Can't wait for the ZOG to do the final blow and take your gunnnz away

Be a typical (((republican))) and/or (((conservative))) "huwyte" (and circumcised, lmfao) jewmerican.

> muh gunz
> I got muh gunnnnz
> muh gunz, I got gunz
> as long as muh second amuhment is on - I'm good!
> my sub 100 IQ brain can recite "Mao took the gunz, Stalin took the gunz, Hitler took the gunz" speech from fat piece of zionist jewshill shit Alex "Muh Hero of Free Speech" Jones

This is a constant occurrence, this almost religious fervor for guunz, that these scumbag Trump voting "conserbative" pieces of circumcised goblins fret on. It's almost a religion, the ability to hop on a electric scooter, roll into Walmart, buy an AR15, take a few pics to share on some "conserbative" facebook group, in a Don't Bred on Be shirt of course, like a true indoctrinated puppet faggot brainlet goblin - and then go out in the desert to shoot soap can lids.

> 70+ million of illegals casually walked into Jewmerica in past few decades
> media silently and completely taken over by the jewish owners of Jewmerican zog tax paying cattle
> as well as money
> culture pozzed with filth and degeneracy
> legislative bodies all filled to the brim with jews, agitating for every antichrist value imaginable
> hate speech laws in "Muh Land of the Free" lmfao

B-b-b-b-but we're not giving up our gunnnz! We'll use them to keep the tyranicall gobment in check.

So pathetic. Death to Jewmerica, especially to all those fucks who allowed for ZOG to take over - in exchange for cheap credit, fast food, degenerate pop culture and all other trinkets and commodities of boomer mindset that every Jewmerican has - regardless of his year of birth.

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says the kike hiding behind a vpn

O-oh! We got a conserbative gun owning flyover jewmerican mad!

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>he doesn't know that zog wants us armed to kill the muslims in 2024

Hope you're not mad, conserbative gun owner!

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>kill the muslims

Basic dumb bitch conserbative Jewmerican obsessed with mudslimes.

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says the muslim

Imagine living in croatia and caring about american immigration policy

It is logistically impossible to confiscate all firearms in the United States in the same way its impossible to confiscate all drugs on the market. Unless all Americans pull a good goy and turn the weapons in themselves, which is unlikely in the case of the government issuing such an order, there will always be some guns in the country. There will always be one gun thats too old to trace, there will always be a gun that changed hands multiple times without documentation of the sale, there will always be homemade boomsticks and Cletus will forever have his pappy's double barrel from the early 1800s.
tl;dr: You have to find all the guns before you can take all the guns.

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Damn we got a hero paytriot here, ready to take out Da Mudzlimes!

Remember Muh Benghazy!

lmao what a bunch of salivating faggots you are...I really understand why the jews want to eradicate you in the most perfidious really do deserve it, subhuman CIRCUMCISED scum.

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Pls post pics of aircraft carriers to impress me.

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You seem way more upset for this to just be about guns, whats the deal man?

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Poor golem. He could have a beautiful women, childrens, dog and a ranch right now. But he falled for the Hollywood movies

are you @ italic_shitposting

>can't keep Serbs out of his mouth even when talking about mutts thousands of miles away
Checks out

>tfw no pappys double barrel from the 1800s

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That dude ugly asf

>Can't wait for the ZOG to do the final blow and take your gunnnz away.
It's not even physically possible at this point. Pic related. Even better, New Zealand has admitted that they're experiencing massive non compliance. There's between 1.2 million and 1.5 million guns in private hands in Kiwi land. The Australian government confiscated 650,000 guns, but the Aussies kept buying guns and now they have over 3 million.
>We're gonna take your guns
That ship has sailed.

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>the seething double kvetch

rare desu

>muh hometown is filled with shitskins
>at least I have muh gunz

>this shitty b8 by subhuman has replies
>none of them probably even saged
fuck this shitty site

I'm a worshiper of firearms, implements of war, the spirit of their creation, etc. It's a bit like the cult of Hephaestus but specifically without any of that creepy greek homobuttsex stuff.

The flimsy social construct that keeps life pleasant enough for 'us' to give up war and murder of 'you' for sport is the thing you keep attempting to destroy... Why would you do this? Are you literally suicidal? The law does not give us rights, the law is there to declare them for those who wish to cross the line and get shot. Do you not fully understand that the destruction of 2A means the first to die are those who destroyed it?

The data in this image is incredible if true, I knew Amerimutts owned a lot of guns but this is absolutely astounding. Thanks.

desu banning guns entirely is probably a bad idea. sometimes rule of law fails, and when that happens guns are all you've got

Tell me more about my country.

I like how your shitstain masonic jew utopia piece of shit clay has been driven right on the brink of collapse by the parasite jews yet somehow you refuse to acknowledge it and just act out in hubris doubling down on retard "muh murica yee haw" behavior.

I guess that's the cognitive dissonance. SPLC and ADL will finally find a way to fuck with you idiots and it will be beautiful. Trump was the "last hope" and we all way how that hope panned out hahahahahaha.

Death to Jewmerica.

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Take your meds schizo