Why dont women love men anymore?
Why dont women love men anymore?
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they only love themselves now, OP
They love men, you are just a weak whinny fag
this proves that they hate men
Cuz Ur an incel lol
They never did
They never did. They just don't have to pretend now.
coz they have freedom now.. we cucked ourselves
women can't love in the same way men can
or rather, they can love, but it's an anomaly and shouldn't be relied upon as they might "snap out of it" at any point
women are essentially resigned to faking love and affection for the purposes of material benefit due to this
the whole feminist liberation movement fought for the "right" of women to express themselves, but they never really lacked that right, what they lacked is acceptance of their nature by the men who demanded higher morals from them, thus making truthful expression of their nature a risk they couldn't take, which is oppression by definition
yes, it could be argued that those limitations are more benevolent than malevolent, but that's not really the point of the question
it's not right to demand morals different from what comes naturally, so they were sorta right but went too far off the other end
dutifully pretending to be a loyal wife is a huge sacrifice in personal liberty in order to have stability in life, and women are understandably not keen at all to do that without having to, hence all of the "party while young, then settle" stuff
that kind of sacrificial action (though taken out of necessity rather than inner love), if carried out carefully and dutifully is also admirable, but modern culture lost sight of that
men love with their selfless heart, while women act out love through their selfish brain
tl;dr it's because they're allowed to do that now, whereas before they weren't
Good post
bro i'm a woman who loves a guy so much she puts up with all of his shit and basically cry every night, good women who will love you dearly and stick with you are out there user just look harder
Because the definition of freedom women use is the propagation and immediate gratification of needs and it distorts their nature.
Their lives are motivated by mutual envy, sensuality and ostentation.
A lot of men aren't men anymore
Women love the top 20% of men.
The rest are disposeable to women because women are narcissistic sociopaths.
Why are incels like OP homosexuals?
They can get degrees and earn good money. Because of this, fewer women now have to pretend to love unattractive men.
>they still had incels in the 1900s
>the virgin Otto
>the chad Don Juan
Imagine being so dumb to not understand this page hahaha. Bro if you are a man you are not gonna get far with woman if you don't believe that lol
They do, but I can tell you're probably like me and you don't actually work hard enough on your life or career or everything in general. I've done the bare minimum since my freshman year of HS and it's showing now, even at 25. guys that made 6 months to a year their time to get stuff done are ahead in life. Yet I waited all year to get my hair properly cut.
They love men more than anything else. You'll never be one, though. Just take a step back and look at your thread picture, you fucking cringey, mentally ill frogposter
>if an incel said it, it must be right
You're gonna be in for a fun ride, and you deserve it all
They love men, they just don't love children because they aren't pedophiles.
I could tell you're an incel after a couple of sentences.
Protip: you're the 3% bottom of the barrel trash, you don't know anything about anything
I genuinely love my husband more than myself and anything else in this world, and have a good relationship with most men I've met in my life.
There are some trashy men, probably plenty of them, but I try to judge people as an individual.
Because women don't feel actual love they will artificially "love" you based on what you can provide for them
Read the book
Based. Women are materialists
I don't think people in general are that warm anymore.
Like, I had this massive crush on a girl who was looking to monkey branch to some other guy, and I was devastated when she went with someone else we worked with (both quit after a few months, thank fuck), but looking back on it, as interesting and pretty as she was, she was ICE cold, and I think the fact that I was drunk and told her as much might have been why she entertained me and then dropped me like a ton of bricks. She did get flustered when I said it, and I think it's something she's aware of and is sensitive over.
This guy she was monkey branching from stopped having sex with her. They'd been exclusive for a couple of weeks. I'm not really sure "how" he was keeping his hands to himself with her, but I guarantee you that someone was deeply fucking wrong with that guy and he just wasn't opening up. If she were kind, she might have tried to nurse him a little, tried to pick at what was wrong and work him back out of his shell, but why would she? She's hot shit. She just has to go sway the right way at work and you have like 20 retards fighting to get at her. She had a parade of exes too, and apparently when she was really fucked off with one, she sent him a pic of her with unshaved legs getting ready to take a dick. As erotic as I'm sure that was, what my immediate response was "Wow. That's cold."
