Anyone done long term keto? Is it good for brainfog and fatigue?
Anyone done long term keto? Is it good for brainfog and fatigue?
Stop smoking weed.
I don't smoke weed.
>Is it good for brainfog and fatigue?
For eliminating that, yes.
Also, Heil Hitler and join the resistance movement. Otherwise you're a faggot who's helping the Jews destroy your country by being passive.
Please tell me about your experience, friend.
I can't join shit for as long as my health is so bad that I can barely take care of myself, let alone the problems of a whole nation
It's a therapeutic diet, not a long term solution. There are only few illnessess that respond better to keto than anything else.
RVAF is the true redpill. Plants are toxic
Depends on your bloodtype.
It's good for all, but only bloodtype O can do it for life really.
Just eat animal products
All other foods are just caloric filler especially grains
yes. but it's limited and expensive.
agricultural Avocados are man made and poisonous. don't eat them. This is what an avocado in nature looks like
I've tried raw primal diet. It helped with fatigue but made the brainfog worse. I wasn't in ketosis though, the primal diet has carbs in it. That's why I'm asking about ketosis now.
By the way that guy in the video consumes plenty of carbs, he drinks orange juice.
What do you base that on?
most plants and animals that we eat are hybridized
I never said that carbs are bad for you. Raw honey and Raw Milk are god tier. Just don't eat the stupid plants with their toxic plant fiber
Did it cure brainfog for you?
Nah, been there done that.
How much are eggs in bongland?
what the fuck is brainfog?
Addict speak for getting dumb from drugs.
If you want to clear brainfog
>3 raw scallops (or oysters)
>3 Raw Eggs
>1 stick unsalted butter
>a few servings of red meat
>fruit or other animal based carb
>raw cheese
Imagine being this stupid
are you denying that man made agricultural food is fake and gay?
like a few weeks years ago
basically you'll start to feel like your days are revolving around it. good for losing weight quickly. not for "brainfog". you'll probably have to leave your comfort zone to get over that and read or work or something like that
The first week or so you will want to take a potassium and magnesium supplement to ward off keto flu. After that it is pretty easy to stick to as your hunger hormones are not all out of whack.
I do a little bump of coke when coffees not enough. Clears the brain fog miasma right away. Another tip is to carry a gallon jug with b complex and caffeine drink, the one by Optimum Nutrition helps keep me sharp.
Any anons smoke meth? I heard that's a real good energy buzz.
Did wonders for my fatigue. No more crash midday that comes from carbs. Think of it like this: your body can either burn carbs (sugar) for fuel or fat. Carbs are like gasoline, fast energy to get lardasses going in the morning followed by a crash requiring coffee/energy drinks or more carbs. This causes you to be hungry every few hours because the gasoline burns so quickly. Fat is like kerosine, slow burning and will last all day. When I was on carnivore I would eat once per day, you’re just not hungry. Combine with intermittent fasting (only eat in an 8 hour block, ie 12pm to 8pm) and the diet is god tier. No brain fog if you quit vices. I couldn’t keep weight on with carnivore, you melt. Keto is how our bodies were meant to eat, we weren’t pounding wheat covered in pesticide out in a field. Careful drinking alcohol, you get drunk faster and the hangovers are worse. Ask me anything about the diet, had all blood tests done before and after, years in with several learning curves. Just don’t be that annoying guy that tells everyone about it, you’ll want to help people because you feel so great but people are content being the literal cattle that 11-13 servings of carbs per day the food pyramid was designed to turn us into
I dont know about brainfog or fatigue, sound like medical issues that need help beyond dieting, but keto is great for losing weight, lowering cholesterol and lowering blood pressure
I've done it for 13 years. It's good for blood sugar, I don't know about brain fog.
Stop drinking or taking caffeine. Caffeine is bad for you
Brain fog and fatigue could be celiac. Go test for it. I had that then found this out.
