I won an Oscar in the 90's ( and I am selling it on eBay right now). This is your chance to ask an insider about what it's like to work on big studio movies. I've just wrapped a major Hollywood movie that will hit the theaters this summer (spoiler: it sucks).
I’ve been lurking here for a while and I know that most of you hate the movies that I work on. This is your chance to ask me why I work on these movies and why I think that these movies are beneficial to society.
I'd like to know why you hate us so much, and what we could do to change your mind about our industry. I'm well aware that our movies are full of political messages and that obviously, we are biased. But I'd like you all to know that we are doing this because we truly care about you all. I think that the end justifies the means. We're working hard to make this world a better and more inclusive place.
You can’t stop progress. And progress, is my ultimate goal in this life.
You can't sell Oscars. After 1951, winners have a contract with the Academy that allows them to sell it back to the Academy for $1. I'm calling you either bullshit or clueless. oscars.org/legal/regulations
Dylan Garcia
Juan Jenkins
larp or jew, either way I'm not interested
Colton Sanders
Copyrights and Trademarks Clause 10 "Award winners shall not sell or otherwise dispose of the Oscar statuette, nor permit it to be sold or disposed of by operation of law, without first offering to sell it to the Academy for the sum of $1.00. This provision shall apply also to the heirs and assigns of Academy Award winners who may acquire a statuette by gift or bequest."
Bentley Ramirez
You can't sell an oscar, dipshit. Nice LARP.
James King
lol this.
If the OP would have paused for five seconds from chugging down cocks he would have known this.
Jordan Clark
Ian Gomez
Whatever. Worth a try. I'm selling it and I don't give a fuck about Academy rules.
Parker Thomas
Imagine signing a contract to win a prize. Imagine not being able to do what you want with someone you've earned
Jeremiah Stewart
Land of the free. Can't even sell your own stuff.
Austin Taylor
no one cares about your best goy award, stupid hebe.
Is this some new shill tactic? These threads have been all over lately...
Parker Barnes
Congratulations, you have won the Oscar for the: "Worst LARP"
Sebastian Long
It probably has a serial# printed on the inside so they can identify traitors to the Jewish Hollywood mafia. If it's made out of gold take it to a smelter. I highly doubt it though, no way Jews would allow that kind of carelessness.
No. It wasn't. I live in a nightmare. People posting here were paid to make me look like I am crazy. Please someone hear me. I can't fight the lies anymore.
kys faggot be done with it also post livestream link could make you rich again after your death.
Justin Allen
>I won't reveal my identity on Jow Forums because I fear repercussions from the hollywood establishment, but I will openly violate a contract I signed with them without a second thought and tell them I don't give a fuck about them.
Caleb Gomez
its not progress that you are looking at, evolution sometimes goes in loops you know. Events like this happened before.
you are stuck in an evolutionary loop lol
Aaron Morris
Ahh haha. Ok THIS i almost believe. Hi Corey.
Daniel Gomez
why did you deleted the last thread when other anons start to asking you serious questions?
Pretending to be a washed out used-up Hollywood kiddy fiddling jew drug addict just to impress people you don't even know online. Awwwooooooo owowowow wooooo
Parker Martin
"Beneficial to society".
Hollywood was probably THE MAIN reason our society is gone. That and Boomers.
I'm guessing you're probably a boomer.
Daniel Brown
I did not. The mods did it.
Brayden Evans
Liked you in the burbs, no wonder you where saying hanks was cool
Who are the pedophiles in Hollywood? Who are the directors/actors who are the most prolific sexual abusers? Who are the directors who are the most hell-bent on pushing degenerative agendas? Who are the actors/directors who still have some humanity in them, and aren't converted to sub-human trash like most of Hollywood?
There, some questions like you wanted. Waiting for answers
hollywood only became the stand in for the lack of honest christian beliefs and conviction / moral and philosophical guidance that the boomers discarded and or infiltrated and discredited with false teachings that has since been on the steep downhill slide into the abyss of irrelevance to society. hollywood is, at this point, just as much a product as they are the perpetrators.