But why would you be warm exactly? You did everything right, overachieving high schooler that married your sweetheart before he went into the military. High value, responsible, dependable man that your parents approve of-aaaaand...he's fucking Koreans. Yup. Sounds typical. She moved away from the coast to get away from him and their circle. I believe her exact words when she was a little tipsy were, "he stole my ocean from me."
People are just horrid to each other.
Dunno, the fact that my girlfriend downright insists that she suck my dick to make me feel good makes me think she's at least somewhat in love.
The real question is, with a worldview so negative, into what are people investing their love, with you?
>How would someone who's emotionally down appreciate some love and support?
It's a mystery.
I'm not saying he's ever going to get it. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. Maybe he'll join an ethnocentric cult or a circle of dyed-haired communists and you'll be wondering why there are jackboots walking around in a few decades. I just love the retarded bootstraps mindset people have. Like "why would anyone crave acceptance and be bitter about not finding it?"
He has a right to want something. You getting YOUR dick sucked (your definition of love tho....) doesn't equate with everyone else blowing a satisfying load.
>someone else has to bring you up
This is the problem, though
They're under absolutely no obligation, and most of these worldviews come with self-righteousness that dictates an "I am always right" kind of point of view. Nobody wants to be miserable all the time, and the reason nobody wants to pick-me-up someone who's miserable all the time is that it means when shit goes topsy turvy for them, they have zero guarantee that a morbidly depressed, codependent partner.
And look at you. From just one single post on Jow Forums you make sweeping assumptions about my entire (eight year) relationship, as if you're an expert on love despite not being able to exist happily without a partner. Should you be at 100% happiness without someone? Wholly acceptable not to be, but to be so miserable as you and to make such projections about others.
I love watching these guys because they constantly shit on themselves and others and then wonder why everyone swerves hard. It's like pottery each time, because even here you're attacking me even though all I asked was a very simple question: if you're so negative, why would someone join your misery and wallow in it with you?
They're looking for the skills needed to combat despair and constantly folding and giving in to it doesn't help. It's like saying a job should take you on just because you're so spirited, but you have none of the qualifications or skills needed.
Yeah, relationships take effort and work. They involve sacrifice and consideration. They involve requisites and they involve characteristics to avoid.
If you really want a full list of why constant bitterness is sabotaging your chances I'll gladly supply, but I have this curious feeling you're more into an echo chamber and I have this even more curious feeling that if you reply to this post, it'll demonstrate that.
The sense of entitlement to a partner is absolutely absurd and I'm baffled as to how you even arrived there.
>Read the book
Why? This isn't a debate. I don't have to read some flat Earther's diatribe to disregard their ideas, I don't need to deeply engage with the Nation of Islam's literature to see that the shit about white people being made by an ancient mad scientist named Yakub is some self-serving horseshit. Regular people don't have to jump down your rabbit hole or engage with your mental gymnastics to shoot you down. You're surplus population telling bedtime stories about why you're only failures because someone was mean to you.
I first got laid when I was 15 around the same time I played D&D, Magic, and listened to heavy metal. I had zero dollars and was awkward fuck. The overwhelming majority of my peer group was identical and had basically the same experience. Now I work with teenagers, about a third of whom have actual fucking autism, and they're pairing off and fucking just like everyone else has since time immemorial. You're just wrong and everybody but the most motivated of failures knows it.
>The sense of entitlement to a partner is absolutely absurd and I'm baffled as to how you even arrived there.
They have to be entitled, otherwise their whole system falls apart. If they don't deserve a partner then they have to earn one and understanding that means admitting that they're lacking and that women have agency. They can't handle that shit. Even just saying "the world is unfair" isn't enough because that implies a competition and some personal responsibility.
