig their heads into soil rather than acknowledge that they inferior.

>Burgers will dig their heads into soil rather than acknowledge that they inferior.
This 100%

'cause the suburban sprawl, strip mall shithole gives an aura of "freedom" and "AMERICA NUMBA ONE!"

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their country is wayy too big to make it reliable anyways. Only a retard would build railways through the USA

Came here to post this

You've got way more space riding a train than sitting in a car.

I just got back from Italy. Those trains are awesome. We are so gay for not even trying.

Amazing the excuses they come up with really
Chinas fucking big and they're doing it
Just acknowledge you're shit now like we do

Trains suck and only complete idiots think otherwise.

Not only that, no one wants to build nice trains because they'll get defaced by Bix noods

I think we know

" Nothing will finally work more effectively to undo the fateful grip which the City habit has taken upon the people than the destruction of the fictitious land values which the City traditions have set up and maintained. We shall solve the City Problem by leaving the City. Get the people into the country…" —Henry Ford

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...what? Crammed in a train seat vs having my own car? And when I say space I don’t mean the vehicle I mean not having every town connected

I believe this is the key point here. In order to have reliable and comfy high speed rail you need to have an ethnostate first. USA can't ever be like that, Bixnoods and other subhumans will literally shit the trains and make them unusable.

>Trains for human transport work only if you have humans.

Trains are for commies.
Real individualists have their own transportation.

Seriously try taking public transport in any American city. You’ll understand why Americans aren’t crazy about it

Niggers of course.

They are. Why would I waste my time biking 50 miles to the nearest train station to get into town, when I could just drive for half an hour?

beats our Toyota caravans in Syria.

REAL "individualists" submit and conform to the quite literal transforming by the petrochemical industry

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pick one

>trains do not work in the US.
A burger who actually gets it.

High speed train tracks are a bitch to build to spec AND maintain.
US has neither the knowledge nor the manufacturing base anymore to do either.

Maybe they could ask the Chinks to at least connect their biggest cities with those.
They should be pretty competent after stealing all the Transrapid knowhow from us.

Attached: Transrapid.jpg (1024x650, 113K)

-Big oil
-Big automotive industry
-Big Aerospace industry
Many such bigs

What are you talking about, public transport is communism.

Where'd a true American put their truck nuts and T U R M P flag and boomer stickers on a TRAIN?

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Some cities are rebuilding their streetcar networks. Looks ok to me. Not nigger/latino proof though.

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This yank gets it

Shame because you could be ideal to benefit from new Maglev styles

>Why won’t americans build trains?
ground is too soft costs a lot to install secure high speed rail due to lack of bedrock

why is there no Big Railroad though

it's not like they were late to the party or something

The fuck are you talking about son?

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Looks pretty cyberpunk.

Because the US is not as population dense. Meaning passenger train programs are just expensive, pointless boondoggles that only serve to line the pockets of corrupt politicians. See Amtrak. See CA.

Trains aren’t sexy enough I guess.

Liberate our transportation from control by oil oligarchs first, mate.

Asians build maglevs everywhere in just a blink of the eye. In the West it takes 20 years to build just a few km of convention train track.

We're too busy with immigrants, cultural warfare, gender studies and useless gadgets instead of progress.

union pacific has just completed resurrection of the steam locomotive.
hmmm, now why would they do that?

Trains are good for distances

>We are so gay for not even trying
>US is 32.62 times as large as guinealand.

user, I

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Not if you have maglevs. In theory you could reach pretty much every European capital in 3 hours

>sparsely populated
What do you want to do? Connect every town in America with a hyperloop so people in rural Oregon can take a shopping spree in Florida and be back for the dinner to watch FOX?