>Long term keto
ok i tried it for a few months, skimmed down on weight alright, but my head hurt constantly, plus I felt more tired during the day, which I can only attribute to worse digestion
Not for me
>Plants are toxic
Ever tried cooking them?
Yes but it also gave me jaundice.
what are some thing i need to be aware about as a beginner, if i try it?
13 years and no problem? most armchair scientists online say keto will increase cortisol and destroy your body in a year or two
idiots. keto long term is dangerous. it makes your blood acidic which damages your liver. consult tour doctor before u do a long term diet.
I had brain fog and chronic fatigue. Found it was an mthfr gene variation coupled with a viral overload. That gene variation is really common, it affects methylation. Go to a good naturopath, mainstream medicine isn’t quite there yet
Imagine being unable to form thoughts. They just dont' stay together. You can't pay attention to anything.
How do you get tested for it. What test do they do?
I just eat basic shit like rice, eggs, bacon, quinoa, sardines, oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt chicken and then im startinf a garden this year to get a wide variety of fruits and veggies.
Im working on a new recipe for bacon wrapped sardines with carmelized onions and apples.
stick unsalted butter
why unsalted? Salt is anti-stress, thus only beneficial for clearing brainfog.
What do you take
keto is the biggest jewish fad of the last decade
>yes goy, eat butter and bacon all day until you become a fat degenerate fuck
Yes it is
I didn't do it long term, but long enough to go into ketosis. You really do feel better/more fit and healthy afterwards.
However, tracking carb intake is a pain in the ass; your body craves that shit like crazy. It's really hard to stick to a keto diet when eating a single donut maxes out your carb intake for the entire day.
woah, isn't it supposed to be good for the liver?
I thought keto was debunked?
so did you get cured? what did you do/take
Salt accumulates in your brain and will cause mental illness
>Carbs are like gasoline, fast energy to get lardasses going in the morning followed by a crash requiring coffee/energy drinks or more carbs
This should not happen if your metabolism is healthy and you are not an extremely fast oxidizer.
>When I was on carnivore I would eat once per day, you’re just not hungry
Yes, stress hormones work like that
>head hurt constantly
3 causes: dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and carbohydrate or sugar withdrawal. Drink ketorade (plenty of recipes online) to eliminate 1 and 2. This is the issue 95% of the time if headaches last longer than 1 month. I never got them but friends have. Stay hydrated
'Brainfog' is a psychiatric and / or neurological symptom, if you have it, please see a doctor immediately.
Toxic plant fiber?
salt makes my brainfog worse, but maybe it'd be different on keto as i've heard keto makes you expel more salt
fucking lol
Make you bite someones face off on the street.
Yes & yes.
But you can't exercise on it.
your brain doesn't work without salt ions
I started my keto diet today. Is the keto flu a meme or real?
it's real
Because you are in a metabolic state where you are being partially fuelled by stress hormones. Salt lowers these stress hormones, and suddenly you are left with only your insufficient natural energy reserves. Have you tried simply eating more?
ray peat diet doesnt work for most sick people and the muh stress hormone argument is mostly pseudo-science
to stop brain fog... STOP
watching porn
doing drugs
browsing internet aimlessly
playing video games
watching talmud vision
eating sugar
drinking caffeine + alcohol
Ive attempted to schedule a doctors appointment several times but as soon as i get half way through dialing the number the brain fog takes over. The candida has me hostage. Please send rescue squad.
Leto, Atkins, low carb diets are not long term solutions to you being fat. That part is debunked I believe? Diet = lifestyle. You have to exercise, eat good, etc. you can’t just stop eating carbs and expect your body to burn all your fat off.
I do it long term when cutting weight for a fight, I train Muay Thai and my energy was shit (as it always is) first week on keto
I end up doing it for 9 months out of the year, the rest are a 33/33/33 macro split
Get your sodium from whole foods, not rock salts
>browsing internet aimlessly
Does Jow Forums count?