Its not really about the women, they're just set dressing, its about desperately trying to push responsibility for failure off on others.
I didn't make any assumptions about you or your squeeze. You just said "I'm getting my dick sucked fervently, so that means she loves me at least a little!" I thought it was fucking hilarious.
The rest of your wall is a hilariously reactionary and irrelevant bunch of bullshit that makes me think I touched a nerve. Again, I'm not saying anyone "is" obligated to help him. I'm just pointing out that people who you tell to go die in a ditch can, and do, lose faith in the larger society and go digging for an out in all the wrong ways. I didn't attack you in the slightest. You asked why he wanted love, and I gave you an answer. He's human too.
This. Only woman who loves you 100% is ya mom and even then that's debatable. Trust that no woman will ever love like you love her. Like I love my gf, but I know fully well that our love is nowhere near the same.
they're not
fags get laid and aren't such giant pussies
incels are more like the sexual version of a suburban emo kid who cuts himself because he didn't get the right ipad for his birthday
You can't really earn a partner either.
You can earn a fuck by mastering certain social skills. A partner happens organically, though. It's also not a sign of "not" being a failure. Success isn't a necessary or sufficient condition (if you didn't notice from all the low-iq, low skill people that reproduce). My older brother was on drugs and dating this skeletor-looking bitch one time. I wanted to tell her, "by the power of greyskull, get the fuck out of my brother's home."
People who say this lack experience, or are too self absorbed in their own kiddie pity pool. There are shitty men AND women out there. Your definition of love is very minuscule also. People love in different ways, it's not always about relationships and sex. You just need to get yourself out there and find the right person who loves in the same way you do. But before that, you need to stop seeking validation from every pretty girl you see out your window. You need to start validating and loving yourself first and foremost. When that happens, you will stop the damage control and stop projecting a set of traits on the opposite sex.
It's honestly tiring seeing these kinds of threads devolve in some echo chamber. There is a lot of solid advice, but anons prefer to whine and moan without doing anything about their situation. If you want to remain unhappy and jaded towards your inexperienced perception of women, mind as well try fucking other incel men.
Women have a pathological hatred for ugly men. There is nothing more disgusting to a woman than when an ugly man tries to interact with her in any way.
Women's self worth is based pretty much entirely on how she looks and how her partner looks. In a woman's mind, having an ugly man hang around her decreases her social value.
Women are not capable of love the way men love. Women are superficial to their very core and see human relationships as a transaction.
Echo chamber. Gotcha.
We can, you can't maybe.
The sense of entitlement to a partner will kill people before it gets them anything.
>desperately pushing responsibility for failure onto others
That's an articulate way to put the whole situation, thanks for that and I fully agree, they're eager for 'it' to 'not be their fault,' when these concepts usually stop being useful outside of a courtroom or a first-grade classroom. Accepting responsibility and correcting failures is basically the only way to advance in your own life, lest you live under the thumbs of your every failing til kingdom come.
that statement is objectively not true.
Just because nobody loves you doesn't mean it is true for everyone else. idiot
>The sense of entitlement to a partner will kill people before it gets them anything.
Did anyone ever tell you you're absolutely incoherent from a logical standpoint? It wouldn't be so bad on a site like reddit, where you can say fallacious shit and get a horde of teenagers yucking along with it because they know you. It just looks retarded here.
If you do reproduce, hopefully they'll have your woman's brains.
Where is this 'out there' where all the wonderful women hang out?
>I'm gonna continue to shout at anything that doesn't substantiate my worldview that I am owed a partner
>people who say dependency is bad are 'incoherent'
Somewhere not in your basement.
But I love you. Why don't you love me?
You remind me of those bullies from high school. Picking on the weakest individuals and shitting on them.
They're mentally retarded, almost.