Elijah Jackson
Holy fuck is that Jim Carrey in the reflection of the Oscar? Jim Carrey is on Jow Forums?
My family is the top A lister in hollywood. Who is the tippy top in the industry? That's my senpai. Same guy with head in sand. Don't ask don't tell. He's clueless of the shadow world, or at least, doesn't let on to me in the slightest.
>You can’t stop progress. And progress, is my ultimate goal in this life. It's not progress, it's the exact opposite.
Benjamin Nelson
Why are you faggot such dicks to conservative actors/actresses like Vince Vaughn, James Woods, and Mel Gibson? Adam Sandler won’t even fuck with Hollywood anymore and he’s a Jew that finances/produces his own shit because of the politics.
John Davis
>drug addicted >homosexual okkaay that might be real... Is that you Corey ? Tell us why you haven't spilled the beans yet ? You could have said everything on the talmudvision someone is keeping you in check, who's that ? Who are these people ?
Caleb Davis
Ayden Smith
It's all so tiresome.
Cameron Brown
we're all fucking dead soon what more do you have? interdimentional loosh farms? they'll starve to death on me first at this rate
Hudson Taylor
Every movie that comes out actually sucks. the three act format is PLAYED THE FUCK OUT. (you niggers had mountains of data from the 'binge watching' craze and couldn't figure it out, you simply credited the hidden genius of VoD streaming and left it there) you lost touch with the archetypal forms. your pseudo-laveyan neoptism has undermined any and all analytical capabilities. but above all, the thing that fucked you, you built hollow idols. I know that sounds complicated onionman, but follow me here. 1. Capeshit is a pantheon 1.a capeshit is a hebraic pantheon 1.a.I capeshit is composed of canonical constructs and gods 1.b Hebraic philosophy teaches that we MUST sacrifice our gods. 1.b.I yids MUST sacrifice the gods of a pantheon until only one remains 1.b.II yids MUST upset and debase Canonical constructs until only the destructive principal aligned towards the unified god remains 2. Yids are forbidden to accurately tell any mythological tale 2.a Mythological tales are all anyone wants to see 2.b Non-yids are currently telling accurate mythological tales 3. There's shit fuck all you can do about it. 3.a You'll literally have to sacrifice your religion. 3.b You can never fully trust a Rabbi who tells you to do so.
I'm only telling you this because I want other anons to understand how funny the Movie industry really is.
Nicholas Miller
that means youre lying
David Ortiz
read a blake Snyder screenwriting book. basically a recipe book for cookie-cutter stories.
Are you implying academy awards are “won” based on actual personal work and are not merely an industry marketing campaign? Giving an award back to the academy is like an actress returning the jewelry after a scene. It’s not yours and you can’t keep it.
Anthony Parker
>Non-yids are currently telling accurate mythological tales wanna give an example? I've been meaning to find something good for movie night
Leo Murphy
No I really don't. It's better fo your to spend one movie night exploring according to the following criteria. >Non-Yid >Archetypal story How do you find this? You have learn the archetypal forms and understand how to spot them. I wouldn't dream of denying you the learning experience.
Sebastian Rogers
Holy fucking shit. I cannot believe goyim go to see capeshit movies.
Why did the Goonies movie have kids trying to attach a penis to a statue of Antonus agammemnon? The mascot of pedophile cults since 1000 B.C.? ANd the whole "Osiris lost his dick" symbology? And why are the wops called the "Fratelli" family like Podesta's family was originally called? And why does it look like Skippy, Tony the ugly fuck (the guy in chains) and mystery man from the Madeline McCain kidnapping? And why is he singing like most mafia/deep state thugs do to cover the sound of dismembering a human body for disposal like with that sandnigger reporter who got murdered in the embassy? And why do the kids "pass through the fire" in the empty fire place to get to "the underground" where the "treasure" is? And why is that one kid "exercising" like he is tied with his hands and feet dangling with his ass spread like what Kim Noble and other sex abuse survivors have shown as a preferred child rape position? Why is it taking so long to post this?