You need to gather strength for a month, cause you're gonna get cravings. A mindset that carni is your therapy does help.
Other than that just eat meat, nothing else, no spices apart from salt. If you get muscle cramps or brain fog after 2-3 weeks, try eating a teaspoon of baking soda or snake juice
Good luck, you are never the best version of yourself!
So just stop living then? Fuck it, I'll stick with the fog lad
>Plants: Produce unique and innumerable phytochemicals that deter and combat pathogenic microorganisms, which have have benefits to human health while they may harm non-human animal species
>Regressive faux-contrarian "carnivore": "Plants are toxic!"
Mate artificial selection doesn’t have anywhere near the same adverse health effects than genetically modified
>you can’t just stop eating carbs and expect your body to burn all your fat off.
Thats actually exactly what you can do, then reintorduce carbs like fruit and honey when you want to stop losing weight. Anytime someone says (((debunked))) they usually have some retarded agenda
DRs dont care about brainfog, this is the attitude they would have if you told them about it
this this this
I am on keto for 6 months now and lost some considerable amount of weight
but if you stop fapping for a while you will really lose any brainfog left
Not true because carbs doesn't worsen the brainfog. Ray isn't right about every single thing.
>i feel like shit
>33/33/33 macro split
Experiment with your macro split. This isnt a diversity hire situation ffs. Everyones body is different. You have to experiment to see what your body needs.
Drink blood or raw milk for your sodium (along with all of the other electrolytes you need, people need to get over their salt obeseeion)
Care to share your experience? please
It may come as a surprise but the body can expel salts, its called pissing and sweating.
never eat salt again and watch how fast you die due to your brain not working.
It’s real, enjoy the ride
Tip to get over keto flu faster is exercise, not even meming, deplete your glycogen in your body (it’ll throw you into ketosis) and the only way to do that is expend more energy
looks good
masturbating is definately terrible for brainfog
but most of the stuff on your list sounds more like dopamine regulation thing, stoppnig all that is very good though for sure
Stop talking like a basedman. You don’t know everything
Better than agricultural avocados for sure
If those are the only things you have in your life then you’re not living at all
I didn’t realize spinach had so much natural sodium.
>never eat salt again
Rock salts
Not sure about drinking blood user, but here is a list.
I didn’t tell anybody to do a 33 split, that’s a common macro index for athletes
>what are some thing i need to be aware about as a beginner, if i try it?
Always pack a lunch for work/school. You’ll never stay in macros eating out on the fly. Beef jerky is great for on the go, make your own to save money. Store bought jerky is full of carbs from sugar. Never happened to me, but if you get headaches find a “ketorade” recipe online. This is caused by dehydration or electrolyte imbalance. Total cholesterol levels will increase, and a doctor will try to put you on statins like mine did. Good cholesterol goes up, bad cholesterol goes down, triglycerides were non-existent. Total cholesterol is not bad, ratios are what matter. I was 6’1” 160lbs at 40 years old and a Jewish doctor wanted to put me on statins after 1 blood test to keep me reliant on the system and destroy my body as it would now depend on it. Find a good (preferably old) doctor that actually knows what he’s talking about if this happens.
Total cholesterol, keto flu (headaches), hangovers with alcohol, staying in keto when not at home. These are your only issues. I’ve eaten chocolate cheesecake for dinner the past 3 nights (Swerve for sweetness) and haven’t gained a pound. It’s amazing man
if you want to discuss things that actually exist that would be great
I have had "brainfog" but only in very specific situations. The most often was when I was working out 5-6 hours a day and wasn't eating enough starches. This meant that I was very low on glycogen. Then when I went completely carb free for a month straight.
Why would you want to be able to think clearly goy?
Its natures most complete food
It actually is.
I did it hardcore for two months and at the end of the second month it felt like everything was in "HD" hard to explain but everything was just more detailed.