Humans are dependent by definition. The only reason you have your dopamine rush of "rah rah, bootstraps!", while being as dumb as a fucking brick, is because a skirt's affirming your masculinity every day with regular blowies, and that's fine. That's how people work.
More like, trying to help the angry entitled kids in high school who aren't liked by anyone because they're jerks to everyone, by telling them they should not be such huge jerks.
>You're just wrong and everybody but the most motivated of failures knows it.
>You're just wrong and everybody but the most motivated of failures knows it.
No. It's all about appreance and looks.
Only unattractive jerks are disliked by everyone.
>you have no grasp of how you were before a relationship!
watching you people normalize your flaws is funny, but sad at the same time because it's like flat-earthers, they know somewhere deep down that they're wrong but once they admit it it lights the gunpowder trail, and they've been wrong about it all this whole time and people just can't make that happen in their heads because it's too much responsibility
Nobody but you is responsible for your solitude. If you can't tolerate being alone, it's not likely that people are going to tolerate you, for you.
Subscribing humans to one style of living is why you're on Jow Forums being mad at people, my dude.
>you incel losers
>look at me, muh girlfriend, muh dick
>i'm so mature and grown up
It's alright Tyrone, we get it. You're a kickass dude.
They do, only chad though.
legitimate question - what makes you different from other women? if true, what should I be looking out for?
Why do you keep trying to spread this lie all day long on Jow Forums? Your incel cult lies have no place here.
Just read it. Btw no matter how hard you kvetch the incel revolution will not be stopped
Birthcontrol. It does crazy shit to women’s brains.
Weird logic you have there.
>My arguments are mostly a guy ranting on Jow Forums, and fucking breitbart
You shouldn't care about women loving men or not, user.
Just find someone to love you.
And they're not wrong. Feminist ideology is a disgusting cancer, especially when it gets in women's heads
>And they're not wrong.
They are.
Have sex.
>My older brother was on drugs and dating this skeletor-looking bitch one time. I wanted to tell her, "by the power of greyskull, get the fuck out of my brother's home."
Top kek
>They are.
No they;re not
>Have sex.
I have and feminism is still shit
If you were right you wouldn't have to make up facts and sources that don't exist, misinterpret the ones that are properly done, invent facts and scandal, and literally invent fake news, to get your point across. But that's what you fucks did and keep doing.
The real cancer has always been you.
>I have
Prove it.
>all this women hate itt
Women aren't as bad as Internet people say they are. People will claim women are sluttier, less faithful, higher divorce rates etc. but at the same time many men nowadays are more likely to use women for sex, there is no female dignity that is enforced (ie her dad won't beat up a guy who is just playing her for sex), and so forth. It's a systematic problem, and it wasn't caused by your average man or woman.
I don't have to prove shit, And you don't have a remotely non retarded or possible way for me to do that here
If a woman hasn't fucked your ass your understanding of sex is incomplete
Your anger says more than real evidence ever could.
>f you were right you wouldn't have to make up facts
I didn't
>But that's what you fucks did and keep doing.
No anti-feminists don't. Your shitty ideology is just ass
>The real cancer has always been you.
I'm sure it has because your feelings say so
I'm a woman, but I've never felt like one.
I guess in my upbringing it never really mattered.
Out of the four guys I've dated, I've been cheated on by the first three, while the last broke it off in favor of someone else, who cheated on him.
I just think less people love.
Less people know what a functioning relationship is supposed to be like. It just leaves us, the broken ones still hoping and praying desperately to meet the right person, to love and be loved as equals. Anything less, and you'll be thrown away, like I was.
My scars are deep, but I won't let anyone say that I've never loved or that I'm incapable of love. If I never loved, I wouldn't have hurt so much from it all. I wish I could know the touch of love more than the sting of betrayal.
Perhaps someday, you'll find someone. Perhaps we'll die alone in our vain hopes, hollow and dull.