Agree with the suburban sprawl. In any given suburban area, the nearest bus stop is gonna be a couple miles away at the least. Imagine living on a ranch in Texas. Closest bus stop to the area is gonna be 20 miles away at a minimum. What's your plan? Where are the train stations gonna be? You gonna run them through the rural areas?

you can travel coast to coast on rail but it takes a solid week

trains are smelly and uncomfotable. interstates offer an array of motels with rotten corpses and their sons checking in on women showering

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This is literally the answer to almost every “why doesn’t America...” question
Just wait until the kike plan is complete and all those nice euro trains are packed with sub humans from Africa, then you’ll understand
Can’t have nice things with nogs

China is dense. They have 1.3bn fucking people in a land mass about the size of the US. You're not getting it. Many people in dense cities already use public transit. Think New York. But what about Montana? Ohio? Nobody there would ever use a train.

Almost like there is no profit to be made whatsoever because of the massive cost of maintaining such a system
That’s why passenger trains are heavily subsidized, because they make no money

There was big rail once upon a time. Little period called the industrial revolution

cause niggers ride em

Yes. Those trains are mostly for freight, not for transporting people. Slower than a plane, but much more expensive.


Because when a shit chink train derails, killing 500 drones no one cares and the commie government official who took the bribe to build shit trains is safe as a party member

Great. So implementing that in the US, you could reach every major city in the state of Texas in twice that time.

Christ, Kunstler is fucking retarded. Try living in a dense urban environment with a bunch of niggers firing guns in the street and you will see why his ideas won't work.

Wait until all those windows will be full of hologram commercials.

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Fucking depressing isn’t it.

>why is there no Big Railroad though
gasoline cars are more profitable system

lol just buy a car, faggot

Japan has a nifty train system though, those bullet ttrains run like a swiss watch
Netherlands has great infrastructure you can get anywhere pretty much by train and bus.
t. person who hasn't used public transport in a decade

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Street cars are a scam. Most of these systems being built will be uprooted in a decade when they become mobile homes for drug addicts.


>Why won’t americans build trains?
Because planes are more efficient dumbass

We have better things to do than spend three days on a train traveling from New York to LA when it can be flown in 3.5 hours

Texas isn't that big as you think it is, and Europa isn't that small and you imagine.

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ayo texas got borders like an african nation baka

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Transportation is pollution.

They're not retard, you don't get your ass poked with a metal detector and have to strip everytime you wana board a train

Trains work because your country is small and makes travel easy
The US is too fucking big to have trains be used for anything other than cargo and the one random “passenger train” from the 1900s that’s still running for tourist money

Not true. Maglevs have reached more than 600 km/h, that's not much slower than a plane. You could reach L.A. from New York in 4.5 hours.

I'd connect the major cities on the east and west coast like the Amtrak and then perhaps one super line going from NYC to L.A. through Chicago. Perhaps one from Texas to Cali as well.

Europe is literally larger than the US you retard

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Because you richfag traveled on frecciarossa... try regionale next time and tell me how awesome they are

L.A. - New York is almost 4000 kilometers, going at 600km/h would take 7hrs, but it would not make sense not to stop in major cities, so the realistic Maglev trip time would be 10 hrs or so. That is from center to center and no security circus nor slow transport from/to airport.

>US is 2 big for train durrr

OK, why is China kicking your ass then?

Attached: china-high-speed-rail-map.jpg (680x523, 252K)

and piss of boing that cant sell there crash planes and murder innocent people?
Piss off the oil lobby that would not earn because electric trains dont need fuel?

Apparently you dont understand with who you are dealing.

Progress of a nation was scraped and sabotaged for lessere things.

I mean who the fuck wants a mass transport system that every one can use from people to goods and build it out and make it redundant.

Who cares if you have trucks and planes and the oil lobby keeps there monopoly.

Its not like nuclear power and electricity company's could earn on that and be a competition, especially because of that the gov should intervene and set up this competition to get prices for transport down.

But hey retarded burgers will defend and shit on mass transport because that whats they where condition to do,.

Because China is only slightly larger than Texas you leaf!

Ah yes I mixed miles and km but still they might be as fast as planes in the future.

Is a lot slower than a plane, would cost more, and what cities are you gonna connect? Columbia sc? Atlanta GA? Miami/Orlando/Tallahassee FL? To Los Angeles?

You're just going to connect urban centers with trains, which doesnt help your car argument since the people in those urban areas already use public transit, and use, and would continue to use planes to get across country.