Why is Pod Living on the rise?

Why is Pod Living on the rise?

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It's cheaper

Good luck getting laid tho.

user that's from a video game.

Getting laid isn't really determined by your living accomodations. You could just as easily rent an hotel for the night.

Where it has an influence is on long term relationships, e.g. marriage, having children.

internationalist\globalist cockroachism

They want to dehumanize us and living in pods like chickens or cattle is part of it, eating bugs and cutting our genitals off are another part.
Why? Because in ((their)) eyes we're not human.

((They)) also want us to keep an eye on each other to stifle dissent. Our privacy is a bad thing for our overlords.

prepping us for the matrix

Because I want to identify with my community, have experiences, invest in my future, and just need a place to sleep / jack off. I’ll get a hotel when I take a bit h home or hire an escort,

Fuck signing with the mortgage Jew.

>not wanting to build the white chad hive in the middle of the city to redpill the masses and jumpstart the white productivity.

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