>Anti-feminists don't
Lmao this is what Jow Forums tards actually believe
Women don't fuck men for any number of reasons. Many of which can be absolutely retarded, especially if a woman's been fed man hate all her life/is crazy. It's not always "just you"
Men are angry for valid reasons much of which has been from treated like trash from a manhating insane ideology
I'm not a Jow Forumstard. I'm a man man that rightfully hates feminism. And for your information and to give backgroud, if to you Jow Forumstard=white. I'm a 'minority'
I feel you user.
The only woman, in relationships or family, who didn't abuse me or cheat on me in was my first girlfriend, only ex with whom I'm still friends with.
Our generation is made of broken people and we have to reinvent what relationships are like because the way we've been brought up was so fundamentally broken.
I have hope, but in the meantime I think we have a lot more loneliness and suffering ahead of us.
*from being treated like trash
>I'm not a Jow Forumstard.
I never called you white. I don't care about you, I'm calling out your beliefs on the fact that they are built on lies spread by the Jow Forumstards, of which anti-feminism is a core belief.
The fact that you think you are rightful Is irrelevant.
make me, cumbrain
God. I'm so fucking sorry user. I'm always overly sympathetic to anyone that's been through a similar experience because I know the pain and anguish all too well. I'm so fucking sorry.
They do.
You're probably just one of those men who don't transgress the limits of consent where you just take them when you're not sure they want it, and thus they see that as weakness, so you're basically an incel.
Of course, it could backfire if you're wrong, and you've misplayed your hand, and they decide that what you did was wrong.
Or maybe you're some hot dude and this isn't a problem for you.
Life is stupid, OP. I low-key hate it.
Alright, I feel like helping an user today.
Prepare your ass.
Eh, we've all had it bad.
Empathy is one of the greatest qualities to have and you seem to have a lot of it. I hope that you'll be okay one day.
Great assessment. Also nice trips.
I am this cat.
Thank you. I actually didn't notice.
I don't hate women. I hate feminism. Women who aren't infected with man hating garbage and actually treat men well are fine
I'm not you simpsons posting dumbass
>I'm calling out your beliefs on the fact that they are built on lies spread by the Jow Forumstards, of which anti-feminism is a core belief.
Then that's one thing Jow Forumstards are right about. Even a broken clock is right once a day. And you'd see I'm right if you looked through feminism crappy history any idiot could tell I anti feminists are correct. They're entire history is full of undue shaming, hatred and callous disregard for men of every race, creed and class; up until today. And as an example if were talking about American feminism,, American feminsts still shamed men, ie giving white flowers to men that didn't go to war feminists never had to fight in. Feminists also could have given less of a shit about men that didn't have the vote after women got or slave. And up until today this ideology got twisted even further with women whining about men that built and maintained civilization, whether they wanted to or not; and everything that's ever made their lives easier; while also playing victim cards and oppression Olympics. feminism never stood for anything except people that whined for a little bit of power and everyone else who was actually suffering could fuck off.
Have sex.
>I have and feminism is still shit
Well, I guess. But some people have pussies.
It's not fucking rocket science.
Even your way of looking at things is wrong.
Also the more you try to post sources, the more it becomes apparent that you have no idea what a legitimate source is.
And even if you were right about the history of feminism, which you are not, you would still not be attacking the arguments and logic of feminism, a lot of which are based on genuine logic - which anti-feminism isn't.
The problem is that you substitute actual research made by scholars with posts made by literally whos spouting butthurt bullshit about women.
My advice is that you actually take a good look at feminism history and realize that your entire arguments is memes.
>Well, I guess. But some people have pussies.
And I fucked one that wasn't infected by a bunch of man hatred moreover I have every right not to want a feminist women. I'm not nor have I ever comprosmised my standards for pussy. You shouldn't either
>Even your way of looking at things is wrong.
Again because your feelings say so. I've made more than enough good arguments for why feminism is trash
You're in check, incel.
They do, they just don't love you.
And you're fucking retarded
Enjoy the next 50 years, we're not going anywhere fag boy.